Transcript Recursion

Definitions I
• A recursive definition is a definition in which the
thing being defined occurs as part of its own
• Example: A list consists of:
– An open parenthesis, "("
– Zero or more atoms or lists, and
– A close parenthesis, ")"
Definitions II
• Indirect recursion is when a thing is defined in
terms of other things, but those other things are
defined in terms of the first thing
• Example: A list is:
– An open parenthesis,
– Zero or more S-expressions, and
– A close parenthesis
• An S-expression is an atom or a list
Understanding recursion
• The usual way to teach recursion is to “trace
through” a recursion, seeing what it does at each
• This may be a good way to understand how
recursion works...
• ...but it's a terrible way to try to use recursion
• There is a better way
Base cases and recursive cases
• Every valid recursive definition consists of two
– One or more base cases, where you compute the
answer directly, without recursion
– One or more recursive cases, where you do part of the
work, and recur with a simpler problem
Information hiding
• function spread (int A[], int size) {
int max, min;
sort(A, size);
min = A[0];
max = A[size - 1];
return max - min;
• Can you understand this function without looking
at sort?
Stepping through called functions
• Functions should do something simple and
• When you try to understand a function, you should
not have to step through the code of the functions
that it calls
• When you try to understand a recursive function,
you should not have to step through the code of
the functions it calls
We have small heads
• It's hard enough to understand one level of one
function at a time
• It's almost impossible to keep track of many levels
of the same function all at once
• But you can understand one level of one function
at a time...
• ...and that's all you need to understand in order to
use recursion well
The four rules
Do the base cases first
Recur only with a simpler case
Don't use global or reference variables
Don't look down
Do the base cases first
• Every recursive function must have some things it
can do without recursion
• These are the simple, or base, cases
• Test for these cases, and do them first
• This is just writing ordinary, nonrecursive code
Recur only with a simpler case
• If the problem isn't simple enough to be a base
case, break it into two parts:
– A simpler problem of the same kind (for example, a
smaller number, or a shorter list)
– Extra work not solved by the simpler problem
• Combine the results of the recursion and the extra
work into a complete solution
• “Simpler” means “more like a base case”
Example 1: member
• Is value X a member of list L ?
boolean member(X, L) {
if (L is the empty list)
return false; // this is a base case
if (X equals the first element in L)
return true; // another base case
return member(X, L - first element);
// simpler because more like empty list
MEMBER in Lisp
; base case: L is empty
; base case: X = (CAR L)
((EQ X (CAR L)) T)
; recur with a case that is simpler
; because it’s more like 1st base case
(T (MEMBER X (CDR L))) ) )
Example 2: double
• Double every element of a list of numbers
function double(L) {
if (L is the empty list)
return the empty list;
// base case
else {
L2 = double (L - first element);
// recur
D = 2 * first element in L;
// extra work
return (list made by adding D to L2); // combine
DOUBLE in Lisp
; if L is the empty list, return the empty list
((NULL L) ())
; otherwise, double the first number and
; cons it to the double of the rest of the list
(T (CONS (* 2 (CAR L)) (DOUBLE (CDR L))) ) )
It's OK to use locals variables and
parameters passed by value
• A function has its own copy of
– local variables
– parameters passed by value
• Each level of a recursive function has its own copy
of these variables and parameters
• Changing them at one level does not change them
at other levels
• One level can't interfere with another level
It's bad to use global variables or
parameters passed by reference
• There is only one copy of a global variable
• If a parameter is passed by reference, there is only
one copy of it
• If such a variable is changed by a recursive function,
it's changed at all levels
• The various levels interfere with one another
• This can get very confusing
• Don't let this happen to you!
Don't look down
• When you write or debug a recursive function,
think about this level only
• Wherever there is a recursive call, assume that it
works correctly
• If you can get this level correct, you will
automatically get all levels correct
• You really can't understand more than one level at
a time, so don't even try
MEMBER again
– This says: if list L is empty, then X isn’t an element of L
– Is this a true statement?
((EQ X (CAR L)) T)
– This says: if X = the first element in L, then it’s in L
– Is this a true statement?
(T (MEMBER X (CDR L))) ) )
This says: if X isn’t the first element of L, then X is in L if and
only if X is in the tail of L
Is this a true statement?
Did we cover all possible cases?
Did we recur only with simpler cases?
Did we change any global variables?
We’re done!
Do the base cases first
Recur only with a simpler case
Don't use global or reference variables
Don't look down
The End