Transcript Methods

About methods
A method is a named group of declarations and
You execute those declarations and statements by calling the
When you call the method, you can give it parameters
(information, such as numbers, going into the method)
A method typically has a return value (a single piece of
information coming out of the method)
and statements
return value
Why methods?
Methods help you break up a complex problem into simpler
subproblems, which you can solve separately
Methods can use other methods, but should not depend on the “inner
workings” of those other methods--just what they do, not how they do it
Methods allow you to give names to parts of your computation,
thus making your program more readable
Readability is essential in good programming
Proper choice of method names is important
Verbs are usually best, since methods “do something”
If you have anything the least bit complicated to compute, you
should write (and debug) it in only one place
This is an application of the DRY principle (“Don’t Repeat Yourself”)
Methods are very good for putting code in only one place
Defining a method
A method has the syntax:
return-type method-name(parameters) {
boolean isAdult(int age) {
int magicAge = 21;
return age >= magicAge;
double average(int a, int b) {
return (a + b) / 2.0;
Returning a result from a method
If a method is to return a result, it must specify the type
of the result:
boolean isAdult ( …
You must use a return statement to exit the method
with a result of the correct type:
return age >= magicAge;
Returning no result from a method
The keyword void is used to indicate that a method doesn’t
return a value
The return statement must not specify a value
void printAge(String name, int age) {
System.out.println(name + " is " + age + " years old.");
 There are two ways to return from a void method:
 Execute a return statement
 Reach the closing brace of the method
Methods and static methods
Java has two kinds of methods: static methods and
non-static methods (also know as instance methods)
However, before we can talk about what it means to be
static, we have to learn a lot more about classes and objects
Most methods you write should not, and will not be static
Every Java program has a
public static void main(String[ ] args)
This starts us in a “static context”
To “escape from static”, I recommend starting every
program in a certain way, as shown on the next slide
Escaping from static
class MyClass {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new MyClass().run();
void run() {
// Your real code begins here
You can replace the names MyClass and run with names of your
choice, but notice that each name occurs in two places, and they
have to match up
The End
Though this be madness, yet there is method in it.
--Shakespeare, Hamlet