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Просист - или как да пуснем щорите вкъщи, докато караме BMW на Канарските острови?

Dr. Pavlin Dobrev, Research and Development Manager

ProSyst – about the Company

• ProSyst is a leading company for end-to-end embedded software and OSGi solutions • Founded 1997 in Cologne, Germany • Privately owned, profitable • OSGi member since its foundation in 1999 • 120 employees

History of ProSyst

Founded as Java Middleware Company Sold J2EE App Server to SAP AG, entirely focused on OSGi, started mBS 1st mass market deployment, 1st big remote management deal with mPRM ProSyst ´ s OSGi implementation mBS was sold over 4,000,000 times

1997 1999 2000 2001 2004 2007 2009 2011 2013

Joined OSGi Alliance 1st smart home customer win with mBS OSGi, started mPRM as first enterprise SW using OSGi technology First mobile device project/product deployed with mBS Several smart home project have been awarded from leading service providers in EU, US and Asia

Connected Home Evolution


ProSyst Connected Home Market

• Target Customers • Service Providers • Device OEMs/Manufacturer (gateways, CPEs, STBs.) • Prime Integrators, ISVs, SoCs • Offerings • Products: Gateway middleware and service platforms, Tools & SDKs, Remote Mgmt Software • Services: OSGi & Java Consulting, App development, integration and support services

Our Open Standards Approach

• ProSyst is an active member of the following organizations: • Open Standards implemented in ProSyst products include: OSGi, TR-069, UPnP, DLNA, OMA-DM, ZigBee, Z-Wave, KNX, etc.

OSGi, the Module System for Java

• Adds full remote management support incl. dynamic Firmware update, app lifecycle and configuration management, diagnostics, etc.

• Adds concurrent multi-service execution to devices • Fosters development efficiency due to its modular & scalable SOA architecture, standardized APIs, Java language and many off-the-shelf components • The ideal choice as a common software platform for distributed target devices and multi-device-vendors with complex software requirements

Value Proposition of OSGi

• Reduce time to market and cut in-life product maintenance cost by adding/updating/removing apps & services to your remote devices at any time • Reduce feature bill of material by utilization of hardware for multiple services and apps • Enhancing customer care by serving it with high quality and real-time device data • Foster innovation by leveraging – or opening the platform for – 3rd party developers


OSGi: Enabling the Open Ecosystem

ISVs / Developers Publish Apps OSGi Benefits

: - Built-in SW lifecycle management capabilities - Existing OSGi remote management servers

Provide SDK OSGi Benefits

: - Standardized programming & deployment model - Existing OSGi tools & SDKs - Existing developer community - Existing components - Existing knowhow

App Store Search OSGi Benefits

: - Standardized runtime execution environment (OSGi Framework)

Distribute Consumer Device Execute 9

Our role in the OSGi Alliance

• ProSyst is a

longstanding member of the OSGi Board of Directors

and maintains several Chair positions in the OSGi Expert Groups, incl. the Residential EG • ProSyst is one of the

most active OSGi members

since its foundation in 1999 • ProSyst has

driven the OSGi specs

R1-R5 and carried out many reference implementations and test suites

Ecosystem for Apps & Services


home devices for manageable apps & services from manufacturers & 3rd parties.

Home Services & App Examples



Reference Architecture of an Open Platform



ProSyst end-to-end Product Offering

Modular platforms w/ APIs & add. functionality Tools & SDKs Remote Management Server

Managed Proxy Approach

Update Cloud DLNA / UPnP Home Gateway = Managed Proxy Devic e

ProSyst OSGi Smart Home Solution

DLNA UPnP JSON RPC API Home Automation Mgr (Scenes, Rules, Conditions) Update Agent API Home Device Manager (Devices, Zones) Driver Driver Driver Driver Driver Non-IP devices


Gateway SW: mBS Smart Home

• ProSyst own,

low-footprint OSGi implementation

release version 4.2 (5.0 in beta stage) certified for OSGi • Optimized the use in commercial embedded products, e.g. in

broadband equipment, modems, routers, gateways, CPEs, STBs, femtocell devices

• •

Eclipse based Software Development Kit

3 rd (SDK) for party developers to create, test & validate OSGi apps • Home network connectivity incl.

Z-Wave, ZigBee, UPnP, KNX, X10, WebCams TR-069

based remote management agent, incl. service and application lifecycle management


mBS Smart Home (cont.)

