BM Core Values

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Transcript BM Core Values

Responsible Behaviour - CHSMC
• At CHSMC, recognizing our human limitations
is viewed as a stepping stone to responsible
behaviour and moral growth. Self-awareness
should be encouraged and therefore students
should be provided with the support needed
to come to this important realization. This
step will be followed by further support that
will lead the students to become aware of
their self-management needs.
• This requires :
• A safe environment with specific structures that
encourage such behaviour.
• That students are supported to go through a reflective
process that answers the following questions:
• What and how it happened? Why was it bad? How
were you involved? How can you take responsibility?
How can we support you? Finally, How would you
approach this similar situation in the future?
Respect - Such behaviour is considered to be
an opportunity wherein the involved is taught
to become more socially aware and more
aware of the effect this behaviour could have
on relationships.
• Respect - This approach becomes crucial that the
harm caused to the self, others and the
environment and the learning needs of the
student causing the harm, are both taken in
consideration when the action is being taken.
CHSMC ensures that the students are made aware
of the result of their action on others , self and
the enviroment. This paves the way to the final
step that to take Responsibility.
• Responsibility - The biggest lessons of life
were not learnt until people were faced with
the consequences of their erratic choices
(Sir Alex Ferguson).
• As Dr. Popkin says: Responsibility = Choices +
• Consequences improve Responsible Decision
• At CHSMC -Behaviour which diverts from the
expectations outlined in this policy is tackled in a
fair and equitable manner, by proceeding through
the five phases listed in the relevant procedures
for each school - phase 1 being the mildest and
phase 5 the most serious. Please refer to
Appendix 5 for Chiswick House School and
Appendix 6 for St. Martin’s College.