Transcript Functions

User defined function is a code segment (block) that
perform an specific action.
Function Definition:
Return_DT F_name ( list of formal parameters)
Action_ body ;
The Function Definition
Function are of 4 types:
1- A function that doesn’t return a value without
-Return_DT is void
-Action_body doesn’t contain return statement.
void function-name ( )
{ local declarations
executable statements
// this is optional
Example: function that doesn’t return a value
without arguments
void print_O ( )
{ cout << “
cout << “ *
cout << “ *
cout << “
“ << endl;
“ << endl;
“ << endl;
“ << endl;
The Function Definition
2- A function that doesn’t return a value with
-Return_DT is void
-Action_body doesn’t contain return statement.
void function-name(argument_list)
{ local declarations // this is optional
executable statements
Example: function that doesn’t return a value
with arguments
void print_box (int n)
{ cout << “* * * * * * *\n” ;
cout << “* “ << n << “ * \n” ;
cout << “* * * * * * *\n” ;
The Function Definition
3- A function that returns a result of any type
without arguments
-Return_DT is any type
-Action_body contains return statement.
<any type> function-name( )
{ local declarations
// this is optional
executable statements
Example: function that return a value without
int sum ()
{ int x=5, y=7 ;
return x+y ;
The Function Definition
4- A function that returns a result of any type
with arguments
-Return_DT is any type
-Action_body contains return statement.
<any type> function-name(argument_list )
{ local declarations
// this is optional
executable statements
Example: function that return a value with
int Rect_area (int L, int W)
{ int a ;
return a ;
Calling (invoking) Function:
a) The call to a Function that does not return a value is given in
the following syntax:
F_name (Actual parameters);
e.g. draw_circle ( );
e.g. sum(4,7);
b) The call to a Function that returns a value is given as follows:
- The name of the functio is given within the output statement
e.g cout<<sum(x,y);
- The name of the Function is given within the
assignment statement
e.g. result = sum (x, y );
The Call to a function
program Figure
void main(){
------------draw_circle ( );
Function draw_circle
void draw_circle ( ) {
#include <iostream.h>
int Max (int Value1, int Value2) {
if (Value1 > Value2)
return Value1;
return Value2;
Function Definition
Calling the function in an
expression like cout<<,
condition, assignment
void main() {
int a, b;
cout<<"\nPlease Enter the values of a and b: ";
cout<<"\n the maximum one is: "<<Max(a,b)<<endl;
#include <iostream.h>
int Max (int Value1, int Value2) {
if (Value1 > Value2)
return Value1;
return Value2;
void main() {
int a, b;
cout<<"\nPlease Enter the values of a and b: ";
cout<<"\n the maximum one is: "<<Max(a,b)<<endl;
#include <iostream.h>
int Sum (int A, int B) {
return (A+B);
void main() {
int N1, N2, S;
cout<<"\n Please Enter N1 and N2: ";
S = Sum(N1,N2);
cout<<"\nSum= "<<S<<endl;
#include <iostream.h>
bool Positive (int Num) {
if (Num > 0)
return true;
return false;
void main() {
int Number;
cout<<"\nEnter Number: ";
cin>> Number;
if (Positive(Number))
cout<<"\n the number is positive";
cout<<"\n the number is negative";
#include <iostream.h>
float Area (int R) {
return (3.14 * R * R );
void main() {
int Radius;
cout<<"Enter the Redius: ";
cout<<"\nCircle Area is: "<<Area(Radius);
#include <iostream.h>
long Power(int Base, int Exp) {
int M=1;
for(int i=1; i<=Exp; i++)
return M;
void main() {
int B, E;
cout<<"\nEnter Base: ";
cout<<"\nEnter Exponent: ";
cout<<"\n Result= "<<Power(B,E);
#include <iostream.h>
long Fact (int Num) {
int F = 1, i = Num;
while (i>=1){
F *= i;
i--; }
return F;
void main() {
int Number;
cout<<"Enter an integer number: ";
cout<<endl<<Number<<"!= "<<Fact(Number);
Void Returned Data Type
#include <iostream.h>
void Print(char Ch, int n) {
for (int i=1; i<=n; i++)
void main() {
char Sym;
int Number;
cout<<"\nEnter the Symbol: ";
cout<<"\nHow many times: ";
No Return
#include <iostream.h>
int Mul(int V1, int V2) {
return V1 * V2; }
void Result() {
cout<<"\n5 x 9 = "<<Mul(5,9);
cout<<"\n4 x 7 = "<<Mul(4,7);
cout<<"\n6 x 4 = "<<Mul(6,4)<<endl; }
void main() {
Result() ;
The Function Prototype
• Like other identifiers in C++, function must be declared before it can be
• To declare a function, we can insert a function prototype before the main
• The function prototype provides all information that the C++ compiler
needs to know to translate calls to the function correctly.
• A function prototype tells the compiler the
- data type of the function
- the function name
- information about the arguments that the function expects.
