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CS 4240: More Design Patterns
 Chap. 9
Let’s Recap Some Ideas and
We’ll assume some design-planning is
useful up-front
Design with change in mind
Change will happen
Not sure exactly what it will be
Can predict in advance where it’s likely to
Strategies in Response to This
In anticipation of change, consider doing
Program to an interface not an implementation
Favor aggregation over inheritance
Encapsulate things that will vary
Even if you’re not quite sure how they may vary
Often Logic Varies
Read textbook pp. 142-152
Example: calculating sales tax
A SalesOrder object-instance must know how
to calculate tax for itself
Rules vary by country
Rules change
New countries/rules may be added
Strategy Pattern
The idea:
When choice of an algorithm is a dimension of
variability among a family of similar things
Hide this behind an interface
The client codes to this interface
This object is usually aggregated with another
This pairing must be established before use
Is this Common?
 You’ve seen the Java Comparator interface
 Business rules
University registration system
Student Bob wants to register for CS3205
Allowed or not? selectedCourse.allowReg(aStudent)
Lots of logic here.
 Varies by course.
 Varies by student (on probation? too many credits?)
 Changes over time.
Strategy Pattern Description, part 1
 Intent: Enables you to use different business
rules or algorithms depending on the context in
which they occur.
 Problem:
The selection of an algorithm that
needs to be applied depends on the client
making the request or the data being acted on. If
you just have a rule in place that does not
change, you do not need a Strategy pattern.
 Solution:
Separates the selection of
algorithm from the implementation of the
algorithm. Allows for the selection to be made
based upon context.
Strategy Pattern Description, part 2
Strategy Pattern Description, part 3
 Participants and collaborators:
Strategy specifies common interface for the algorithms.
ConcreteStrategies implement these different
Context linked to a specific ConcreteStrategy with a
reference of type Strategy.
Strategy and Context interact to implement the chosen
 Context forwards requests from its client to Strategy.
 Sometimes Strategy must query Context.
Strategy Pattern Description, part 4
 Consequences:
The Strategy pattern defines a family of algorithms.
Switches and/or conditionals can be eliminated.
 This might improve run-time efficiency!
You must invoke all algorithms in the same way. (They
must all have the same interface.)
The interaction between the Concrete Strategies and
the Context may require the addition of methods that get
state to the Context.
Strategy Pattern Description, part 5
 Implentation notes, etc.
Client responsible for linking a Context object with a
particular ConcreteStrategy
 This means Client must “understand” what strategies are
there. So some coupling but at a higher level.
 Note this link is dynamic -- could change
 If inheritance used to define a “SubContext” class, it’s
Optional Strategy makes sense?
 Allow for Context to have null for its reference to Strategy
• So must check first before calling
• If null, Context has default behavior coded in Context
Think About and Discuss
Are State and Strategy DPs similar? The
How different?
Suggestion: look up Web resources to
learn more.
Strategy Examples
Java comparator objects?
Collections.sort(theList, new MyComparator());
How does this match the pattern? How not?
Two classes need an algorithm for
calculating check-sums
CheckedInputStream, CheckedOutputStream
Two algorithms defined that meet
CheckSum interface
Adler32 and CRC32
Constructors for first two classes get an
instance of Checksum
java.util.zip and Checksum interface
Interface Checksum:
long getValue() : Returns the current checksum value.
void reset() : Resets the checksum to its initial value.
void update(byte[] b, int off, int len) : Updates the current checksum with
the specified array of bytes.
void update(int b) : Updates the current checksum with the specified byte.
Other Examples
Input field validation in GUIs
Valid type, range, values, etc.
A Validate interface hides algorithm/logic used
Each input-field linked to a Validate instance
All fields told to validate() their contents
Memory allocation (a la C/C++)
Get memory chunks, return chunks
But could involve memory-pools, caches, locks,
other management
Again, here’s class that more like an
operation than a “thing” or entity