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電子創意設計 HW
N98U0007 李佩玲
• VCOs and NOx
-揮發性有機化合物/污染物 and 氮氧化物類
• Troposphere
10 English words that is interested
to me.
• 1. crutch 丁形柺杖,(支在腋下的)撐拐
-- He had to walk on crutches because he broke his leg.
-- 他因摔斷了腿,只得靠一副丁字形柺杖支撐著行走。
-- Source: 奇摩字典:
• 2. greenhouse 溫室,暖房
-- Behind the house is a greenhouse.
-- 在那所房子後面是一個暖房。
-- Source: 奇摩字典:
10 English words that is interested
to me.
• 3. Assignments (分派的)任務;工作
-- She gladly accepted the assignment.
-- Source: 奇摩字典:
• 4. presentation贈送;授予
--The presentation of prizes will begin at three o'clock.
-- Source: 奇摩字典:
10 English words that is interested
to me.
• 5. complicated 複雜的;難懂的;結構複雜的
-- That puzzle is too complicated for the children.
-- Source: 奇摩字典:
• 6. harmful 有害的
--Smoking is harmful to health.
-- Source: 奇摩字典:
10 English words that is interested
to me.
• 7. Fancy 別緻的;花俏的;花式的
-- Both of them like fancy clothes.
-- Source: 奇摩字典:
• 8. text 正文,本文
--The text of every chapter is followed by questions.
-- Source: 奇摩字典:
10 English words that is interested
to me.
• 9. audience 聽眾,觀眾;讀者群
-- His books have a large audience.
-- 他的書有廣大的讀者
-- Source: 奇摩字典:
• 10. Elements 要素,成分
--Honesty, industry and kindness are elements of a good life.
-- Source: 奇摩字典:
Flip Chart
5 sentences I can understand from
the videos
Make sure you don’t speak too loudly or too quiet.
Everyone get nervous remember that look as nervous as
you think.
Breathe slowly and deeply you make also fine.
Make sure you make eye contact with the audience.
It includes pictures, powerpoint, video or real object to
make your presentation more interesting and