Transcript CAL.ppt

Result of offline analyses of
CAL calibration data
Xin Chen, Berrie Giebels
CAL muon calibration
Ebf library
Ebf file
Digi root file
Muon calibration scripts
Calibration runs
Histogram root file
3 text files and 3 xml files
pedestal, attenuation, gain
• Muon calibration run on CAL, Four ranges,
zero suppression off
• Ebf030905014208 taken on September 5th
~ 11 minutes long, ~20K events,
• Ebf030916011755 taken on September
16th, ~ 30 minutes long, ~ 50K events
Raw adc count for layer 0, column 10 and side 0
Muon peak
ADC count
Light asymmetry = Log ( ADC(pos) / ADC(neg) )
Slope is the calibrated attenuation length
Muon traverse Position
Assuming 1 MIP ~ 12 MeV,
the gain correction can be calibrated.
Need more events!
Pedestal and attenuation corrected muon signals
Check Linearity on electronics
Good Linearity between range 0 and range 1 data
Calibrated pedestals: Black( run0916), Red(run0905)
Calibrated slopes: Black( run0916), Red(run0905)
Calibrated Slope
Calibrated Muon peak
Too few events, fit failed
Calibrated Muon peak
• The CAL muon calibration runs taken on
Sept 5th and 13th seemed to be good
• Data taken on two runs seem to agree
with each other within statistics
• Too few events, need ~ 10 times statistics
• Infrastructures such as central storage
needs to be set up before long data taking.
Raw adc count for layer 0, column 10 and side 0
Muon peak
Average value is the
calibrated pedestal
Average value is the
calibrated pedestal
ADC count
Assuming 1 MIP ~ 12 MeV,
the gain correction can be calibrated.
Too few events!
Pedestal and attenuation corrected muon signal
Light asymmetry = Log ( ADC(pos) / ADC(neg) )
Slope is the calibrated attenuation length
Muon traverse Position