Transcript Road Rage

ROAD RAGE (pg.359-364)
Anger is the most troublesome emotion
to deal with while driving.
Angry feelings can build up
Anger easily leads to aggressive
ROAD RAGE (pg.359-364)
AGGRESSIVE DRIVING – is a combination of
dangerous acts committed while driving.
Aggressive driving is the most commonly
identified driver impairment related to
emotional state.
It occurs when drivers bully other drivers.
Tailgate and crowd others
Cut people off
Use their horns and lights against others
Make rude gestures
Acts of intimidation!
ROAD RAGE (pg.359-364)
Road Rage – is a crime that involves acts
directed against another person
through physical violence while you are
driving, it is often the end result of
aggressive driving behavior.
ROAD RAGE (pg.359-364)
Avoid Aggressive Behavior
o Control Anger
o Use Common Courtesy
o Keep a safe distance from the vehicles
o Apologize with an appropriate gesture
o Identify troublesome situations early
o Watch out for aggressive drivers
ROAD RAGE (pg.359-364)
Avoid Aggressive Behavior
Be patient and keep your cool in traffic.
Never underestimate the other driver’s
capacity for mayhem.
Do not assume the other driver’s mistake are
directed at you.
Be polite and courteous, even if the other
driver isn’t
Avoid all conflict.
Allow for plenty of time in your trip.
You can’t control traffic only your reaction to it