NESDIS DCS Technology Update (pptx)

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NOAA Satellite and Information Service | Office of Satellite and Product Operations

NESDIS Technology Report and Operational Update

Kay Metcalf, NOAA GOES DCS Program Manager

May 3, 2016


System Statistics

•Number of System Use Agreements: •Number of DADDS Users: 730 1,731 •Number of Messages per Day: 800,000 •(Estimated Number of Observations per Day: 8,000,000

Ground System Upgrades

•Network Interface Card Multiplexor (NIC MUX) Redesign •Combiner Added to Uplink Transmitters to Allow Multiple Signals to be Processed –One Transmitter can be used as Pilot or as Test Transmitter »Allows More Flexibility •Additional Demodulators Added at Each Site –Enough for 120 channels –Additional Chassis

Data Dissemination Updates

•LRIT Distribution almost Ready •Getting Ready to turn on the Feature in DAMS-NT which feeds multiple outputs –Will write WCDA data to WCDA and NSOF –Will write NSOF data to NSOF and WCDA »Each site will keep its own data as prime all else being equal, will select “best” if different »Will keep source information and monitor for trouble at specific sites •Working with NWS to accommodate move of Gateway and HADS from Silver Spring to College Park •Will add direct feed in preferred format to HADS MADIS source

Staffing Updates

•Added Contract Support to Help Letecia with Customer Service Tasks (Valerie Randall) –Processing System Use Agreement –Making Database Updates –Authorizing DADDS users –Updating database when appropriate »Still need to populate Group Managers and SUA contact Records •Jason Dong continues as DBA –Database Monitoring –Ad Hoc Reports and Queries –Assists with Special User Requests –Even replaces a demod or two when necessary •Vacancy Announcement for IT Specialist to take charge of DADDS software, CM, etc …


• New 5 year contract (1 year base, 4 option years) awarded in 2015 • DCS still running about $70k per year (plus GSA fees) • Agreements for 2016 arranged, but running close on schedule • Funding by USACE, BLM (Sacramento and Boise separately), NCDC • USACE been VERY generous for last 3 years • For 2017 only commitment is from California DWR –LOOKING FOR FUNDING SOURCES • DOMSAT contract can just not be exercised anytime users decide not to fund

Technology Updates

• DCPC research continued…Report at this meeting • Interference Monitoring Continued…Report at this meeting • DADDS development continues…Report and training at this meeting • Efforts to Auction Frequencies Continue –Led to Major Effort to Identify users and uses of DCS for Defense of Spectrum •STIWG wrote major paper •NWS efforts to identify dependence on DCS very revealing • IT Security Continues to be Major Focus

New Sustainment Contract

• Five year Term • Focus on Completing DADDS enhancements –Complete Netlists and Data Delivery Mechanisms –Refresh and Optimize Software –Assure IT Security –Refresh Ground System within Current Architecture –Sustain Ground System and Assure Reliability

Upcoming Activities

• GOES-R Launch October 2016 –Ground System Prepared for Launch • ******************************************************* • LRGS Upgraded to Require Passwords –All users must be prepared to use Passwords by July 2016 –Contact Philip Whaley at Wallops WCDA with Questions • ******************************************************* • Wallops Power Outage on May 11, 2016 • Power System to be Upgraded • Outage Expected to Last approximately 8 to 10 hours • All DCS Systems Transferred to NSOF on May 10, 2016 • Pilot at Wallops will be running on Backup Power • Offsite Pilot Transmitter Prepared in case of Failure at Wallops • *******************************************************

GOES DCS Contact Information

Kay Metcalf

GOES DCS Program Manager

[email protected]


Letecia Reeves

GOES DCS Customer Service

[email protected]
