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Transcript Presentation

ODU Safety Button
Presented by Wayne Stilwell
CS 495
Fall 2011
• Allow students to contact police in situations
where they cannot talk.
• Help request is triggered by pressing the
power button 5 times.
• The student’s location, basic information, and
an audio recording is sent to the police.
Why Audio and No Video
• Not safe to take phone out when being
– If phone stays in your pocket, video is useless.
What I Completed
• Load GPS locations
• Send SMS automatically
(“behind the scenes”)
• Send Email
automatically (with
• Record audio
• Detect if WiFi is
• Let user select or take a
picture and save it to
my application
• Allow user to cancel a
request if sent
• Status bar notification
• Geocode address
What Needs to be Added/Fixed
• Don’t allow the app to trigger help requests
off campus.
• Detect if GPS is enabled
• Get email working flawlessly
• Length of audio recording is not consistent
• Other things I’ll discover during the demo
Problems I Faced
• Used JavaMail API to send email “behind the
– Doesn’t seem to work when WiFi is off.
• Send SMS to email address instead
• Doesn’t allow me to add attachments
– WiFi seems to turn off when the screen goes off
• Used a wake lock (ACQUIRE_CAUSES_WAKEUP) to turn
screen on, wake-up WiFi, and send the email
• Not ideal
Problems I Faced
• Could not figure out how to send MMS
• Google temporarily locked my account
– Thought I was spamming
– Luckily I was emailing myself, so the messages that
were blocked still appeared in my inbox
– Possible solution: make students enter their email
Main Screen
• Request Help
– To contact police
– Confirmation pop-up
• Call ODU Police
– Returns to this screen
when call ends.
• Profile
• About
Profile Screen
• User can enter their
name, gender, and
select a picture.
• “Select Picture” button
opens up the photo
– The picture is resized
and saved to the app.
About Screen
• Gives basic tips and
information on how to
use the application.