• Examples:
void draw_circle ( );
int m ( ) ;
void print_box (int) ;
int Rect_area (int , int);
Function Prototype
#include <iostream.h>
int Mul(int, int);
int Add(int, int);
void Show();
Function Prototype
contains only data types
But may contain identifiers.
void main() {
Show(); }
int Mul(int X, int Y) { return X*Y; }
int Add(int X, int Y) { return X+Y; }
void Show() {
int A=10, B=20;
cout<<Add(A,B)<<'\t'<<Mul(A,B)<<endl; }
Scope of Variables
(1) Global variables:
- Those variables that are declared before the main
- These are visible from any point of the code, inside
and outside any function.
(2) Local variables:
- These are declared inside a block or a function.
- The scope of local variables is limited to the same
nesting level in which they are declared.
Example of Local and Global Variables
// File: global.cpp
#include <iostream.h>
int x = 7 ;
// global variables
int fun1 (int );
// function prototype
void main ( )
{ int z ;
// local variable in main
cout << “The global variable: “ << x ;
z = fun1 ( 5 ) ;
// calling add function
cout << “ The result is “ << z << endl ;
int fun1 ( int a )
{ int r ;
// local variable in fun1
r= a*a*a;
return r ; }
Functions and Passing Parameters
The mechanisms of passing parameters:
(1) Call by value:
- During the function call, the value of the argument is
found and passed to the function.
- Any modification inside the function does not affect the
(2) Call by reference:
- During the function call, the address of the variable is
passed to the function.
- Any modification made on the parameter inside the
function will have effect in the passed variable outside it.
Difference between Function Definitions for
Call by Value and Call by Reference
• For call by value, we declare the arguments of the
function as usual.
int func1 ( int , int ); // function prototype
• For call by reference, the type of the argument is
followed by the symbol (&) to specify that the
variable has to be passed by reference.
void func2 ( int & , int & ); // function prototype
Call by value
When calling, the value of actual parameter will be
copied to the formal parameter.
#include <iostream.h>
void Increment(int);
void main() {
int A = 10;
void Increment(int X) { ++X; }
Call By reference
When calling, the reference formal parameter will be an
alternative name to the actual parameter.
#include <iostream.h>
void Increment(int&);
void main() {
int A = 10;
void Increment(int &X) { ++X; }
Call By reference
When calling, the pointer formal parameter will points
to the actual parameter.
#include <iostream.h>
void Increment(int*);
void main() {
int A = 10;
void Increment(int *X) { ++*X; }
Example 5: Call by Value
// File: calls1.cpp
#include <iostream.h>
// function prototype: the arguments to be passed by value
int add (int , int );
void main ( )
{ int x, y , z ;
// local variables in main
cout << “ Enter two integers: “ ;
cin >> x >> y ;
cout << “ x = “ << x << “ y = “ << y << endl;
z = add ( x , y ) ;
// calling add function
cout << “ The result is “ << z ;
cout <<“After call “<< “ x = “ << x << “ y = “ << y << endl;
int add ( int a , int b )
{ return a + b ; }
Execution of Example 5
• The user will be prompted to enter two integers.
• The user enters, for example, 10 and 20 that are saved in x and
y respectively.
• When function add is called, the value of x and y are passed
to the function.
• The function add takes the values 10 and 20 and links them to
a and b respectively.
• The function will return the result which is 30.
The output:
Enter two integers: 10 20
x = 10
y = 20
The result is 30
After call x = 10 y = 20
Example 6: Call by Reference
// File: calls2.cpp
#include <iostream.h>
// function prototype: the arguments to be passed by reference
void duplicate (int & , int & , int & );
void main ( )
{ int x, y , z ;
// local variables in main
cout << “ Enter three integers: “ ;
cin >> x >> y >> z ;
cout << “ Before call: “ << “ x = “ << x << “ y = “ << y
<< “ z = “ << z <<endl;
duplicate ( x , y , z ) ;
// calling duplicate function
cout <<“ After call: << “ x = “ << x << “ y = “ << y
<< “ z = “ << z <<endl;
void duplicate ( int & a , int & b , int & c )
{ a *= 2 ;
b *= 2 ;
c *= 2 ; }
Execution of Example 6
• The user will be prompted to enter three integers.
• The user enters, for example, 10, 20, and 30 that are saved in x, y,
and z respectively.
• When function duplicate is called, the addresses of x, y, and z are
passed to the function.
• The addresses of x, y, and z are linked to the parameters of the
function a, b, and c. The function will duplicate each parameter and
save the result in the same parameter. Thus,
a becomes 20 hence x becomes 20 also
b becomes 40 hence x becomes 40 also
c becomes 60 hence x becomes 60 also
• After the call we see that the values of x, y, and z are changed.
The output:
Enter three integers: 10 20 30
Before call: x = 10
y = 20 z = 30
After call: x = 20
y = 40 z = 60
Function call itself
#include <iostream.h>
int Fact (int N) {
if (N<=1)
return 1;
return N * Fact(N-1);
void main() {
#include <iostream.h>
int Zap (int N) {
int Z;
if (N<=1)
Z= Zap(N-1) + Zap(N-3);
return Z;
void main() {
Array as parameter
-Array name is pointer (call by reference)
#include <iostream.h>
void Increment (int a[]) {
for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
a[i] += 10; }
void main() {
int b[5] = {10,20,30,40,50};
for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
Array as parameter
-Array element (call by value)
#include <iostream.h>
void Increment (int a) { ++a; }
void main() {
int b[5] = {10,20,30,40,50};