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Transcript schemeInPython.ppt

Scheme in
 We’ll look at how to implement a simple
scheme interpreter in Python
 This is based on the Scheme in Scheme
interpreter we studied before
 We’ll look at pyscheme 1.6, which was
implemented by Danny Yoo as an
undergraduate at Berkeley
 Since Python doesn’t optimize for tail
recursion, he uses trampolining, which we’ll
What we need to do
 A representation for Scheme’s native data
• Pairs (aka, cons cells), symbols, strings,
 A reader that converts a stream of characters
into a stream of s-expressions
• We’ll introduce an intervening step reading
characters and converting to tokens
 Implement various built-ins
• e.g., cons, car, +, …
What we won’t need to do
We can rely on Python for a number of very
useful things
• Representing numbers and strings
• Garbage collection
• Low level I/O
 Atoms include strings, number, and symbols
 We’ll use Python’s native representation for
string and numbers
 Symbols in Scheme are interned – there is a
unique object for each symbol read
 This is how they differ from strings,
which are not interned
• Note: some Lisp implementations intern small integers
# A global dictionary that contains all known symbols
class __Symbol(str):
"""A symbol is just a special kind of string"""
def __eq__(self, other): return self is other
def symbol(s):
""""Returns symbol given string, creating new ones if needed”””
global __interned_symbols
if s not in __INTERNED_SYMBOLS:
__INTERNED_SYMBOLS[s] = __Symbol(s)
# Here are definitions of symbols that we should know
scheme_false = symbol("#f")
scheme_true = symbol("#t")
__empty_symbol = Symbol("")
def isSymbol(s): return type(s) == type(__empty_symbol)
GCing Unused Symbols
 If the only reference to a symbol is from the
global list of interned symbols, it can be
garbage collected
 We’ll use Python’s weakref’s for this
 A weak reference is a reference that doesn’t
protect an object from garbage collection
 Objects referenced only by weak
references are considered unreachable
(or "weakly reachable") and may be
collected at any time
using weakrefs
import weakref
from UserString import UserString as __UserStr
class __Symbol(__UserStr):
if s not in __INTERNED_SYMBOLS:
# make a temp strong reference
newSymbol = __Symbol(s)
__INTERNED_SYMBOLS[s] = newSymbol
Representing pairs
 The core of scheme only has one kind of data
structure – lists– and it is made up out of pairs
 What Python types should we use?
• A user defined class, Pair
• Lists
• Tuples
• Dictionary
• Closures
Aside: pairs as closures
 Functions are very powerful
 We can use them to represent cons cells or
 We don’t want to do this in practice
 But it shows the power of programming with
(define (mycons theCar theCdr)
;; mycons returns a closure that takes a 2-arg function and
;; it to the two remembered vlue's, i.e., the pair's car and cdr.
(lambda (f) (f theCar theCdr)))
(define (mycar cell)
;; mycar takes a pair closure and feeds it a 2-arg function that
;; just returns the first arg
(cell (lambda (theCar theCdr) theCar)))
(define (mycdr cell)
;; mycdr takes a pair closure and feeds it a 2-arg function that
;; just returns the first arg
(cell (lambda (theCar theCdr) theCdr)))
(define myempty
;; the empty list is just a function that always returns true.
