How To Write A Grant or Respond to a Peer-Reviewer

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Transcript How To Write A Grant or Respond to a Peer-Reviewer

Laurence Y. Katz, MD, FRCPC
Professor of Psychiatry
University of Manitoba
Basics of Grant Writing
 Ask a clear, important and well articulated question
 Ask a clear, important and well articulated question
 Ask a clear, important and well articulated question
 Review the literature (you may have been scooped)
Factors to Consider
 Who is the PI
 Who do you want on your team
 Plan team meetings
 The design of the study
 pilot?
 Sample size?
 Granting Agency (local or national, i.e., how much
money do you need)?
 Sort out who is going to do what (in our lab the PI
does the bulk of the writing)
 Build a case for why they should give you money!!!
 Be concise and clear
 Follow the guidelines
 Expect many drafts/revisions
 Make sure you have the expertise on your team to
critique what you have designed and written
 Know your audience
Peer Review
 Remember that it will make your paper better
 It never just gets accepted (or you have shot too low)
 Read the reviews carefully and decide which points
you will go with
 Make the revisions to your paper
 Write a letter to the editor in excruciating point by
point detail describing your response to each point
the reviewers have made
 If you did not revise a point explain rationale