Transcript Vocab 14

Vocab 14
Turn in Vocab Practice 13
Devise: develop; invent; plan
• Scar devised an evil plan!
We devised a way to make stuffed animals
that resemble drawings from kids.
Distinguish: tell apart
Prior: previous; from the past
Prior to throwing up,
Ted spun around on
the merry go round
at 35 mph.
Valid: true; legitimate
Nothing in this picture is valid.
Depict: show; illustrate
Coherent: clear; articulate; logical
Continuum: range; spectrum
Derive: infer; to obtain
• My conclusion is derived from scientific
Objective: unbiased; fact-based
• It is 70 degrees outside.
Subjective: biased; based on one person’s
opinions rather than just the facts.
Pie is good.
Which point of view is more subjective?
•1 ?
•3 ?