Transcript AC.170/20

International Recommendations for
Water Statistics (IRWS) –
Annex 1: Supplementary Data Items
Expert Group Meeting on the IRWS
United Nations
New York,
4-6 November 2008
Location in IRWS
Chapter 1: Introduction.
Chapter 2: Main concepts and the SEEAW
Chapter 3: Economic units
Chapter 4: Data items
Chapter 5: Data collection strategy
Chapter 6: Data sources compilation methods
Chapter 7: Metadata and data quality
Chapter 8: Dissemination
Chapter 9: Indicators
Annex 1: Supplementary data items
Annex 2: Link between data items and the SEEAW
Annex 3: Link between data items and indicators of WWDR and MDG
Annex 4: Link between data items and indicators of FAO
Supplementary data items
Physical supplementary data items
• Artificial reservoirs
• Water supply activities
• Sewerage activities
• Abstraction of water for own use
• Discharges by type use
• Licensed abstraction of water
• Bottled water
• Licensed returns of water
• Land drainage areas
• Irrigation areas
Monetary supplementary data items
• Fees associated with the abstraction of water and the discharge of water to
the environment
• Fees collected for the right to abstract water or discharge water to the
• Prices for transferable water rights and leases
• Tariffs and charges collected by the water supply and sewerage
Social supplementary data items
• Population by connection to water supply
• Population connected to wastewater collection and treatment
• Population affected and killed by flooding
General criteria for supplementary data
• Supplementary data items include data
items that:
• support the compilation of other data
• support international data collections (but
are not in the main list)
• support indicators (but are not in the
main list)
• data items culled from the main list
Questions to the EGM
• 1. Do you agree with having a list of
supplementary data items?
• 2. Do you agree with the general criteria for the
supplementary data items?
• 3. Do you agree with the supplementary data
• 4. Should any of the supplementary data items be
in the main list of data items?
• 5. Should any of the recommended data items be
moved to the supplementary data items?