Transcript Oct 5 and 6

Entry task: What constellations did you see this
weekend, did you write them in your moon chart
Finish star lab
Notes on constellations—Get a white board for
your group
3. Constellation Projects
Learning target: I can tell the
difference between
Astronomy and Astrology
Vocab: Polaris
NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft has returned
the best colour and the highest resolution
images yet of Pluto’s largest moon, Charon —
and these pictures show a surprisingly complex
and violent history.
At half the diameter of Pluto, Charon is the
largest satellite relative to its planet in the solar
system. Many New Horizons scientists expected
Charon to be a boring, crater-battered world;
instead, they’re finding a landscape covered
with mountains, canyons, landslides, surfacecolour variations and more.
Write a Venn diagram
showing the difference
between Astronomy
and Astrology
Today’s lifeline
Star lab
Read and highlight the Winter
sky constellations, do the word
search to remember some of the
worksheet: read, highlight
important points, do the
crossword and drawing