• Scalable

home automation middleware

automation scenarios for scripted •

Integrated web server and web framework

for rich web based interfaces • Sophisticated

resource management

support, enhancing runtime robustness and reliability • Intelligent, extensible

native watchdog agent

• Ported and optimized for many JVMs and OSs such as

Linux, Android, Windows 17

Tools/SDK: mBS SDK

ProSyst mBS SDK Eclipse Plugins OSGi Runtime OSGi Validator Collection of Eclipse IDE Plugins, simplifying development of OSGi devices or OSGi contents ProSyst mBS, the carrier grade, highly optimized OSGi runtime for embedded devices Tools for validating functional & non-functional conformance of your OSGi platform


mBS SDK Eclipse Plugins

Plugin group

mToolkit mBProfiler System plugins


Includes a collection of convenient tools for deployment and management of OSGi compliant bundles on OSGi Runtimes straight from within the Eclipse Workbench. Assists developers in improving the efficiency of applications by exploring different aspects of the performance of a Java program, associated with JVM’s consumption of the available platform resources (CPU, memory and threads). Offers a set of supplementary features assisting developers in constructing applications for concrete images of mBS Runtime


White Label SDKs

• ProSyst SDK For OEMs or Carriers planning to open up an OSGi based device to the public developer community • Enables the developer community to create OSGi content for a dedicated device • Branded and published by OEMs or Carriers • Based on ProSyst‘s leading OSGi SDK offering


Remote Decive Mgmt: mPRM

mPower Remote Manager (mPRM) is a backend

management and monitoring system

, for various class of devices based on (but not limited) to OSGi (incl.


OSGi Residential Management Tree),




OMA-DM standards.

(incl. former


) and In short, mPRM is applicable to realize these use cases: • Platform, Application & Service Lifecycle Management • Firmware & File Update • Remote Configuration & Software Provisioning • Remote Diagnostics (life status checks, logging, monitoring) • Remote Security Administration


mPRM (cont.)

• enables

Mass Management Operations

• remote

Install, Update, Uninstall

, Configuration, Monitoring & Diagnostics – on the fly • provides sophisticated


support &


• provides a

Web based Admin Portal

(can be white-labled) • Software


configuration settings - Inventory of device software and • advanced

Load Balancing

(Cluster Support) • full


(network- level, certificate mgmt, User authentication and authorization, etc.)


mPRM (cont.)

mPRM is

Open and Easy to Integrate

- boosting rapid adoption of new requirements and integration with 3rd party systems. The open design has the following dimensions: • Open for additional (i.e.custom) management protocols • Open for custom business logic extensions hosted on mPRM •

Open for integration with other systems

through an extensive set of Web Services APIs (Java, RESTful, SOAP or JEE JCA based APIs) • Open for customized management consoles (UIs)


ProSyst Professional Services

• Training and Customized OSGi Workshops • Technical Consulting for Java and OSGi • Customized Development • Project Outsourcing • Integration, Testing, QA • Support All services are carried out by our 120+ inhouse Embedded and OSGi developers, who earn their bread and butter solving concrete business problems with OSGi technology. Our staff didn't learn about the OSGi Specification through books or reading the code: they participated in writing the specifications and wrote the code. They explain not only how OSGi technology works, but the fundamental design principles behind it to help you use it best.



mBS Smart Home Roadmap

mBS SH 7.1

• Bug Fixes & Improvements •

Device Abstraction Layer


Home Device Manager


Home Automation Manger

• Added

Notification Manager




mBS SH 7.3

• new protocol support:




• Support for


(Allows frame monitoring, recording, analysis & play functionality on Bluetooth, Z-Wave, ZigBee, X10, etc.) • New Auto-Configuration of


• New Updated



New Updated API for

ZigBee 2011 2012 April 2013 Q2 2014 mBS SH 8.1

• Bug Fixes & Improvements

2014 mBS SH 7

• Full support for

OSGi Core


Compendium R4.2

• Support for Residential Specifications with

Home Gateway Admin


Residential Management Tree

• Protocol Support Included:











Cameras mBS SH 7.2

• Bug Fixes & Improvements

mBS SH 8

• Full support for OSGi

Core Specifications R5


Compendium Specifications R5

& OSGi Service Platform

Residential R4.3

• new protocol support:



support for:






Bluetooth Healthcare

devices support • Creation of Feature Sets based on functionality

Selected Customer References


Leading Silicon runs ProSyst OSGi

• OSGi is becoming a requirement of next generation broadband equipment • Many of the leading chip vendors have selected to run ProSyst mBS Smart Home OSGi on their chips • Demos were shown at Computex 2010, Metering Europe, Electronica and CES 2011, BBWF 2011, CES 2012, CES 2013 • Reference Platforms and Commercial turnkey solutions are available


