Java Exceptions Dan Fleck CS211

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Transcript Java Exceptions Dan Fleck CS211

Java Exceptions
Dan Fleck
What is an Exception
An exception is an event that occurs
during the execution of a program that
disrupts the normal flow of instructions.
Intuition: It’s something you didn’t expect
What happens?
If an exception occurs an “Exception”
object is created, and then passed up the
call stack until someone handles it.
Method 1:
I’ll handle it
Method 2:
I can’t
Handle it
Call Stack
I had a
Catch or Specify
Code that can generate certain
exceptions must either catch or specify it.
• try {
… multiple statements …
} catch (SpecificException specificExc) {
… handle exception …
• public void myMethod() throws SpecificException { … }
Exception Types
Checked exceptions
Must satisfy the catch or specify requirement
 Are subclasses of java.lang.Exception
 Checked exceptions should be handled and
recovered from
• Examples: user types in a bad filename, etc…
Exception Types (cont.)
Unchecked exceptions
Not subject to the catch or specify requirement
Errors - unforeseen error conditions due to external issues that
an application probably cannot recover from.
• Example: IOError when reading a file (due to bad sectors on the
RuntimeExceptions - error conditions internal to the program
that an application probably cannot recover from.
• Generally these are programming errors or logic errors
• Example: IllegalArgumentException - someone passed in an
invalid argument to your program
Why ever use checked?
You should almost always use checked
exceptions. These exceptions allow a
well-written program to catch and handle
the condition.
Only use unchecked when a reasonable
program cannot deal with the problem.
Catching exceptions
try {
…. Code …
} catch (Exception1 exc) {
} catch (Exception2 exc) {
thrown in “code” are caught by the catch blocks.
Catch blocks catch exceptions in order, so put super-classes at
the bottom (catch specific exceptions first)
} catch (IOException ioe) {
.. Do something specific to an IOException ..
} catch (Exception e) {
.. Catch all other general exceptions and do something for them
Finally -- the finally block
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
… Code …
The finally block always executes when the try block completes.
This is where you perform any cleanup needed after the try block
completes successfully or throws an exception
Having a finally block is optional -- you don’t need to create one if
you have no cleanup to do, but if you have one it WILL execute
Altogether now..
public void writeFile(String fileName) {
PrintWriter out = null;
try {
out = new PrintWriter( new FileWriter(fileName));
for (int ind=0; ind < MAX_SIZE; ind++) {
out.println(“Value at “+ind+” is “+vect.elementAt(ind));
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
System.err.println("Caught ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: “ + e.getMessage());
} catch (IOException ioe) {
System.out.println(“Caught IOException:”+ioe.getMessage());
} finally {
if (out != null) {
Another way: Pass the buck
public void writeFile(String fileName) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException , IOException {
PrintWriter out = null;
try {
out = new PrintWriter( new FileWriter(fileName));
for (int ind=0; ind < MAX_SIZE; ind++) {
out.println(“Value at “+ind+” is “+vect.elementAt(ind));
} finally {
if (out != null) {
NOTE: You can still use the finally block exactly the same!
Now code calling this method must handle the IOException. The code may
optionally handle ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException since it is a
RuntimeException (unchecked). Which means this method signature is also
valid: public void writeFile(String fileName) throws IOException
How to throw exceptions
Your code may throw exceptions when needed using the throws
keyword. This keyword takes a subclass of Throwable as an
argument (Exceptions/Errors are all subclasses of Throwable)
public void addElement(int index, int[] array, int value) {
if (index >= array.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
“Array length is:”+array.length+
” and you attempted to add element “+index);
array[index] = value;
Same rules apply -- if you throw a checked exception it must be
caught or specified.
Writing your own exceptions
You may also create your own exceptions by subclassing
Exception, RuntimeException or Error.
In general you never want to subclass Error and rarely subclass
RuntimeException. You usually create checked exceptions by
subclassing Exception.
public MyException extends Exception {
public MyException(String message) {
Frequently this all you want to do. Occasionally you may add more
features or information to your Exceptions.
Handling Exceptions
Most ways to handle exceptions depend on the
exception type. However, some general
debugging tips are:
Use the printStackTrace() method of exception to
see where the exception occurred
Use getMessage() to show a message to the user
The best exception is one never thrown -- if you can
prevent a user error that would cause an exception
before it happens, do that! (For example, rather than
letting the user type letters into a numeric field,
watch the field and prevent letters from ever going
into the field.)