Transcript 116 screens

Interactive Screen Design
Dr. Merle P. Martin
CSU Sacramento
Screen Structure
 Interactive Tactics
 Dialogue Modes
 Menus
 Form-filling Screens
 Common Screen Considerations
Screen Structure
Greeting Screen
Password Screen
 Main Menu
Intermediate Menus
 Function Screens
Transaction update
Structure (Continued)
Help screens (Pull Down)
 Escape options
Main Menu
Last screen
 Figure 14-1, page 434
Interactive Tactics
Allow users to escape
 Keep users from getting lost
“You are here”
 Ease transaction throughput
We are not entertainers
Dialogue Modes
“Are you sure ……”
augments other dialogue modes
 Command Language
experienced user shortcuts
 Menus (for navigation)
 Form-filling Screens
Elements, Fig. 14-3, pg. 430
 Option sequence
logical (new, update, delete)
frequency of choice
 Number options (6 to 8)
Option Modes
scroll down
Hot Keys
 Command Buttons
 Windows listing options
 Defaults
Form-filling Screens
Looks like off-line form
same sequence
shade fields to be entered
 Cycle until user chooses to exit
 Minimize transaction throughput
Minimizing Transaction
Cueing (entry format)
 Autoterminate
 Free-form entry
 Default values
constant (e.g., System Date)
from record (e.g., Item Price)
last transaction (e.g., Cust #)
Common Screen
Highlighting (< 10%)
reverse image
 Colors (don’t overdo)
LeCourier Chart, pg.415
Screen Considerations
unless there’s a reason
 Input verification
 Screen density
Relative screen clutter
Tied to throughput
Total and Local
Total Screen Density
% screen with non-blank characters
 (# char) / (screen capacity)
 should be < 25%
 can achieve on form-filling screen
dimming unused screen portions
highlighting screen portions
blocking out with windows
Local Screen Density
Mean clutter around each character
 How to reduce
minimize capital letters
limit punctuation
blank lines between text lines
minimize words used
Goodbyte Pizza Company
Figures 14.1-3 through
14.1-5, page 456
 Design Main Menu
 Design Delivery Screen
Concepts to Remember
Screen Structure
 Interactive Tactics
 Menus
 Form-filling Screens
 Common Screen Considerations
Information Density