Transcript Pattern

By Mrs. Shook
Pattern or Total
Pattern or Total
Find the missing
Fine the total of the
What is a pattern?
Lorren saved her allowance each week.
She saved $2 the first week, $3 the second week, &
$4 the third week. If this pattern continues, how
Many weeks will she need to save to buy a
$40 game for her DS?
Row 1, Col 1
What is a pattern?
Lee struck out 2 batters the first fame he pitched.
He struck out 4 batters the second game and
6 batters the third game. If the pattern
Continues, how many batters will he strike out
The fifth game?
What is 10?
Lee struck out 2 batters the first fame he pitched.
He struck out 4 batters the second game and
6 batters the third game. If the pattern
Continues, how many batters will he strike out
The fifth game?
What is 8 weeks?
Lorren saved her allowance each week.
She saved $2 the first week, $3 the second week, &
$4 the third week. If this pattern continues, how
Many weeks will she need to save to buy a
$40 game for her DS?
What is a total?
Elisa made some friendship bracelets to sell for
$2 each. She sold 4 bracelets on Monday,
8 bracelets on Tuesday, and 12 bracelets on
Wednesday. If the pattern continues, how much
Money will she earn on Friday in all?
What is total?
The concession stand sold 3 hot dogs the
1st inning, 6 hot dogs the 2nd inning, and
9 hot dogs the 3rd inning. If this pattern continues,
How many hot dogs will be sold in all by the
7th inning?
(What is $120.)?
Elisa made some friendship bracelets to sell for
$2 each. She sold 4 bracelets on Monday,
8 bracelets on Tuesday, and 12 bracelets on
Wednesday. If the pattern continues, how much
Money will she earn on Friday in all?
What is 84?
The concession stand sold 3 hot dogs the
1st inning, 6 hot dogs the 2nd inning, and
9 hot dogs the 3rd inning. If this pattern continues,
How many hot dogs will be sold in all by the
7th inning?
What is total?
Monday, Amir was given 5 new trading cards to
Add to his collection of 34 football cards.
Alex gave him 7 more cards on Tuesday and
Samuel gave him 9 cards on Wednesday.
If the pattern continues, how many total cards will
Amir have on Friday of that week?
What is pattern?
Drew made some friendship bracelets to sell for
$2 each. She sold 4 of the bracelets on
Monday, 8 bracelets on Tuesday, and
12 bracelets on Wednesday. If the pattern
Continues, how many bracelets will she sell on
Friday of that week?
What is 20?
Drew made some friendship bracelets to sell for
$2 each. She sold 4 of the bracelets on
Monday, 8 bracelets on Tuesday, and
12 bracelets on Wednesday. If the pattern
Continues, how many bracelets will she sell on
Friday of that week?
What is 79?
Monday, Amir was given 5 new trading cards to
Add to his collection of 34 football cards.
Alex gave him 7 more cards on Tuesday and
Samuel gave him 9 cards on Wednesday.
If the pattern continues, how many total cards will
Amir have on Friday of that week?
What is pattern?
Louis ran 2 extra laps around the playground during
Recess on Monday. On Tuesday, he ran
3 extra laps, and Wednesday he ran 4 extra laps.
If the pattern continues, how many extra laps
Will be run on Friday of next week?
What is total?
Mrs. Shook gave 6 students candy for using strategies
On Monday. She gave 10 students candy on
Tuesday and 14 students candy on Wednesday.
If the pattern continues, how many pieces of candy
Will she have given away in all that week?
What is 11?
Louis ran 2 extra laps around the playground during
Recess on Monday. On Tuesday, he ran
3 extra laps, and Wednesday he ran 4 extra laps.
If the pattern continues, how many extra laps
Will be run on Friday of next week?
What is 70?
Mrs. Shook gave 6 students candy for using strategies
On Monday. She gave 10 students candy on
Tuesday and 14 students candy on Wednesday.
If the pattern continues, how many pieces of candy
Will she have given away in all that week?
What is total?
The first movie Mrs. Shook bought for Mack was
$5. The second movie was $11. The third movie was
$17 and the fourth movie was $23. How much money
Will she have spent on 6 movies in all if the pattern
What is pattern?
Mr. Shook was looking for a used van. The first van
Was priced at $2500. The second van he saw was
$3000. The third van he saw was $3500.
If the pattern continues, what will the 10th car be
What is $7000?
Mr. Shook was looking for a used van. The first van
Was priced at $2500. The second van he saw was
$3000. The third van he saw was $3500.
If the pattern continues, what will the 10th car be
What is $120?
The first movie Mrs. Shook bought for Mack was
$5. The second movie was $11. The third movie was
$17 and the fourth movie was $23. How much money
Will she have spent on 6 movies in all if the pattern