Tools for modeling and inference: Constraint reasoning (e.g., spreadsheets)

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Transcript Tools for modeling and inference: Constraint reasoning (e.g., spreadsheets)

CPI 101: Meeting 11
Rick Chimera
School of Computing and Informatics
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona USA
Why Learn about Spreadsheets? - Academic
Another way to do Modelling and Inference
Not just mathematical modelling, we’ll see a room scheduling example
Another example of an Interpreted language
Good: immediate (Excel is “super immediate”)
Bad: less help with errors
Usability due to appropriate metaphor
Accounting ledger grid
“Killer app”! Without Excel, Microsoft would not be number 1
*Constraint propagation
Why Learn about Spreadsheets? - Practical
Popular program in today’s work environment
Not just for accountants and number-crunching
Timelines, resources, contacts, etc.
Has formatting, interactive forms
Useful program for the individual
Can keep track of concerts you attended (sort by date, band, venue, rating)
*Plan and then track your budget
Good way to organize repetitive or similar data
Can think of columns as defining an object with one property per column
Can think of rows as being separate instances of that object
What is a Spreadsheet?
Based on accounting ledger form (big grid)
Such a good idea, it grew to be better
Columns, rows, cells, and cell ranges
Column A, Row 1, Cell A1, Cell Range A1:A8 (8 cells)
A1:C3 (9 cells)
Calculates cell values that depend on other cell values through
formulas and functions
Cell A4 is the value of cell A3 multiplied by .08
Chains of dependencies that propagate their effects
1-to-many or many-to-1 relationships, but not many-to-many
What is So Great about Spreadsheets?
Great way to deal with data dependencies
Allows for “What If” analysis
Interesting way to deal with constraints
We’ll briefly discuss logical spreadsheets and constraint satisfaction
Import and export data to other programs
Comma Separated Values (csv)
also called Tab Delimited file, some allow any character
What is Not So Great about Spreadsheets?
“(From a programming language point of view, then,)
spreadsheets lack the most fundamental mechanism that we
use to control complexity: the ability to define re-usable
abstractions. In effect, they deny to end-user programmers the
most powerful weapon in our armory.”
- Simon Peyton Jones, Margaret Burnett and Alan Blackwell in their paper Improving the world's most
popular functional language: user-defined functions in Excel
Similar to javascript without functions
Could be done via copy and paste (more bad than good)
What is a Logical Spreadsheet?
Supporting “many-to-many” relationships that are
As I like to think about it: “Mutual dependencies” with operational characteristics that
avoid/leverage “circular references”
Meeting example:
Start Time, End Time, and Event Owner
constraint: Start Time (S) and End Time (E)  before( S, E )
“The start time must be before the end time.”
constraint: Event Owner (O) and ~Senior Manager(O)  ~Event Room (301)
“If the event owner is not a senior manager then room 301 cannot be reserved.”
from Michael Kassof, Stanford Logic Group, talk on Logical Spreadsheets August 1, 2006 (without permission)
Working with a Spreadsheet
Take advantage of Good Interactivity
Interactive Help System
Interactive Formula and Function System
“Intelligent” Interactivity, especially when growing a
Copy and Paste with relative cell specifications
Spreadsheets In Action, OOPS!
Lots of potential for cell values to be an ERROR
Divide by Zero (#DIV/0!)
Not a Number (#VALUE!)
No such cell to reference (#REF!)
Circular Reference (“Circular: A1” on status line)
When a formula eventually leads back to oneself, directly or indirectly
Typically this is a thought error, but does not have to be an operational error