Transcript Figure S6

Figure S6. Genetic and epigenetic regulation of TIV, for the YRI samples. (A) The observed (y-axis) versus expected (x-axis) –log10Pvalues of SNP genotype-gene expression association, for TIV-associated SNPs (orange) and all analyzed SNPs (grey). (B) The
observed (y-axis) versus expected (x-axis) –log10P-values of SNP genotype-cytosine modification association, for TIV-associated
SNPs (orange) and all analyzed SNPs (grey). (C) The extent of genetic regulation on TIV mediated through cytosine modification
variation. For the 401 exons detected in both SNP-specific TIV and CpG-specific TIV analyses, the –log10P-values of exon by residual
cytosine modification interaction (y-axis) are plotted against the –log10P-values of exon by cytosine modification interaction (x-axis).
Here the residual cytosine modification levels were cytosine modification levels regressed out of genetic variations at the corresponding
exon-associated SNPs.