Post Midterm, Compsci 6, Fall 2010 Current tools for structuring data

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Transcript Post Midterm, Compsci 6, Fall 2010 Current tools for structuring data

Post Midterm, Compsci 6, Fall 2010
Current tools for structuring data
Current tools for organizing code
Types: int, boolean, string, float, list, file, tuple
This week and next: set and dictionary collections
Modules, functions, for loop, selection
This week and next: while loop
Why do we study tools for programming?
Facilitates solving problems in a variety of settings
Compsci 06/101, Fall 2010
What do sets get us?
Finding unique/different words in a file
def listUnique(filename):
file = open(filename)
words = []
for line in file:
for w in line.strip().split():
if not w in words:
return words
Compsci 06/101, Fall 2010
What do sets get us?
Finding unique/different words in a file
def setUnique(filename):
file = open(filename)
words = set()
for line in file:
for w in line.strip().split():
return words
Compsci 06/101, Fall 2010
Set details and examples
Set methods (see book)
add, clear, difference, intersection, issubset, issuperset,
remove, symmetric_difference, union
Short cuts/operators: -, &, <=, >=, |, ^
What are these?
Two-dimensional random walk on a grid
Why useful?
How to model?
How to view?
Compsci 06/101, Fall 2010