Transcript LECT19.PPT

Functions I
Creating a programming
with small logical units of code
CMSC 104
Structured Programming
CMSC 104
Structured programming is a problem solving
strategy and a programming methodology
that includes the following guidelines
o The flow of control in the program should
be as simple as possible
o The construction of a program should
embody top-down design
Top-Down Design
CMSC 104
Repeatedly decomposing a problem into
smaller problems
Eventually leads to
o a collection of small problems or tasks
o each can be easily coded
The function construct in C is used to
write code for these small, simple
Function Invocation
CMSC 104
A program is made up of one or more
functions, one of which is main()
Execution always begins with main()
When program control encounters a function
name, the function is called, or invoked
o Program control passes to the function
o The function is executed
o Control is passed back to the calling
Example function call
#include <stdio.h>
main ( )
printf is the name of a
function in the stdio library
printf (“Hello World!\n”);
this is a string we are passing
as an argument to the printf function
CMSC 104
this statement
is known as
a function
We have used 3 functions so far
o printf ( )
o scanf ( )
o getchar ( )
Programmers can write their own
CMSC 104
PrintMessage function
#include <stdio.h>
void PrintMessage (void);
main ( )
PrintMessage ( );
void PrintMessage (void)
printf (“A message for you:\n\n”);
printf (“Have a Nice Day!\n”);
CMSC 104
Examining PrintMessage
#include <stdio.h>
void PrintMessage (void);
main ( )
PrintMessage ( );
void PrintMessage (void)
printf (“A message for you:\n\n”);
printf (“Have a Nice Day!\n”);
CMSC 104
function Prototype
function call
function header
The function prototype
Informs the compiler that there will a function
defined later that :
returns this type
has this name
takes these arguments
void PrintMessage (void);
CMSC 104
Needed because the function call is made
before the definition -- the compiler uses it to
see if the call is made properly
The Function Call
Passes program control to the function
Must match prototype in name and
number and types of arguments
void PrintMessage (void);
main ( ) same name no arguments
PrintMessage ( );
CMSC 104
The Function Definition
Control was passed to the function by the
function call, so the statements within the
function body will be executed
void PrintMessage (void)
printf (“A message for you:\n\n”);
printf (“Have a Nice Day\n”);
CMSC 104
After the statements in the function have
completed, control is passed back to the
calling function... in this case main ( )
Syntax of a
Function Definition
type FunctionName (list of formal parameters)
variable declarations
CMSC 104
Everything before the first brace is the header
Everything between the braces is the body
Another version of
void PrintMessage (int counter);
main ( )
int num;
printf (“Enter an integer: “);
scanf (“%d”, &num);
PrintMessage (num);
one argument
of type int
CMSC 104
void PrintMessage (int counter)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < counter; i++)
printf (“Have a nice day\n\n”);
matches the one
formal parameter
of type int
The Function Header Comment
** PrintMessage
** prints out “Have a Nice Day”
** the number of times specified by the parameter ‘counter’
void PrintMessage (int counter)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < counter; i++)
printf (“Have a nice day\n\n”);
CMSC 104