Lecture 11: While Loops

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Transcript Lecture 11: While Loops

The while Looping Structure
• The while Loop
• Program Versatility
Sentinel Values and Priming Reads
• Checking User Input Using a while Loop
• Section 3.7
CMSC 104, Version 9/02
Review: Repetition Structure
• A repetition structure allows the programmer to
specify that an action is to be repeated while
some condition remains true.
• There are three repetition structures in C, the
while loop, the for loop, and the do-while loop.
CMSC 104, Version 9/02
The while Repetition Structure
while ( condition )
The braces are not required if the loop body
contains only a single statement. However, they
are a good idea and are required by the 104 C
Coding Standards.
CMSC 104, Version 9/02
while ( children > 0 )
children = children - 1 ;
cookies = cookies * 2 ;
CMSC 104, Version 9/02
Good Programming Practice
• Always place braces around the body of a
while loop.
• Advantages:
Easier to read
Will not forget to add the braces if you go back
and add a second statement to the loop body
Less likely to make a semantic error
• Indent the body of a while loop 3 to 4
spaces -- be consistent!
CMSC 104, Version 9/02
Another while Loop Example
• Problem: Write a program that calculates
the average exam grade for a class of 10
• What are the program inputs?
the exam grades
• What are the program outputs?
the average exam grade
CMSC 104, Version 9/02
The Pseudocode
<total> = 0
<grade_counter> = 1
While (<grade_counter> <= 10)
Display “Enter a grade: ”
Read <grade>
<total> = <total> + <grade>
<grade_counter> = <grade_counter> + 1
<average> = <total> / 10
Display “Class average is: “, <average>
CMSC 104, Version 9/02
The C Code
#include <stdio.h>
int main ( )
int counter, grade, total, average ;
total = 0 ;
counter = 0;
while ( counter <= 10 )
printf (“Enter a grade : “) ;
scanf (“%d”, &grade) ;
total = total + grade ;
counter = counter + 1 ;
average = total / 10 ;
printf (“Class average is: %d\n”, average) ;
return 0 ;
CMSC 104, Version 9/02
• How versatile is this program?
• It only works with class sizes of 10.
• We would like it to work with any class size.
• A better way :
Ask the user how many students are in the
class. Use that number in the condition of the
while loop and when computing the average.
CMSC 104, Version 9/02
New Pseudocode
<total> = 0
<grade_counter> = 1
Display “Enter the number of students: “
Read <num_students>
While (<grade_counter> <= <num_students>)
Display “Enter a grade: ”
Read <grade>
<total> = <total> + <grade>
<grade_counter> = <grade_counter> + 1
<average> = <total> / <num_students>
Display “Class average is: “, <average>
CMSC 104, Version 9/02
New C Code
#include <stdio.h>
int main ( )
int numStudents, counter, grade, total, average ;
total = 0 ;
counter = 0 ;
printf (“Enter the number of students: “) ;
scanf (“%d”, &numStudents) ;
while ( counter <= numStudents) {
printf (“Enter a grade : “) ;
scanf (“%d”, &grade) ;
total = total + grade ;
counter = counter + 1 ;
average = total / numStudents ;
printf (“Class average is: %d\n”, average) ;
return 0 ;
CMSC 104, Version 9/02
Why Bother to Make It Easier?
• Why do we write programs?
So the user can perform some task
• The more versatile the program, the more
difficult it is to write. BUT it is more useable.
• The more complex the task, the more difficult
it is to write. But that is often what a user
• Always consider the user first.
CMSC 104, Version 9/02
Using a Sentinel Value
• We could let the user keep entering grades
and when he’s done enter some special
value that signals us that he’s done.
• This special signal value is called a
sentinel value.
• We have to make sure that the value we
choose as the sentinel isn’t a legal value.
For example, we can’t use 0 as the sentinel
in our example as it is a legal value for an
exam score.
CMSC 104, Version 9/02
The Priming Read
• When we use a sentinel value to control a
while loop, we have to get the first value
from the user before we encounter the
loop so that it will be tested and the loop
can be entered.
• This is known as a priming read.
• We have to give significant thought to the
initialization of variables, the sentinel
value, and getting into the loop.
CMSC 104, Version 9/02
New Pseudocode
<total> = 0
<grade_counter> = 1
Display “Enter a grade: “
Read <grade>
While ( <grade> != -1 )
<total> = <total> + <grade>
<grade_counter> = <grade_counter> + 1
Display “Enter another grade: ”
Read <grade>
<average> = <total> / <grade_counter>
Display “Class average is: “, <average>
CMSC 104, Version 9/02
New C Code
#include <stdio.h>
int main ( )
int counter, grade, total, average ;
total = 0 ;
counter = 0 ;
printf(“Enter a grade (-1 to quit): “) ;
scanf(“%d”, &grade) ;
while (grade != -1) {
total = total + grade ;
counter = counter + 1 ;
printf(“Enter another grade (-1 to quit): “) ;
scanf(“%d”, &grade) ;
CMSC 104, Version 9/02
New C Code (cont.)
if (counter == 0){
printf(“No grades entered!!\n”);
average = total / counter ;
printf (“Class average is: %d\n”, average) ;
return 0 ;
CMSC 104, Version 9/02
Final “Clean” C Code
#include <stdio.h>
int main ( )
int counter ; /* counts number of grades entered */
int grade ;
/* individual grade
int total;
/* total of all grades
int average ; /* average grade
/* Initializations */
total = 0 ;
counter = 0;
CMSC 104, Version 9/02
Final “Clean” C Code (con’t)
/* Get grades from user
/* Compute grade total and number of grades */
printf(“Enter a grade: (-1 to quit)“) ;
scanf(“%d”, &grade) ;
while (grade != -1) {
total = total + grade ;
counter = counter + 1 ;
printf(“Enter another grade (-1 to quit): “) ;
scanf(“%d”, &grade) ;
CMSC 104, Version 9/02
Final “Clean” C Code (con’t)
/* Check to make sure counter is not equal to 0 to */
/* avoid division by zero
if (counter == 0){
printf(“No grades entered!!\n”);
average = total / counter ;
printf (“Class average is: %d\n”, average) ;
return 0 ;
CMSC 104, Version 9/02
Using a while Loop to Check User Input
#include <stdio.h>
int main ( )
int number ;
printf (“Enter a positive integer : “) ;
scanf (“%d”, &number) ;
while ( number <= 0 )
printf (“\nThat’s incorrect. Try again.\n”) ;
printf (“Enter a positive integer: “) ;
scanf (“%d”, &number) ;
printf (“You entered: %d\n”, number) ;
return 0 ;
CMSC 104, Version 9/02