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CS100A, Fall 1997
Lecture, Tuesday, 16 September.
This lecture continues the discussion of classes. The important
new concept of this lecture is inheritance. This will require us to
study the Java keywords extends, this, and super.
The idea of inheritance will be motivated by extending class
Employee of the previous lecture to distinguish between kinds of
employees: VIPs (the CEO and other major officers), salaried
employees, and regular employees. Each kind of employee requires
different information in their record, so there is different processing
for each. Placing the information for all three kinds of employees in
class Employee wastes space and causes complications in the code;
using classes that are extensions of class Employee eliminates these
CS100A, Fall 1997.
Lecture 5
CS100A, Fall 1997, 11 September
Concepts for this lecture:
• Inheritance: a subclass B of a class A
inherits fields and methods from class
A. A is a super-class of B. In Java,
keyword extends is used to in
defining a subclass.
• Using the constructor of a super class.
• Access modifier protected
• Overriding methods
• Method toString() for every class
Lewis/Loftus, 285-292
CS100A, Fall 1997.
Lecture 5
Method toString
// Yield a String containing the data for
// the person
public String toString()
{return name + " " +
salary + " " +
Convention: Every class implements method
… + B
(catenation), if B is not a String, method
B.toString() is used to convert it to a String.
CS100A, Fall 1997.
Lecture 5
Our old class Employee
// An instance of Employee contains a person's name,
// salary, and year hired. It has a constructor and
// methods for raising the salary, printing the data, and
// retrieving the person's name and the year hired.
public class Employee
{public String name;
// The person's name
public double salary;
// The person's salary
public int hireDate;
// The year hired
// Constructor: a person with name n, salary s, and
// year d hired
public Employee(String n, double s, int d)
{name= n;
salary= s;
hireDate= d;
CS100A, Fall 1997.
Lecture 5
// Raise the salary by p percent
public void raiseSalary(double p)
{salary= salary * (1 + p/100.0);}
// Yield the year the person was hired
public int hireYear()
{return hireDate;}
// Yield the person's name
public String getName()
{return name;}
// Yield a String containing the data for the person
public String toString()
{return name + " " +
salary + " " +
(old class Employee)
CS100A, Fall 1997.
Lecture 5
Our task today
Modify our record of employees to take into
account three different kinds:
• VIPS (e.g. CEO, president, vice president):
Need a field bonus, since VIPS get (big)
bonuses. Get a yearly wage.
• Salaried: Expected to work overtime
whenever necessary, without extra pay.
• Regular: Time cards! Have an hourly wage
instead of a yearly salary. (Need also to
record the number of hours worked on each
day, but we’ll forego that here and assume
40 hours per week.
CS100A, Fall 1997.
Lecture 5
How to implement?
Add fields:
int employeeKind; // 1 = VIP, 2 = salaried,
// 3 = regular
double bonus;
// bonus for VIP (only)
double hourlyWage; // (for regular
// employees only
// Set bonus to b (if employee is a VIP)
public setBonus(double b)
{if (employeeKind = 1)
bonus= b;
A lot of other changes are required.
CS100A, Fall 1997.
Lecture 5
Problems with this approach.
• Each employee’s record has a field for a
bonus and for an hourly wage, even though
it may not need it.
• Within the methods of class Employee that
deal with salary and wages and hours, tests
will have to be made to determine which
kind of employee is being processed. This
makes the code longer, less well-structured,
and confusing.
• If a new kind of employee were to be added
that required a different processing for pay,
all the code that deals with salary would
have to be changed.
• Instead, use a different approach:
CS100A, Fall 1997.
Lecture 5
// An instance of Employee contains a person's name,
// yearly pay, and year hired.
public class Employee
{protected String name; // The person's name
protected double pay;
// The person's yearly pay
protected int hireDate; // The year hired
// Constructor: a person with name n and year d hired
public Employee(String n, int d)
{name= n; salary= 0; hireDate= d;}
// Yield the year the person was hired
public int hireYear()
{return hireDate;}
// Yield the person's name
public String getName()
{return name;}
// Yield a String containing the data for the person
public String toString()
{return name + " " + pay + " " + hireDate;}
CS100A, Fall 1997.
Lecture 5
Employee x;
x= new Employee(“Gries”, 1969);
Name Gries
hireDate 1969
Employee, hireYear,
getName, toString
CS100A, Fall 1997.
Lecture 5
// An instance of VIP contains a VIP's data
public class VIP extends Employee
{private double bonus; // The VIP's bonus
// Constructor: a person with name n, year d hired,
// yearly pay s, and bonus b
public VIP(String n, int d, double s, double b)
{super (n,d);
pay= s; bonus= b;}
// Yield a String containing the data for the person
public String toString()
{return “VIP + " name + " " + pay + " " +
" " + bonus + " " + hireDate;
// Raise the salary by p percent
public void raiseSalary(double p)
{pay= pay * (1 + p/100.0);}
CS100A, Fall 1997.
Lecture 5
An instance of class VIP has every field and
method that an instance of class Employee does,
plus the ones VIP declares.
Employee x;
x= new Employee(“Gries”, 1969);
Name Gries
hireDate 1969
Employee, hireYear,
getName, toString
Employee y= new VIP(“Perkins”,1983, 90000,1000);
Name Perkins
pay 90000
hireDate 1983
Employee, hireYear,
getName, toString
bonus 1000
VIP raiseSalary
CS100A, Fall 1997.
Lecture 5
Use of super
For an instance of VIP. A constructor of super
class Employee should be called to initialize
the fields declared within Employee. This is as
the first statement in a constructor for VIP:
super (n,d);
Use of protected
If fields of Employee are public, they can be
referenced from anywhere.
If they are private, they can be referenced only
from instances of Employee.
If they are protected, they can be referenced
only from Employee and its extensions
CS100A, Fall 1997.
Lecture 5
Referencing methods
VIP y;
y= new VIP(“Perkins”, 1983, 90000, 1000);
y.getName() refers to method getName of its
superclass, Employee. This is because
getName is not defined in VIP.
y.raiseSalary() refers to method raiseSalary of
VIP. This is because raiseSalary is defined in
y.toString() refers to method toString of VIP.
This is because toString is defined in VIP.
Method toString of superclass Employee has
been overridden in class VIP.
CS100A, Fall 1997.
Lecture 5