Plug Computer running ProSyst

Plug Computer / SheevaPlug / GuruPlug • Plug computer providing PC-like performance to run network-based services and apps • mBS Smart Home is available as optional add-on • mBS Smart Home provides a standardized and consistent infrastructure for services and apps • mBS Smart Home helps to easily port and integrate existing services and apps


Plug Computer running ProSyst

Plug Computer , i.e. Ionics Stratus • Plug computer providing PC-like performance to run network-based services and apps • mBS Smart Home is available as optional add-on • mBS Smart Home provides a standardized and consistent infrastructure for services and apps • mBS Smart Home helps to easily port and integrate existing services and apps

IP Managed Services Home Gateway

TES301 • The Cisco® Model TES301 IP Managed Services Home Gateway offers Service Providers the ability to deliver differentiated, revenue generating, managed services to their customers. In addition to offering an advanced set of features to support voice, data, and video services, the TES301 has been developed to enable multiple incremental services such as Home Security and Safety, Home Automation, Smart Metering, and Energy Control. • TES301 runs ProSysts’ mBS Smart Home OSGi Service Platform


Cisco Application Extension Platform

 OSGi R4 add-on for dynamic service management on AXP platform  Incorporates ProSyst mBS OSGi Framework as Universal Application Runtime

WindRiver Intelligent Device Platform

 complete software development environment for jump-starting machine-to machine (M2M) device development  Based on Wind River Linux  Incorporates best of bread ISV software like ProSyst mBS OSGi Framework

TECOM Cloud Services Gateway

HG8000 Cloud Services Gateway • High performance CPU enanbling cloud services apps • Dynamic applications running on top of JVM/OSGi • Multimedia files exchangeable between devices through built in DLNA server • Wireless sensor network for home security and automation by using Zigbee/Z-wave • Enabling voice and video services

Access Point ZyXEL SHG3305

Access Point ZyXEL SHG3305 • Service-layer gateway supports smart home services on top of existing home network • OSGi-based platform for applications-on demand services offered by service providers •Embedded Z-Wave function reduces the cost of initial setup •Three USB 2.0 hosts for future function extension for ZigBee, Wi-Fi, 3G, and HDD support

Residential Services Gateway

CELLPIPE • The Alcatel-Lucent Cellpipe Alcatel-Lucent’s approach combines broadband connectivity and processing/storage capacity into a single CellPipe Residential Gateway that supports the industry’s first Residential Gateway Application Module (RGAM). The RGAM is a USB dongle functioning as a mini-PC for processing and storage, including customer experience management software and applications.

n and smart energy softwe.

• CellPipe runs ProSysts’ mBS Smart Home OSGi Service Platform


Home Platform and Apps Ltd.

• A great example of ‘The Internet of Things’, part of AlertMe exists ‘in the cloud’ and part in the home, creating a secure Home Area Network (HAN) that connects the user to their home, energy and devices, giving real-time visibility and control from anywhere at any time. AlertMe not only brings the benefits of the Smart Grid into the home, but is also the gateway for a whole host of new Smart Home apps and services.

• AlertMe Hub and Back End run ProSyst mBS OSGi technology and mPRM


Home Automation on a Mac

ClareControls, Inc.

• The first home automation system managed from the cloud and run on a Mac.

• The ClareHome Controller is powered by the ClareOS and provides all device management services to AppModules, provides all user interface services and acts as the gateway to ClareCloud for • ClareHome, ClareAssure, ClareVision run ProSyst mBS Smart Home and mPRM.

system updates.


Additional Apps in ProSyst Ecosystem


Sumitomo Home Gateway

Sumitomo MR510x QIVICON box • Service gateway “MR510x series” • Device for large Service Provider shipments • based on OSGi / ProSyst mBS Smart Home

Deutsche Telekom QIVICON

DTAG QIVICON • Announced at IFA 2011, commercial market launch in late 2013 • DTAG and leading partner ´ s connected home platform • ProSyst mBS Smart Home and ProSyst management software mPRM is used • More information at

E-Energy / Smart Grid Project

Joint Project with RWE, Siemens, Miele, etc.

