Transcript Nov 10

LT: I will apply my knowledge of
projectile motion to calculate a distance
to a target
 Vocab. Relative motion
Projectile motion and relative motion
 Labs: dart gun and Bull’s eye
Test Next Tues. Friday will be review
 Make sure you are caught up on all labs
and homework.
A golfer practices driving balls off a cliff into the water
below. The cliff is 20 meters tall. He launches the ball at
an angle of 30 degrees and a speed of 20m/s.
How much time is the ball traveling upward?
What is the maximum height of the ball?
Vxo=20m/s(cos 30)=17.3m/s
› V=0 m/s
› Vyo=20m/s(sin 30)=10 m/s
› Vy=Vyo-gt so t=Vy-Vy0/-g
› -10m/s/-9.8 m/s²=1.02 s
Y=Yo +Yot-1/2gt²
y=20m + (10m/s)(1.02) – ½ (-9.8)(1.02s)² = 25m