Transcript pptx

Hash Tables
Bryce Boe
CS24, Summer 2013 C
• Lab 8 Solution
• Hash Tables
Hash Tables
• ADT that has expected running time of O(1)
for all operations
• How can we do this?
– Trade space for running time
Hash Function
• Converts a key into an index that fits inside of
the hash-table array
• Ideally should be uniformly distributed
• What should we do when collisions occur?
– Linear Probing
• new_hash = (old_hash + c) % max_size
• Can result in clustering, but better locality of reference
– Quadratic Probing
• new_hash = (old_hash + c*i2) % max_size
• May not examine all buckets
– Buckets and chaining
• Store a linked list at each location to store collisions in
Deletions and probing
• How can we handle deletions of items when
performing probing?
– Mark the “empty” space as deleted
• Frees up the space and does not break previous entries
• Becomes inefficient overtime
– Acceptable due to re-sizing the hash table