• • • Part of research program "E-Energy: IKT based energy system of the future" by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology in Germany Development and demonstration of locally networked energy systems to the E Energy marketplace of the future Develops and tests new approaches to optimizing energy supplies through the use of modern information and communication technologies (IKT)


TouchPanel powered by mBS OSGi

Busch Jaeger (ABB Group) - ComfortTouch • The Busch-ComfortTouch combines the functions of a house control, a home infotainment centre and entertainment centre in one attractive masterpiece • With the Busch-ComfortTouch, you can operate or dim the lights, control your blinds, regulate the room temperature, play MP3 or video files, access email, surf the web or set the wake up alarm – everything even by remote control • Busch-ComfortTouch runs ProSyst mBS OSGi technology See Product Video here


Miele is now Smart Grid Ready

Miele – Miele@home • Miele@home gateway runs ProSyst mBS OSGi, device management via ProSyst mPRM • Smart grid enabled domestic appliances from Miele can be set to run when electricity rates are cheapest. • Smart Start is activated by the user via the machine display.


Home Surveillance Service

Automatization network

Telefonica - ADSL Surveillance Service • Surveillance service for customer’s premises, houses, residences, etc. • Telefonica Videosupervision Service and all connected devices including web cameras are remotely managed and controlled by ProSyst mPRM Server solution.


Building Automation Solution

Berker (RaumComputer) - Building Automation • RaumComputer’s Embedded PC “RC-BOS” runs the ProSyst mBS OSGi • Enables Building Automation and Facility Management • Control thousands of temperature sensors, light units, light switches, sun-blind motors, alarm contacts • Enabling intervention over several interfaces such as PC, Touch Screen, PDA or Ciscos’ IP-Phone Embedded PC “RC BOS“ “Köln-Triangle“ Tower, Cologne


Bombardier Mitrac 3000 System for Locomotives 

Bombardier Mitrac 3000: Crossing borders with flexibility

Running ProSyst mBedded Server to create modular design for a wide application spectrum

Optimized life cycle costs

High reliability and security

High-power output for high-speed

Multisystem capability

Easy maintenance

Federal APD Parking Solution

ProSyst mBedded Server OSGi Framework running in parking lanes and gates

Fully integrated Airport Parking and Revenue Control System

Encompasses parking equipment, data processing, central control monitoring and billing

An interconnecting communication subsystem incl. E-Z pass interface and license plate recognition covering all central parking lanes

First deployment: Dallas Fort Worth Int. Airport

Next: JFK, Newark, LaGuardia

TOPIQ Fleet Management for Trucks

Running ProSyst mBedded Server - open and stable sytem for fleet management

Powerful basic functions

High reliability and security

Remote monitoring

Remote upgrading of system software More than 7,000 trucks equipped with TOPIQ are on the road

Continental (Siemens VDO)

 Using ProSyst JProfiler during development of OnBoard Units for various car manufacturers  Analyze Source Code, remote profiling, memory profiling, CPU profiling  Visual representation for VM load or each object of bytes, instances, threads, classes, Garbage Collector activity

Vehicle Infrastructure Integration Project (USDOT)  Reducing the number and severity of incidents and reducing traffic congestion are two priorities of the US Department of Transportation (USDOT) and car makers.  Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) will allow vehicles to communicate with a roadside-infrastructure, as well as with each other.  The communication capability, in combination with a nationwide data collection and processing network, will enable significant improvements to safety, mobility and productivity/convenience.

 Subsidy amount: US$ 56 Million

Some participants/partners:

Additional Research Projects

Why ProSyst OSGi

Market Leadership

: For more than a decade ProSyst OSGi is used in CPEs, STBs, Routers, Gateways, Energy Gateways, Control Panels, Mobile Devices, Cars, Trains, Trucks, Healthcare Devices, etc.

• ProSyst ´ s OSGi implementation is

optimized for resource-constrained embedded devices

: it is faster, smaller and more reliable • ProSyst offers the

most complete solution with additional unique features

such as Resource Mgmt, additional Security, etc.

Why ProSyst OSGi (cont.)

• ProSyst's field

proven OSGi implementation

has been sold milion times • License cost are reasonable, so

TCO is lower

than developing an own implementation or adjusting and maintaining an Open Source Implementation • ProSyst's OSGi comes with 2 years

Warranty, Indemnification, Liability

• ProSyst ´ s OSGi is backed by a responsive

Professional Customer Service team supporting you

in the development and deployment phase

• Software Engineers • Software Quality Assurance (QA) Engineers • Technical Writers • Project Managers • Software Architects • Internships: – Software Engineer – Java – Java Quality Assurance (QA)

• Work in an well established and growing international company • Work on projects with some of the world’s leading brands • Open and friendly working atmosphere • Very competitive remuneration package based on performance • Ability to participate in the development of the next generation Java and OSGi standards

Thank You!

Please feel free to contact us at any time!

Dr. Pavlin Dobrev Research and Development Manager, ProSyst Labs [email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]