Fenomenologie van de ruimte Phenomenology of Space

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Gezelschap voor Fenomenologische Wijsbegeerte
Jaarvergadering 2016
Society for Phenomenological Philosophy
Annual Meeting 2016
Phenomenology of Space
Fenomenologie van de ruimte
Fri 28th & Sat 29th October 2016
Vrij 28 & Za 29 oktober 2016
LUCA School of Art
Paleizenstraat 70, 1030 Brussel
please register
opening lecture
Peter Reynaert
Jonathan Hale
University of Nothingham UK
James Dodd
New School NY USA
invited lectures
Thomas Raleigh, How to Describe the Spatiality of Experience | Fidel
Meraz, Towards a phenomenological anthropology of architecture | Ashika
Lauren Singh, A Phenomenology of Place and Modernity | Salomé Jacob,
The Phenomenology of Spatial Music | Jessica Wiskus, (Visual) Simultaneity
& (Musical) Succession in Merleau-Ponty | Thomas Byrne, Feelings ain’t true:
Phenomenology and Axiology beyond Husserl | Annemie Halsema, Becoming
an object. A moral phenomenological account of sexuality | Firat Mahmut,
Heidegger and Husserl:The Question of Space and a critique of Cosmopolitanism
towards global Justice | Bruno Leclercq, Phenomenological and logical
foundations of geometry | Jasper van de Vijver, Met onszelf geen blijf weten.
Over heimwee als plaatsverlangen
To be confirmed
C. Bremmers | A. Hendrickx | F. Mattens
Faculteit Architectuur
Campus St. Lucas Brussel