(lambda (f) #t))
(define (mynull? cell)
;; a pair is not the empty list
(eq? cell myempty))
> (define p1 (mycons 1 (mycons 2 myempty)))
> p1
> (mycar p1)
> (mycdr p1)
> (mycar (mycdr p1))
> (mycdr (mycdr p1))
Representing pairs
 We’ll define a subclass of list to represent a pair
Class Pair(list) : pass
 The cons functions creates a new cons cell with
a given car and cdr
def cons(car, cdr):
return Pair([car, cdr])
 Defining built-in functions for pairs will be easy
def car(p): return p[0]
def cdr(p): return p[1]
def cadr(p): return car(cdr(p))
def set_car(p,x): p[0] = x
Lexical Analyzer
 Consume a string of characters, identify
tokens, throw away comments and
whitespace, and return a list of remaining
 Each token will be a (<type>, <token>) tuple
like (‘number’, ‘3.145’) or (‘comment’, ‘;; foo’)
 Recognize tokens using regular expressions
 We won’t worry about efficiency
Token regular expressions
('whitespace', re.compile(r'(\s+)')),
('comment', re.compile(r'(;[^\n]*)')),
('(', re.compile(r'(\()')),
(')', re.compile(r'(\))')),
('dot', re.compile(r'(\.\s)')),
('number', re.compile(r'([+\]?(?:\d+\.\d+|\d+\.|\.\d+|\d+))')),
('symbol', re.compile(r'([a-zAZ\+\=\?\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\\/\.\>\<][\w\+\=\?\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\-\/\.\>\<]*)')),
('string', re.compile(r'"(([^\"]|\\")*)"')),
('\'', re.compile(r'(\')')),
('`', re.compile(r'(`)')),
(',', re.compile(r'(,)')) ]
Lex Examples
>>> from lex import *
>>> tokenize("")
[(None, None)]
>>> tokenize(" 1 2. .3 1.3 -4")
[('number', '1'), ('number', '2.'), ('number',
'.3'), ('number', '1.3'), ('number', '-4'),
(None, None)]
>>> tokenize('foo 12.3foo +')
[('symbol', 'foo'), ('number', '12.3'),
('symbol', 'foo'), ('symbol', '+'), (None,
>>> tokenize('(foo (bar ()))')
[('(', '('), ('symbol', 'foo'), ('(', '('),
('symbol', 'bar'), ('(', '('), (')', ')'),
(')', ')'), (')', ')'), (None, None)]
Raw string notation
>>> s = ‘\nfoo\n’
>>> s
>>> print s
>>> s = r'\nfoo\n'
>>> s
>>> print s
def tokenize(s):
toks = []
found = True
while s and found:
found = False
for type, regex in PATTERNS:
match_obj = regex.match(s)
if match_obj:
if type not in ('whitespace', 'comment'):
s = s[match_obj.span()[1] :]
found = True
if not found:
print "\nNo match'", s, ”’ – tokenize”
return tokens
tokenize() examples
>>> from lex import *
>>> tokenize('(a 1.0)')
[('(', '('), ('symbol', 'a'), ('number',
'1.0'), (')', ')'), (None, None)]
>>> tokenize('(define (add1 x)(+ x 1))')
[('(', '('), ('symbol', 'define'), ('(', '('),
('symbol', 'add1'), ('symbol', 'x'), (')',
')'), ('(', '('), ('symbol', '+'), ('symbol',
'x'), ('number', '1'), (')', ')'), (')',
')'), (None, None)]
 Consume a sequence of tokens and produce
a sequence of s-expressions
 Use a recursive descent parser
 We’ll handle just a few special cases, namely
quote and backquote and dotted pairs
Peeking and eating
def peek(tokens):
"""Take a quick glance at the first token
in our tokens list.""”
if len(tokens) == 0:
raise ParserError, "While peeking:
ran out of tokens.”
return tokens[0]
Peeking and eating
def eat(tokens, desired_type):
"""If the type of the next token is desired_type,
pop it from the list and return it, else return
if len(tokens) == 0:
raise ParserError, 'No tokens left,
seeking ' + desired_type
return tokens.pop(0)
if tokens[0][0] == desired_type
else False
Peeking and eating
def eat_safe(tokens, tokenType):
"""Digest the first token in our tokens list, making
sure that we're
biting on the right tokenType of thing.""”
