2016 ACSC 325 Presentation.ppt

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Transcript 2016 ACSC 325 Presentation.ppt

An Introduction to the field of Actuarial Science
Actuarial Designations
 Associate of the Society of Actuaries (ASA)
 Complete all 5 preliminary exams
 Complete all VEE credits
 Complete Fundamentals of Actuarial Practice (FAP) modules
 Chartered Enterprise Risk Analyst (CERA)
 Complete Exams P, FM, MFE, C
 Complete Advanced Financial Economics (AFE) Exam
 Note: ASA is also given to those who complete the criteria for
the CERA designation
 Enterprise Risk Management module and exam
 After completion of ASA, additional modules and
completion of specialized series of exams allows one to
be eligible to earn the FSA designation
 CERA and ERM only through SOA
 NOTE: Please visit http://www.soa.org for more
detailed information.
Validation by Educational
Experience (VEE credits)
 There are three VEE topics that you must complete
 Economics
Econ 201 and Econ 203 OR Econ 301 and Econ 303
 Corporate Finance
Finance 317 OR ACSC 425 (Note: Acct 317 not allowed)
 Applied Statistics
Stat 429 and Stat 505 OR just Stat 431
Actuarial Students’ National
Association (ASNA)
 Consists of Actuarial students from across Canada
 Largest Actuarial job fair in North America
 An annual convention that usually has speakers from the
 Travel funding available – ask us for details!
 This year’s conference is from 2-4 of January, 2015 in
SOA Exams
 There are 5 preliminary exams that you should begin as
soon as possible to increase your employability
 Exam P – Probability
 Math 321, 323
 Exam FM – Financial Mathematics
 ACSC 325
 Exam MLC – Modeling Life Contingencies
 ACSC 327, 427, 527
 Exam MFE – Modeling Financial Economics
 ACSC 539.04
 Exam C – Credibility
 ACSC 533, Stat 421, 433, 437
SOA Approved Calculators
 BA-35
 BAII Plus ** (Used in FNCE 317) ~ $45
 BA II Plus Professional Edition ** ~ $70
 TI-30Xa
 TI-30XIIS ** ~ $25
 TI-30XS MultiView
 TI-30XB MultiView
Accreditation program through
CIA only
 Exemption for certain CIA professional exams
depending on the grades earned in the designated
university courses
 You can find more details about the CIA accreditation
program at the following website:
University of Calgary Actuarial
Society (UCAS)
 Membership is $10
 Extensive Test bank covering most of the courses you
will be taking (http://ucasexambank.wordpress.com).
Password protected, access to members only.
 Offer midterm/final review sessions for ACSC 325,
ACSC 327 and MATH 321
 Great networking in the Actuarial and business
 Great resource for questions about the profession since
many of our execs have internship experience
Upcoming events
Mercer Info Session – September 21
Towers Watson Info Session – September 28
 Website: www.math.ucalgary.ca/actuary
 E-mail: [email protected]
 Facebook: UCAS - University of Calgary Actuarial
 Office: MS 369 (office hours posted on our website)