Transcript wsd.ppt

Lecture 19
Word Sense Disambiguation
CS 4705
• Selectional restriction based approaches
• Robust techniques
– Machine Learning
• Supervised
• Unsupervised
– Dictionary-based techniques
Disambiguation via Selectional Restrictions
• A step toward semantic parsing
– Different verbs select for different thematic roles
wash the dishes (takes washable-thing as patient)
serve delicious dishes (takes food-type as patient)
• Method: rule-to-rule syntactico-semantic analysis
– Semantic attachment rules are applied as sentences are
syntactically parsed
VP --> V NP
V serve <theme> {theme:food-type}
– Selectional restriction violation: no parse
• Requires:
– Write selectional restrictions for each sense of each
• Serve alone has 15 verb senses
– Hierarchical type information about each argument (a la
• How many hypernyms does dish have?
• How many lexemes are hyponyms of dish?
• But also:
– Sometimes selectional restrictions don’t restrict enough
(Which dishes do you like?)
– Sometimes speakers violate them on purpose (Eat dirt,
worm! I’ll eat my hat!)
Can we take a more probabilistic approach?
How likely is dish/crockery to be the object of serve?
• A simple approach: predict the most likely sense
– Why might this work?
– When will it fail?
• A better approach: learn from a tagged corpus
– What needs to be tagged?
• An even better approach: Resnik’s selectional association
(1997, 1998)
– Estimate conditional probabilities of word senses from
a corpus tagged only with verbs and their arguments
(e.g. dish is an object of serve) -- Jane served/V
• How do we get the word sense probabilities?
– For each verb’s object
• Look up hypernym classes in WordNet
• Distribute “credit” for this object occurring with this verb
among all the classes to which the object belongs
Brian served/V the dish/Obj
Jane served/V food/Obj
• If dish has N hypernym classes in WordNet, add 1/N to each
class count as object of serve
• If food has M hypernym classes in WordNet, add 1/M to each
class count as object of serve
– Pr(C|v) is the count(c,v)/count(v)
– How can this work?
• Ambiguous words have many superordinate classes
John served food/the dish/tuna/curry
• There is a common sense among these which gets “credit” in
each instance, eventually dominating the likelihood score
• To determine most likely sense of ‘tuna’ in Bill served tuna
– Find the hypernym classes of tuna
– Choose the class C with the highest probability, given that the
verb is serve
• Results:
– Baselines:
• random choice of word sense is 26.8%
• choose most frequent sense (requires sense-labeled training
corpus) is 58.2%
– Resnik’s: 44% correct with only pred/arg relations labeled
Machine Learning Approaches
• Learn a classifier to assign one of possible word
senses for each word
– Acquire knowledge from labeled or unlabeled corpus
– Human intervention only in labeling corpus and
selecting set of features to use in training
• Input: feature vectors
– Target (dependent variable)
– Context (set of independent variables)
• Output: classification rules for unseen text
Supervised Learning
• Training and test sets with words labeled as to
correct sense (It was the biggest [fish: bass] I’ve
– Obtain independent vars automatically (POS, cooccurrence information, etc.)
– Run classifier on training data
– Test on test data
– Result: Classifier for use on unlabeled data
Input Features for WSD
• POS tags of target and neighbors
• Surrounding context words (stemmed or not)
• Partial parsing to identify thematic/grammatical
roles and relations
• Collocational information:
– How likely are target and left/right neighbor to co-occur
• Co-occurrence of neighboring words
– Intuition: How often does sea or words with bass
– How operationalize?
• Look at the M most frequent content words
occurring within window of M in training data
• Which accurately predict the correct tag?
– Which other features might be useful in general for
• Input to learner, e.g.
Is the bass fresh today?
[w-2, w-2/pos, w-1,w-/pos,w+1,w+1/pos,w+2,w+2/pos…
Types of Classifiers
• Naïve Bayes
p(V |s) p(s)
p(V )
– ŝ=
p(s|V), or
– Where s is one of the senses possible and V the input
vector of features
– Assume features independent, so probability of V is the
product of probabilities of each feature, given s, so
– p(V | s)   p(v j | s)
and p(V) same for any s
arg max
arg max
j 1
– Then
sˆ  arg max p(s)  p(v j | s)
j 1
Rule Induction Learners (e.g. Ripper)
• Given a feature vector of values for independent
variables associated with observations of values
for the training set (e.g. [fishing,NP,3,…] + bass2)
• Produce a set of rules that perform best on the
training data, e.g.
– bass2 if w-1==‘fishing’ & pos==NP
– …
Decision Lists
– like case statements applying tests to input in turn
fish within window
--> bass1
striped bass
--> bass1
guitar within window
--> bass2
bass player
--> bass1
– Yarowsky ‘96’s approach orders tests by individual
accuracy on entire training set based on log-likelihood
 P(Sense1| f v j 
 
Abs(Log 
 P(Sense 2| f
i v j 
• Bootstrapping I
– Start with a few labeled instances of target item as
seeds to train initial classifier, C
– Use high confidence classifications of C on unlabeled
data as training data
– Iterate
• Bootstrapping II
– Start with sentences containing words strongly
associated with each sense (e.g. sea and music for
bass), either intuitively or from corpus or from
dictionary entries
– One Sense per Discourse hypothesis
Unsupervised Learning
• Cluster feature vectors to ‘discover’ word senses
using some similarity metric (e.g. cosine distance)
– Represent each cluster as average of feature vectors it
– Label clusters by hand with known senses
– Classify unseen instances by proximity to these known
and labeled clusters
• Evaluation problem
– What are the ‘right’ senses?
– Cluster impurity
– How do you know how many clusters to create?
– Some clusters may not map to ‘known’ senses
Dictionary Approaches
• Problem of scale for all ML approaches
– Build a classifier for each sense ambiguity
• Machine readable dictionaries (Lesk ‘86)
– Retrieve all definitions of content words in context of
target (e.g. the happy seafarer ate the bass)
– Compare for overlap with sense definitions of target
(bass2: a type of fish that lives in the sea)
– Choose sense with most overlap
• Limits: Entries are short --> expand entries to
‘related’ words
• Many useful approaches developed to do WSD
– Supervised and unsupervised ML techniques
– Novel uses of existing resources (WN, dictionaries)
• Future
– More tagged training corpora becoming available
– New learning techniques being tested, e.g. co-training
• Next class:
– Homework 2 due
– Read Ch 15:5-6;Ch 17:3-5