if len(tokens) == 0:
raise ParserError, "While trying to eat %s: ran
out of tokens." % tokenType )
if tokens[0][0] != tokenType:
raise ParserError, "Seeking %s got %s" %
(tokenType, tokens[0])
return tokens.pop(0)
def parseExpression(tokens):
if eat(tokens, '\''):
return cons(symbol('quote'),
cons(parseExpression(tokens), NIL))
if eat(tokens, '`'):
return cons(symbol('quasiquote'),
cons(parseExpression(tokens), NIL))
elif eat(tokens, ','):
return cons(symbol('unquote'),
cons(parseExpression(tokens), NIL))
elif eat(tokens, '('):
return parse_list_members(tokens)
elif peek(tokens)[0] in
return parse_atom(tokens)
raise ParserError, ”Parsing: no alternatives"
def parse_list_members(tokens):
if eat(tokens, 'dot'):
final = parseExpression(tokens)
eat_safe(tokens, ')')
return final
if peek(tokens)[0] in ('\'’,'`’,',’,'(’,
return cons(parseExpression(tokens),
if eat(tokens, ')'):
return NIL
raise ParserError, "Can't finish list” + tokens
Recursive descent parsing
 Remember one problem with recursive
descent parsing is that the grammar has to be
right recursive
 Another potential problem is recursing too
deeply and exceeding the limit on the stack
 But maybe we can use tail recursion, which an
interpreter or compiler can recognize and
execute as iteration?
 Not in Python 
Python doesn’t optimize tail recursion
def fact0(n):
# iterative facorial
result = 1
while n>1:
result *= n
n -= 1
return result
def fact1(n):
# simple recursive factorial
return 1 if n==1 else n*fact2(n - 1)
def fact2(n, result=1):
# tail recursive factorial
return result if n==1 else fact2(n-1, n*result)
Try this
Default limit is 999
fact2(1000) and fact3(1000) both die
>>> fact2(1000)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "", line 17, in fact2
return result if n==1 else fact2(n-1, n*result)
File "", line 17, in fact2
File "", line 17, in fact2
return result if n==1 else fact2(n-1, n*result)
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
How to solve this?
 You can set the maximum recursion depth
>>> import sys
>>> sys.getrecursionlimit()
>>> sys.setrecursionlimit(10000)
>>> fact2(1100)
53437084880926377034242155 ... 00000000L
 But this is not a general solution
 And Guido is on the record as not wanting to
optimize tail recursion
Trampoline Style
 A trampoline is a loop that iteratively invokes
thunk-returning functions
A thunk is just a a piece of code to perform a
delayed computation (e.g., a closure)
 A single trampoline can express all control
transfers of a program
 Converting a program to trampolined style is
This is kind of continuation passing style of
 Trampolined functions can do tail recursive
function calls in stack-oriented languages
Trampolining is one answer
 A way to program using CPS, Continuation
Passing Style
 CPS is a style of programming where control is
passed explicitly as continuations
 Trampolining is a simple way to
eliminate recursion
 We’ll use a simple kind of trampolining
 Instead of making a recursive call, a
procedure can bounce back up to its
caller with a continuation, which can
be called to proceed with the computation
from pogo import pogo, land, bounce
def fact3(n):
# factorial in a trampolined style
return pogo(fact_tramp(n))
def fact_tramp(n, result=1):
return land(result) if n==1 else
bounce(fact_tramp, n-1, n*result)
Variable length argument lists
>>> def foo(*args):
print "Number of arguments:", len(args)
print "Arguments are: ", args
>>> foo(1,2,3,'d',5)
Number of arguments: 5
Arguments are: (1, 2, 3, 'd', 5)
>>> def bar(arg1, *rest):
print …
def bounce(function, *args):
"""Returns new trampolined value that
continues bouncing"""
return ('bounce', function, args)
def land(value):
"""Returns new trampolined value that
lands off trampoline"""
return ('land', value)
