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HW: Sheet—Graphing Linear Inequalities—
due Friday
…and pick up today’s Warm-Up: “SlopeIntercept Form”
Complete this assignment and turn in to the
You may use the notes in your MathSpace if
necessary—its is about some of the “stuff” that
was on the test earlier this week.
 Scissors and glue
 Straightedge
 One colored pencil
 Foldable: “Graphing Linear Functions Practice”
 1/2-Sheet: “Graphing Linear Functions”
The notes you wrote from the previous slide are a summary of how to graph linear
inequalities. If you think you need some examples worked out, watch this video
(click the link).
If the link doesn’t work, open a new window and type in URL:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvyFoUhFY-c Copy and past the address
Here’s another example:
Another example
If the link doesn’t work, go here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Va6eoQcwzGg Copy and past the address
 These problems will help you practice solving the inequality for y so that
you may graph it.
 Try these problems. Remember that if you divide both sides by a
negative number, you must switch/flip the inequality symbol!
 When finished, check your answers with the teacher.
Use the notes from the graphing organizer (3
slides ago) to complete these problems
Check your answers with the teacher.
 Writing the inequality
If the link above doesn’t work, go here: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/algebra-basics/corealgebra-graphing-lines-slope/core-algebra-graphing-linear-inequalities/v/graphing-linearinequalities-in-two-variables-3
Copy and paste the address.
 Check your answers with the teacher.
…into your MathSpace.
Then, ask the teacher for the
homework assignment. It is due
tomorrow (Friday!).
Remember Mr. Maldonado has tutoring
today after school, and there is tutoring
tomorrow at lunch in Portable 11.