Air Pollution

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Transcript Air Pollution

Air Pollution
Air pollution
• Air Pollution- change in the atmosphere that has a negative impact
• Emission- solid particles and gases that are released into the air
• Things that cause pollution are
– Carbon monoxide
– soot
– Ash
– Sulfur
– Nitrogen oxide
Smog, what causes it?
• Photochemical smog [smog]- thick brownish haze formed when certain
gases in the air react with sunlight
• Causes are
– Automobiles and trucks
– Hydrocarbons
– Nitrogen oxides
• Ozone- gases react with sunlight and produce a form of oxygen
• Temperature Inversion-layer of warm air prevents the rising air from
escaping then the smog becomes more dangerous and concentrated
Health effects of Smog
• Health effects are
Itchy water eyes
Scratchy throat
Lung problems
Harm defenses against infections
Acid rain and the causes
• Acid rain –precipitation that is more acidic
than normal
• Causes are when nitrogen oxide and sulfur
oxide react with water vapor
• Can be found in snow, sleet or fog
Effects of acidic rain
• Has some negative effects they are
– Can change in conditions in pond or lakes
– Destroys plants and forests
– Can rust objects [not reversible]
• To neutralize acidic rain add lime
Indoor pollution
• Indoor pollution-pollution inside
• Examples are
– Dust
– Pet hair
– Air freshener
– Paints oils and glue
– Smoking
• These things can cause lung disease and damage the heart
Global warming
• Global warming- increase in carbon diooxide will rise temperature
• This could cause more storms and affect
crop growth and Antarctica ice cap would
Calculating climate change
• Calculating is complex
• Takes less than century
• Use computer models to calculate changes
in atmosphere