Transcript Hunters

Goal: To create a model of people hunting in the forest for mushrooms and then start working on improving their mushroom hunting ability mathematically.

Day 1

to setup ask patches [set pcolor green] end

Day 1

to setup ask patches [set pcolor green] ask n-of 5 patches [set pcolor red] end

Day 1

to setup ask patches [set pcolor green]

Day 1

ask n-of 5 patches [ask n-of 10 patches in-radius 5 [set pcolor red]] end

to setup ask patches [set pcolor green] end

Day 1

ask n-of 5 patches [ask n-of 10 patches in-radius 5 [set pcolor red]] crt 2 [set size 3 set shape “person” set color blue]

to setup ask patches [set pcolor green]

Day 1

ask n-of 5 patches [ask n-of 10 patches in-radius 5 [set pcolor red]] crt 2 [set size 3 set shape “person” set color blue] end to go ask turtles [fd 1] wait .3


to setup clear-all

Day 1

ask patches [set pcolor green] ask n-of 5 patches [ask n-of 10 patches in-radius 5 [set pcolor red]] crt 2 [set size 3 set shape “person” set color blue pen-down] end to go ask turtles [fd 1] ask turtles [if pcolor = red [set pcolor yellow show “found one!”]] wait .3


to setup clear-all

Day 1

ask patches [set pcolor green] ask n-of 5 patches [ask n-of 10 patches in-radius 5 [set pcolor red]] crt 2 [set size 3 set shape “person” set color blue pen-down] end to go ask turtles [set heading heading + random 20 – random 20 fd 1] ask turtles [if pcolor = red [set pcolor yellow show “found one!”]] wait .3


Try doing the following: Day 1

1. Change the size, color, and shape of your hunters.

2. Change the number of groups of mushrooms, mushrooms in each group, and radius of the groups.

6. Change the number of hunters.j

Goal: To work on improving their mushroom hunting ability mathematically.

Day 2

to setup clear-all

Day 2

ask patches [set pcolor green] ask n-of 5 patches [ask n-of 10 patches in-radius 5 [set pcolor red]] crt 2 [set size 3 set shape “person” set color blue pen-down] end to go ask turtles [set heading heading + random 20 – random 20 fd 1] ask turtles [if pcolor = red [set pcolor yellow show “found one!”]] wait .3


to setup clear-all

Day 2

reset-ticks ask patches [set pcolor green] ask n-of 5 patches [ask n-of 10 patches in-radius 5 [set pcolor red]] crt 2 [set size 3 set shape “person” set color blue pen-down] end to go ask turtles [set heading heading + random 20 – random 20 fd 1] ask turtles [if pcolor = red [set pcolor yellow show “found one!”]] wait .3

tick end

turtles-own [memory] to setup

Day 2

clear-all reset-ticks ask patches [set pcolor green] ask n-of 5 patches [ask n-of 10 patches in-radius 5 [set pcolor red]] crt 2 [set size 3 set shape “person” set color blue pen-down set memory 999 ] end to go ask turtles [ search ] wait .3

tick end to search ifelse memory < 20 [right (random 181) – 90][right (random 21) – 10] fd 1 ifelse pcolor = red [set memory 0 set pcolor yellow][set memory memory + 1] end

Day 2

to search ifelse memory < 20 [right (random 181) – 90][right (random 21) – 10] fd 1 ifelse pcolor = red [set memory 0 set pcolor yellow][set memory memory + 1] end

Try doing the following: Day 2

1. Change the number of hunters to 1, then to 5.

2. Try setting the hunters’ initial heading to 45˚ by using the command:

set heading 45

3. Change each group of mushrooms to have more mushrooms in a smaller radius.

Try doing the following: Day 2

4. Have the hunters say “Found one!” using the command:

show “found one!”

5. Instead of turning by -10 to 10 degrees when they haven’t found a mushroom for awhile, change it to -45 to 45.

6. Change where the hunters start by using the command:

setxy 10 10


Day 2

Have the hunters count how many mushrooms they have found.

You need to define:

turtles-own [counter]

You’ll need to use the command:

set counter 0

And every time they pick up a mushroom the command:

set counter counter + 1

Instead of saying show “found one!” have them:

show counter