Lecture 2: Yield and Quality

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Transcript Lecture 2: Yield and Quality

VLSI Testing
Lecture 2: Yield & Quality
Dr. Vishwani D. Agrawal
James J. Danaher Professor of Electrical and
Computer Engineering
Auburn University, Alabama 36849, USA
[email protected]
IIT Delhi, Aug 17, 2013, 11:00AM-12:00PM
Copyright 2001, Agrawal & Bushnell
Lecture 2 Yield & Quality
Yield and manufacturing cost
Clustered defect yield formula
Defect level
Test data analysis
Example: SEMATECH chip
Problems to solve
Copyright 2001, Agrawal & Bushnell
Lecture 2 Yield & Quality
VLSI Chip Yield
A manufacturing defect is a finite chip area with
electrically malfunctioning circuitry caused by
defects created by the fabrication process.
A chip with no manufacturing defect is called a good
Fraction (or percentage) of good chips produced in a
manufacturing process is called the yield. Yield is
denoted by symbol Y.
Cost of a chip:
Cost of fabricating and testing a wafer
Yield x Number of chip sites on the wafer
Copyright 2001, Agrawal & Bushnell
Lecture 2 Yield & Quality
Clustered VLSI Defects
Good chips
Faulty chips
Unclustered defects
Wafer yield = 12/22 = 0.55
Copyright 2001, Agrawal & Bushnell
Clustered defects (VLSI)
Wafer yield = 17/22 = 0.77
Lecture 2 Yield & Quality
Yield Parameters
Defect density (d ) = Average number of defects per
unit of chip area
Chip area (A)
Clustering parameter (α)
Negative binomial distribution of defects,
p (x ) = Prob (number of defects on a chip = x )
(Ad /a) x
= ─────── . ──────────
x ! G (a)
(1+Ad /a) a+x
where Γ is the gamma function
a = 0, p (x ) is a delta function (maximum clustering)
a = ∞ , p (x ) is Poisson distribution (no clustering)
G (a+x )
Copyright 2001, Agrawal & Bushnell
Lecture 2 Yield & Quality
Yield Equation
Y = Prob ( zero defect on a chip ) = p (0)
Y = ( 1 + Ad / a ) - a
Example: Ad = 1.0, α = 0.5, Y = 0.58
Unclustered defects: α = ∞, Y = e
– Ad
Example: Ad = 1.0, α = ∞, Y = 0.37
too pessimistic !
Copyright 2001, Agrawal & Bushnell
Lecture 2 Yield & Quality
Defect Level or Reject Ratio
Defect level (DL) is the ratio of faulty chips among
the chips that pass tests.
DL is measured as parts per million (ppm).
DL is a measure of the effectiveness of tests.
DL is a quantitative measure of the manufactured
product quality. For commercial VLSI chips a DL
greater than 500 ppm is considered unacceptable.
Copyright 2001, Agrawal & Bushnell
Lecture 2 Yield & Quality
Determination of DL
From field return data: Chips failing in the field
are returned to the manufacturer. The number of
returned chips normalized to one million chips
shipped is the DL.
From test data: Fault coverage of tests and chip
fallout rate are analyzed. A modified yield model
is fitted to the fallout data to estimate the DL.
Copyright 2001, Agrawal & Bushnell
Lecture 2 Yield & Quality
Modified Yield Equation
Three parameters:
 Fault density, f = average number of stuck-at
faults per unit chip area
 Fault clustering parameter, β
 Stuck-at fault coverage, T
The modified yield equation:
Y (T ) = (1 + TAf / b) – b
Assuming that tests with 100% fault coverage
(T = 1.0) remove all faulty chips,
Y = Y (1) = (1 + Af / b) – b
Copyright 2001, Agrawal & Bushnell
Lecture 2 Yield & Quality
Defect Level
Y (T ) – Y (1)
DL (T ) = ———————
Y (T )
( b + TAf )
= 1 – ——————
( b + Af )
Where T is the fault coverage of tests, Af is the
average number of faults on the chip of area A, β
is the fault clustering parameter. Af and β are
determined by test data analysis.
Copyright 2001, Agrawal & Bushnell
Lecture 2 Yield & Quality
Example: SEMATECH Chip
Bus interface controller ASIC fabricated and
tested at IBM, Burlington, Vermont
116,000 equivalent (2-input NAND) gates
304-pin package, 249 I/O
Clock: 40MHz, some parts 50MHz
0.8m CMOS, 3.3V, 9.4mm x 8.8mm area
Full scan, 99.79% fault coverage
Advantest 3381 ATE, 18,466 chips tested at
2.5MHz test clock
Data obtained courtesy of Phil Nigh (IBM)
Copyright 2001, Agrawal & Bushnell
Lecture 2 Yield & Quality
Stuck-at fault coverage, T
Test Coverage from
Fault Simulator
Vector number
Copyright 2001, Agrawal & Bushnell
Lecture 2 Yield & Quality
Measured chip fallout, 1 – Y (T )
Measured Chip Fallout
Vector number
Copyright 2001, Agrawal & Bushnell
Lecture 2 Yield & Quality
Chip fallout and computed 1 – Y (T )
Model Fitting
Chip fallout vs. fault coverage
Y (1) = 0.7623
Measured chip fallout
Y (T ) for Af = 2.1 and b = 0.083
Stuck-at fault coverage, T
Copyright 2001, Agrawal & Bushnell
Lecture 2 Yield & Quality
Computed DL
Defect level in ppm
237,700 ppm (Y = 76.23%)
Stuck-at fault coverage (%)
Copyright 2001, Agrawal & Bushnell
Lecture 2 Yield & Quality
VLSI yield depends on two process parameters, defect
density (d ) and clustering parameter (α).
Yield drops as chip area increases; low yield means
high cost.
Fault coverage measures the test quality.
Defect level (DL) or reject ratio is a measure of chip
DL can be determined by an analysis of test data.
For high quality: DL << 500 ppm, fault coverage ~ 99%
Copyright 2001, Agrawal & Bushnell
Lecture 2 Yield & Quality
Two Problems to Solve
Using the expression for defect level on Slide 10,
derive test coverage (T ) as a function of fault
clustering parameter (β), defect level (DL), and
average number of faults (Af ) on a chip.
Find the defect level for:
Fault density, f = 1.45 faults/sq. cm
Fault clustering parameter, β = 0.11
Chip area = 1 cm2
Fault Coverage, T = 95%
Copyright 2001, Agrawal & Bushnell
Lecture 2 Yield & Quality
Solution to Problem 1
Defect level, DL, is given on Slide 10, as follows:
DL = 1 – [(β + TAf )/(β + Af )]β
where T is the fault coverage, Af is the average number of
faults on a chip of area A, and β is a fault clustering
parameter. Further manipulation of this equation leads to the
following result:
(1 – DL)1/β = (β + TAf )/(β + Af )
T = [{(β + Af )(1 – DL)1/β – β}/(Af )] × 100 percent
Copyright 2001, Agrawal & Bushnell
Lecture 2 Yield & Quality
Solution to Problem 2
Defect level, DL, as given on Slide 10, is:
DL(T ) = 1 – [(β + TAf )/(β + Af )]β
 Fault density, f = 1.45 faults/sq. cm
 Fault clustering parameter, β = 0.11
 Chip area = 1 cm2
 Fault Coverage, T = 95%
We get,
DL(T ) = 0.00522 or 5,220 parts per million
Copyright 2001, Agrawal & Bushnell
Lecture 2 Yield & Quality