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Professor: Chu, Ta Chung
Student: Nguyen Quang Tung
Supplier selection is one of the most critical activities of
purchasing management in a supply chain, because of the key
role of supplier’s performance on cost, quality, delivery and
service in achieving the objectives of a supply chain.
Supplier selection is a multiple-criteria decision-making (MCDM)
problem that is affected by several conflicting factors.
Depending on the purchasing situations, criteria have varying
importance and there is a need to weight criteria.
In practice, for supplier selection problems, most of the input
information is not known precisely. In these cases, the theory of
fuzzy sets is one of the best tools for handling uncertainty. The
fuzzy multi-objective model is formulated in such a way as to
simultaneously consider the imprecision of information and
determine the order quantities to each supplier based on price
The problem includes the three objective functions:
minimizing the net cost, minimizing the net rejected items
and minimizing the net late deliveries, while satisfying
capacity and demand requirement constraints.
In order to solve the problem, a fuzzy weighted additive and
mixed integer linear programming is developed.
The model aggregates weighted membership functions of
objectives to construct the relevant decision functions, in
which objectives have different relative importance.
Notation definition:
• xij: the number of units purchased from the ith supplier
at price level j
• Pij: price of the ith supplier at level j
• Vij: maximum purchased volume from the ith supplier at
jth price level
• D: demand over the period
• V*ij: slightly less than Vij
• mi: number of price level of the ith supplier
• Yij: integer variable for the ith supplier at jth price level
• Ci: capacity of the ith supplier
• Fi: percentage of items delivered late for the ith supplier
• Si: percentage of rejected units for the ith supplier
• n: number of suppliers
Objective functions:
At most one price level per supplier can be chosen
The model is proposed by Zimmermann (1978) with the purpose of finding a
vector xT = [x1, x2, …, xn] to satisfy
Subject to
For fuzzy constraints
For deterministic constraints
The linear membership function for minimization
is obtained through solving the multi-objective problem as a
single objective using, each time, only one objective.
is the
maximum value of negative objective Zk
• The linear membership function for the fuzzy
dr denotes subjectively chosen constants expressing the limit of
the admissible violation of the rth inequality constraints
It is assumed that the rth membership function should be 1 if
the rth constraint is well satisfied and 0 if the rth constraint is
violated beyond its limit dr
The model proposed by Bellman and Zadeh (1970) and Sakawa (1993),
and the weighted additive model proposed by Tiwari et al. (1987)
The above model is equivalent to the following model
Subject to