SIF end-of-project summary

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CyberCut Retreat, Jan. 2000
SIF -- End of Project Review
Carlo H. Séquin
What We Have Learned
Interchange format == design language !
Difference between SIF and SLIDE !
Key issues in design language:
ease of use, high-level expressibility.
Key issues in interchange format:
simplicity, robustness, nonambiguity,
“cleanliness” (SFF: water-tight surfaces).
SIF_SFF 1.0 ===> SIF_SFF 2.0
How SIF differs from our initial design:
Shells are connected, water-tight surfaces:
All vertices must be completely shared
by a disk of surrounding triangles.
No complicated (possibly non-planar) faces.
No curved patches (triangle meshes only).
No instantiations of shell fragments
(avoid cracks due to rounding errors).
No triangle strips, fans, arrays.
Floating point numbers are OK:
Receiving end works in FP anyway (unlike EDIF).
The SIF (exp …)-construct was heavily misused.
SIF_SFF 1.0 ===> SIF_SFF 2.0 (cont.)
Topology follows from geometry:
Each shell gets topology from explicit edge connectivity.
Boolean operations between closed (positive) shells
allow to specify parts with voids,
and make it easy to design overlapping constellations.
No referencing by names:
Only vertices are referenced for reuse
by array indices within the local scope of their shell.
No reuse of shared surfaces by adjacent lumps
(the exact same vertex coordinates should be
specified again for the surface of the other lump).