ArchaeoSchool for the Futu haeoSchool for the Future

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Transcript ArchaeoSchool for the Futu haeoSchool for the Future

Transnational joint staff training activity in Venice
Sunday 16/10/2016 – Friday 21/10/2016
ArchaeoSchool for the Future: a sustainability approach
ERASMUS+ 2015-1-EL01- KA201
Lunedì 17/10/2016 Ca' Foscari Aula Baratto, Dorsoduro 3246 - Venezia
09.00 – 09.30 Registration
Welcome address, Ca’’ Foscari DEAN MICHELE BUGLIESI
09:30 - 09:40
PAOLO ELEUTERI, HEAD Dept. of Humanities,
Humanities Ca' Foscari
Seminar introduction and description of the agenda CATERINA CARPINATO
CARPINATO, Dept. of Humanities, Ca' Foscari;
09:40 – 10:00 ENRICHETTA TOSCANO e TIZIANO BELTRAME,, Educandato Agli Angeli, Verona; GIAN DOMENICO SERGIO e
MARGHERITA SGUARINA, Liceo Gerolamo Fracastoro,, Verona
Influence of Greek and Roman Cultural heritage: Ideological perception and reception
10:00 - 10:30 FILIPPO MARIA CARINCI, Dept. of Humanities,
Humanities Ca' Foscari
LUIGI SPERTI, Dept. of Humanities, Ca'
Ca Foscari
Influence of Greek and Roman Cultural heritage: Analysis of the languages differences. Catalans in the
10:30 - 10:50 Mediterranean Area
PATRIZIO RIGOBON, Dept. of Linguistic and Comparative Cultural Studies
Studies, Ca' Foscari
Greek and Roman Cultural heritage: Activities to do in class teaching modern Greek
10:50 - 11:10
EUGENIA LIOSATOU, Dept. of Humanities,
Humanities Ca' Foscari
11.10 – 11.40 Coffee Break
Education for Sustainable Development and linkage to active citizenship: Implementation example at an
11:40 - 12:00 archaeological site
ULOS, Environmental Education Center in Kalamata
Archaeology and memory in ancient Messene: towards a humanistic approach
12:00 - 12:20
MARIA TSOULAKOU, Ephorate of Antiquities of Messenia
Archaeological sites:: Preparing active and culturally aware citizens
12:20 - 12:40
KATERINA TZAMOURANI, Ephorate of Antiquities of Messenia
Lunedì 17 pomeriggio: i lavori proseguono all’Ateneo Veneto; Martedì 18 mattina Museo Nazionale Archeologico Venezia,
pomeriggio Dipartimento Studi Umanistici; Mercoledì
ercoledì 19 Verona: Teatro Romano e Liceo G. Fracastoro; Giovedì 20 Verona:
Educandato agli Angeli; Venerdì
enerdì 21 Venezia conclusioni
Programma completo disponibile all’indirizzo:
Per maggiori informazioni contattare [email protected],
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