Pooled Budgets

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The Community, Health and Social
Care Directorate
Section 31 Pooled Budgets
Presentation to Budget Scrutiny Cttee
6th September 2006
Section 31 – Pooled Budgets
Todays presentation will cover
Origin and purpose of Section 31
Types of Section 31 Agreement
Pooled Budgets currently in existence
Pooled Budget Contributions
Benefits of Pooled Budgets
Constraints of Pooled Budgets
Origin and purpose of Section 31
• Section 31 of the Health Act 1999 allowed the creation
of Section 31 partnership agreements between Health
and Local Authorities
• Policy intention was to break down barriers to joint
working, enabling joint planning and service delivery
for those areas of service complementary to Health
and Social Care
Types of Section 31 Agreement
• Section 31 agreements are partnership agreements
which are set up for a specific service area with the
intention of providing
• Joint service delivery, and /or
• Lead commissioning, and /or
• Pooled budget (making financial contributions to fund a
specific service)
Section 31 partnerships currently in existence
• Section 31 agreements are in place for the following
service areas
• Community Mental Health Teams – Joint service
delivery (single management arrangements for Health
and Social Care staff withBolton Salford and Trafrord MH
• Drug and Alcohol Team – Pooled Budget (PCT)
• Learning Difficulties Service – Pooled Budget (PCT)
• Community Equipment Services – Pooled Budget (PCT)
Pooled Budget - Contributions
• Drug and Alcohol Service
– Health £1.9m
– Salford City Council £0.4m
• Learning Difficulty Service
– Health £8.6m
– Salford City Council £8.7m
• Community Equipment Service
– Health £1.3m
– Salford City Council £1.1m
Benefits of Pooled Budgets
• Joint responsibility for managing the budget
• They promote joint working arrangements and shared
ownership of defined service areas
• They quantify financial resources to be provided by
each agency to allow better joint financial planning
• They allow resources to be jointly invested to meet
common health and social care service objectives
Benefits of Pooled Budgets
• Partnership Boards have been developed as part of
the governance arrangements for section 31
agreements to ensure user and carer involvement in
planning, monitoring, reviewing and developing
• Service users are able to develop Health and Social
Care systems to make sure they working to provide a
cohesive / joined up service to the user
• Service investment is made transparent as each
partner’s financial contribution is tracked throughout
the life of the agreement
Constraints of Pooled Budgets
• Section 31 pooled budget arrangements represent a
commitment of financial resources, which is quantified
in an agreement.
• This constrains partners from independently reducing
the revenue budget contribution to the specified
service areas contained in the agreement, without
consultation and discussion.
• Therefore, partner’s budget contribution can be tracked
and disinvestment in service can be immediately
• The policy objective, to create transparent joint
investment, planning and management of services is
served well by pooled budget arrangements.
• The tracking of partner contributions clearly and
immediately identifies any dis-investment from service
• Each pooled budget agreement represents a common
area of service between Health and Social Care
• The Governance arrangements – through Partnership
Boards – allow service users and carers to be part of
the service strategy, formation and delivery.