Transcript hc4.gnostic

Heresy, Orthodoxy, & the Bible: The Gnostic Challenge
Heresy, Orthodoxy, & the Bible: The Gnostic Challenge
I. Earliest Challenges to the Christian Movement
Heresy, Orthodoxy, & the Bible: The Gnostic Challenge
I. Earliest Challenges to the Christian Movement
A. Marcionism
Heresy, Orthodoxy, & the Bible: The Gnostic Challenge
I. Earliest Challenges to the Christian Movement
A. Marcionism
B. Gnosticism
Gnostic Gospels:
Codices Found at Nag Hammadi (Upper Egypt) in 1945
Heresy, Orthodoxy, & the Bible: The Gnostic Challenge
I. Earliest Challenges to the Christian Movement
A. Marcionism
B. Gnosticism
1. Characteristic Teachings
Heresy, Orthodoxy, & the Bible: The Gnostic Challenge
I. Earliest Challenges to the Christian Movement
A. Marcionism
B. Gnosticism
1. Characteristic Teachings
II. Earliest Responses to “Heresy”
Heresy, Orthodoxy, & the Bible: The Gnostic Challenge
I. Earliest Challenges to the Christian Movement
A. Marcionism
B. Gnosticism
1. Characteristic Teachings
II. Earliest Responses to “Heresy”
A. Theological Activity
Heresy, Orthodoxy, & the Bible: The Gnostic Challenge
I. Earliest Challenges to the Christian Movement
A. Marcionism
B. Gnosticism
1. Characteristic Teachings
II. Earliest Responses to “Heresy”
A. Theological Activity
1. Apostolic Fathers
Heresy, Orthodoxy, & the Bible: The Gnostic Challenge
I. Earliest Challenges to the Christian Movement
A. Marcionism
B. Gnosticism
1. Characteristic Teachings
II. Earliest Responses to “Heresy”
A. Theological Activity
1. Apostolic Fathers
2. Apologists
Heresy, Orthodoxy, & the Bible: The Gnostic Challenge
I. Earliest Challenges to the Christian Movement
A. Marcionism
B. Gnosticism
1. Characteristic Teachings
II. Earliest Responses to “Heresy”
A. Theological Activity
1. Apostolic Fathers
2. Apologists
3. Earliest Major Theologians (Irenaeus, Tertullian, Origen)
Heresy, Orthodoxy, & the Bible: The Gnostic Challenge
I. Earliest Challenges to the Christian Movement
A. Marcionism
B. Gnosticism
1. Characteristic Teachings
II. Earliest Responses to “Heresy”
A. Theological Activity
1. Apostolic Fathers
2. Apologists
3. Earliest Major Theologians
B. 3 Basic Criteria of “Orthodoxy”
Heresy, Orthodoxy, & the Bible: The Gnostic Challenge
I. Earliest Challenges to the Christian Movement
A. Marcionism
B. Gnosticism
1. Characteristic Teachings
II. Earliest Responses to “Heresy”
A. Theological Activity
1. Apostolic Fathers
2. Apologists
3. Earliest Major Theologians
B. 3 Basic Criteria of “Orthodoxy”
1. The Canon of Scripture
Heresy, Orthodoxy, & the Bible: The Gnostic Challenge
I. Earliest Challenges to the Christian Movement
A. Marcionism
B. Gnosticism
1. Characteristic Teachings
II. Earliest Responses to “Heresy”
A. Theological Activity
1. Apostolic Fathers
2. Apologists
3. Earliest Major Theologians
B. 3 Basic Criteria of “Orthodoxy”
1. The Canon of Scripture
2. The Rule of Faith  Apostles’ Creed
Apostles’ Creed: Modern English Version
I believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;
he descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again;
he ascended into heaven,
he is seated at the right hand of the Father,
and he will come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen.
Heresy, Orthodoxy, & the Bible: The Gnostic Challenge
I. Earliest Challenges to the Christian Movement
A. Marcionism
B. Gnosticism
1. Characteristic Teachings
II. Earliest Responses to “Heresy”
A. Theological Activity
1. Apostolic Fathers
2. Apologists
3. Earliest Major Theologians
B. 3 Basic Criteria of “Orthodoxy”
1. The Canon of Scripture
2. The Rule of Faith  Apostles’ Creed
3. the apostolic tradition