It works
>>> sys.setrecursionlimit(10)
>>> fact3(100)
>>> fact3(1000)
def pogo(bouncer):
while True:
if bouncer[0] == 'land’:
return bouncer[1]
elif bouncer[0] == 'bounce':
bouncer = bouncer[1](*bouncer[2])
raise TypeError, "not a bouncer”
except TypeError:
raise TypeError, "not a bouncer”
See pyscheme1.6
 Pyscheme1.6 is written in trampoline style
 Which was done by hand, as opposed to
using an automatic trampoliner
 And which I’ve been undoing by hand
def eval(exp, env):
return pogo.pogo(teval(exp, env,
def teval(exp, env, cont):
if expressions.isIf(exp):
return evalIf(exp, env, cont)
def evalIf(exp, env, cont):
def c(predicate_val):
if isTrue(predicate_val):
return teval(ifConsequent(exp), env, cont)
return teval(ifAlternative(exp), env, cont)
return teval(expressions.ifPredicate(exp), env, c)
def eval(exp, env):
if exp.isSelfEvaluating(exp): return exp
if exp.isVariable(exp):
return env.lookupVariableValue(exp, env)
if exp.isQuoted(exp): return evalQuoted(exp, env)
if exp.isAssignment(exp):
return evalAssignment(exp, env)
if exp.isDefinition(exp):
return evalDefinition(exp, env)
if exp.isIf(exp): return evalIf(exp, env)
if exp.isLambda(exp):
return exp.makeProcedure(exp.lambdaParameters(exp),
exp.lambdaBody(exp), env)
if exp.isBegin(exp):
return evalSequence(exp.beginActions(exp), env)
if exp.isApplication(exp):
return evalApplication(exp, env)
raise SchemeError, "Unknown expr, eval " + str(exp)
def apply(procedure, arguments, env):
if exp.isPrimitiveProcedure(procedure):
return applyPrimProc(procedure, arguments, env)
if exp.isCompoundProcedure(procedure):
newEnv = env.extendEnvironment(
return evalSequence(exp.procedureBody(procedure),
raise SchemeError, "Unknown proc - apply " +
 An environment will be a list of frames
 Each frame will be a Python dictionary with
the variable names as keys and their values
as values
def enclosingEnvironment(env): return env[1:]
def firstFrame(env): return env[0]
def extendEnvironment(var_pairs, val_pairs, base):
new_frame = {}
vars = toPythonList(var_pairs)
vals = toPythonList(val_pairs)
if len(vars) != len vals:
raise SchemeError, "Mismatched vals and vars"
for (var, val) in zip(vars, vals):
new_frame[var] = val
return new_frame + base_env
Lookup a Variable Value
def lookupVariableValue(var, env):
while True:
raise SchemeError,"Unbound var “+var
frame = firstFrame(env)
if frame.has_key(var):
return frame[var]
env = enclosingEnvironment(env)
Define/Set a Variable
def defineVariable(var, val, env):
firstFrame(env)[var] = val
def setVariableValue(var, val, env):
while True:
raise SchemeError, "Unbound variable -- SET! " + var
top = firstFrame(env)
if top.has_key(var):
top[var] = val
env = enclosingEnvironment(env)
 We’ll define a Python function to handle each of
the primitive Scheme functions
 Many List functions take any number of args:
• (+ 1 2) => 3
• (+ 1 2 3 4 5) => 15
• (+ ) => 0
 We can takuse Python’s (new) syntax for
functions that take any number or args, e.g.:
• If the last parameter in a function’s parameter list is
preceded by a *, it’s bound to a list of the remaining args
• def add (*args): sum(args)
def allNumbers(numbers):
for n in numbers:
if type(n) not in (types.IntType, types.LongType,
return 0
return 1
def schemeAdd(*numbers):
if not allNumbers(numbers):
raise SchemeError, "prim + - non-numeric arg”
return sum(numbers)
Setting up the initial environment
def setupEnvironment():
PRIME_PROCEDURES = [ ["car",],
["cdr", pair.cdr], ["+", schemeAdd], ... ]
init_env = env.extendEnvironment(
for name, proc in PRIME_PROCEDURES:
p = cons(symbol("primitive"), cons(proc, NIL))
defineVariable(symbol(name), p, env)
defineVariable(symbol("#t"),symbol("#t"), init_env)
defineVariable(symbol("#f"), symbol("#f"), init_env)
return initial_environment