Transcript ABC's

Sharon Elementary Kindergarten Team
Kindergarten has changed dramatically over the past several years. It is
no longer the kindergarten that you or I remember. The expectations
and curriculum standards for a child in kindergarten are very high now.
The curriculum assumes that upon entering kindergarten, most children
already know their colors & shapes, can write their name correctly, use
scissors correctly, count to 100, recognize all or most of the letters of
the alphabet and their sounds! With your help, we are here to make sure
that your child's educational experience will be not only successful, but
fun and exciting also.
ttendance is very important! If your child
misses school, please remember to write a
note or call the office to let us know he/she
will be absent. Most of our Kindergarten
experiences are group oriented and involve
interaction with classmates and hands-on
materials. Therefore, it is next to impossible
to make up work at home!
is for backpacks. Please send your child with his/her
backpack each day and check them after school each
is for communication and conferences. Throughout
the year I will communicate with you through notes,
email, telephone calls, newsletters, progress
reports, and parent teacher conferences. I
encourage you to contact me if you have any
questions or concerns at any time. There is no need
to wait until parent conference day if you have a
concern about your child's progress. Feel free to
send me an email, call me at school, or send a note
to school in your child’s folder.
is for our Discipline Procedures.
Rewards: Pennies earned, Class
Store, and Compliment Bucket.
Consequences: Warning, Time-Out,
Pennies taken away, Walk Laps at
Recess, Notes home or a Phone Call
is a emergency. If an emergency comes up and you need
to change your child’s afternoon transportation, please
call the front office.
is for field trips! We usually take at least
two field trips per year. Information for
those trips will be sent home closer to
time for the trip!
is for gym class! We will have gym
class twice a week. Children should
wear sneakers for gym class.
is for homework! Homework assignments will be sent
home. I encourage you to work with your child a few
minutes each night to review & reinforce the skills we
are working on in school.
is for Ice Cream. Please
send Ice Cream money in on
Thursdays to be eaten
on Friday.
is for joining our PTA! Throughout the school
year there will be a variety of special classroom
activities, celebrations, and PTA meetings. We
also have a Carnival. The Carnival is October 5th.
Look for more information to come home. I
encourage you to attend all functions.
is for keeping up with folders! Folders are our primary
means of communications. The folder will be our way of
making sure things get to and from school. Anything you
need me to see, including money, should be in the folder.
These are checked each morning! There will also be a
monthly behavior chart in the folder that you will need to
sign each night.
is for library and Lunch!
We will be visiting our library each week.
If you are joining your child for lunch,
please meet us in the lunchroom on the
stage and not in our classroom. The
Lunchroom fills up fast with visitors and
you will want to get a seat.
is for money! On many occasions it will be
necessary for your child to bring money to
school. Always send it in a sealed envelope
with the following information on it: name,
amount, purpose, and teacher’s name.
is for Nurse! We have a full time nurse at our school! If your
student requires medication to be taken at school, please
make sure that you fill out the necessary forms in the office.
Our nurse handles all medication.
is for office check-ins and check-outs!
Please make sure to go to our office
when you need to check-in or check-out
your student.
is for PARTY! School policy permits two classroom parties
each year--Christmas and End of Year. The room moms will
usually organize these events and coordinate volunteers and
donations. All are welcome to participate in the festivities!
Birthdays are also special occasions for young children.
Although we are not permitted to have a "party" for each
individual child, parents are welcome to provide a simple
snack. Birthday celebrations will take place once a month.
All treats must be store bought, no home-baked goods are
allowed. We do have several peanut and egg allergies.
is for questions! Please let us
know if you have any
questions! We are here to
make this the best
experience possible!
is for Report Cards. There have been many
changes to our Report Card and Curriculum this
is for snacks! Please keep it simple as our snack time
is short. Children are permitted to bring spill proof
water bottles to be used during snack.
is for tying shoes! Unfortunately, this is a very necessary skill that
is no longer taught in school. Please work on this with your child at
home. Once they become proficient at tying shoes, they will
become one of my "Tying Teachers" and assist in teaching other
students with learning to tie shoes.
Each child is UNIQUE and special. They enter my
classroom with different skills, personalities,
experiences, backgrounds and learning styles.
It is my aspiration to foster their individual
strengths and help each child develop to his/her
fullest potential; academically and socially. My
goal is to teach them to fall in love with learning!
is for volunteers and visitors! We love having volunteers in
our school! We will be arranging our volunteer schedule
soon! All volunteers and visitors must check in at the
office to receive a visitor’s pass.
is for wearing practical clothes! We try our
best to keep clothing clean throughout the
day but sometimes it is impossible! Please
send your child to school with that in mind!
is for having eXtra clothes! Please keep a change of clothes in
your students backpack in case of an accident!
is for YOU! Always remember you are a
teacher too! There is no one who is more
influential in your child’s life than you!
is for ZzZzZz...please make sure that your
child gets plenty of rest each night.
Setting and keeping a bedtime helps
children to be alert and ready to learn
each day!