Powerpoint on Balancing Ca P

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Transcript Powerpoint on Balancing Ca P

Balancing Ca & P
• After balance for CP & energy
• Next balance for Ca & P
• Calculate how much supplied by diet
• Subtract from requirements
Balancing Ca & P – Using Daily Amounts
• Diet supplies: 9.6 g Ca & 5.5 g P
• Requirements: 20 g Ca & 10 g P
• Always do P first!
• Dicalcium phosphate contains Ca
• Dical = 18.5% P, 22% Ca
• Limestone = 39% Ca
Balancing Ca & P – Using Daily Amounts
• Phosphorus
• 10 g req – 5.5 g in diet = 4.5 g needed
• 4.5 g / 0.185 = 24.3 g dical
• 24.3 g dical x 0.22 = 5.35 g Ca added
Balancing Ca & P – Using Daily Amounts
• Calcium
• 20 g req – 9.6 g in diet – 5.35 g in dical
= 5.05 g needed
• 5.05 g / 0.39 = 12.95 g limestone
Balancing Ca & P – Using Daily Amounts
• Need to add:
• 24.3 g dicalcium phosphate
• 12.95 g limestone
Balancing Ca & P – Using Percentages
• If balancing using %.....
• Can’t just add dical or limestone
• Would take the total over 100%
• Need to use a dilution factor
Balancing Ca & P – Using Percentages
• Dilution factor
• Allows room for ingredients that won’t
contribute energy or protein
• Dilution usually ≈ 3%
• Need to increase % energy & protein
balanced for
Balancing Ca & P – Using Percentages
• Example:
• Balance a diet for 18% CP, 0.7% Ca and
0.5% P
• Use corn & SBM
• Leave room for salt (0.5%), TM
(0.25%), and vitamins (0.25%)
• Use a 3% dilution factor
Balancing Ca & P – Using Percentages
• 3% dilution means 3% of diet won’t
supply any protein
• So, CP requirement must be in other
• 18% CP / 0.97 = 18.56% CP
Pearson Square Diet Balancing
Corn 8.8% CP
27.24 parts Corn
18.56% CP
SBM 45.8% CP
9.76 parts SBM
Pearson Square Diet Balancing
27.24 parts Corn
9.76 parts SBM
37.0 Total parts
27.24/37 x 0.97 = 71.41% Corn
9.76/37 x 0.97 = 25.59% SBM
97.0 %
Balancing Ca & P – Using Percentages
• Same method as for amounts
• Phosphorus
• 0.5% req – 0.33% in diet = 0.17% needed
• 0.17% / 0.185 = 0.92% dical
• 0.92% dical x 0.22 = 0.20% Ca added
Balancing Ca & P – Using Percentages
• Calcium
• 0.7% req – 0.10% in diet – 0.20% in
dical = 0.40% needed
• 0.40% / 0.39 = 1.02% limestone
Balancing Ca & P – Using Percentages
• Need to add:
• 0.92% dical
• 1.02% limestone
• 0.5% salt
• 0.25% trace minerals
• 0.25% vitamins
• Total = 2.94%