Transcript SAQ Review

With your group go through the following
SAQs and discuss how to answer each task.
Briefly explain which of William Penn’s three
purposes for his “Holy Experiment” in
Pennsylvania—religious toleration, government
based on liberal ideas, and personal profit—
were not found in any of the other original
English colonies.
Briefly explain which of Penn’s three purposes
would prove to be the most difficult for him to
Briefly explain how one of the other 13 original
colonies came close to Penn’s purpose of
religious toleration.
United States historians have proposed various events to
mark the beginning of the American Revolution.
A. Choose ONE of the events listed below, and explain why
your choice best represents the beginning of the
American Revolution. Provide at least ONE piece of
evidence to support your explanation.
The passage of the Stamp Act
Boston Massacre
Boston Tea Party
B. Contrast your choice against ONE of the other options,
demonstrating why that option is not as good as your
Briefly explain ONE of the parts of Henry Clay’s proposed
American System, a comprehensive plan to bring about economic
improvement. Provide at least ONE piece of evidence to support
your explanation.
Protective tariffs
National Bank
Internal improvements
Briefly explain how ONE of the parts of Henry clay’s proposed
American System would bring about economic improvement.
Provide at least ONE piece of evidence to support your explanation.
Identify and briefly explain the role played by ONE individual or
group that was critical of one of the parts or the entire plan for the
American System.
“When the New Deal was over, capitalism remained intact. The rich still controlled the
nation’s wealth, as well as its laws, courts, police, newspapers, churches, colleges.
Enough help had been given to enough people to make Roosevelt a hero to millions,
but the same system that had brought depression and crisis—the system of waste, of
inequality, of concern for profit over human need—remained.”
--Howard Zinn, historian, A People’s History of the United States, 1999
“Most of Roosevelt’s solutions did little. The public hoopla of ‘job programs’ barely
dented unemployment numbers, which still stood at 12.5 percent in 1939, or ten times
what they had been under Coolidge…Did FDR do anything right? Yes. By taking the
United States off the gold standard, he saved what was left of the banking system. But
as they say, even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.”
--Larry Schweikart, historian, 48 Liberal Lies about American History, 2008
Using the excerpts, answer A, B, C:
A. Briefly explain ONE development during the New Deal era not mentioned in
the excerpts that supports Zinn’s point of view.
B. Briefly explain ONE development during the New Deal era not mentioned in
the excerpts that supports Scheikart’s point of view.
C. Briefly explain ONE additional development that supports the position that
the New Deal produced a “limited welfare state.”
Answer parts A, B, and C.
A. Briefly explain why ONE of the following developments was the
most significant factor contributing to the outbreak of the Civil
 The Compromise of 1850
 Kansas/Nebraska Act 1854
 The Dred Scott Decision 1857
B. Provide ONE piece of evidence to support your choice in Part A.
C. Contrast your choice in Part A against one of the other options,
demonstrating why that option is not as good as your choice.