Safety Manual Example

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Transcript Safety Manual Example

By: Vince Knight
Technology Safety Manual Power
This is dedicated to Mr. Miller, my
teacher for STEM class, because I’m
expecting to learn a lot from him.
No Horseplay
Probably one of the most important lab rules, horse
playing is when two or more people get together and
play around roughly. This can lead to actual fist fights
if somebody get’s hurt, which can lead to somebody
breaking glass and distracting other students.
Always Wear Safety Equipment
Wearing any equipment needed for a lab is always a
good thing to do because you can avoid almost any
hazard. For example, when cutting wood, it’ll be a
smart thing to wear safety glasses just incase any
wood flies up near your eyes.
Or, when working with anything
flammable, if there happens to be
an accident and a fire starts, you
wouldn’t be burned badly if you
Have Respect for All Lab
It’s always a smart thing to do to respect someone else’s
things, so consider the following:
Never use a machine when the teacher isn’t in the
room because you’re not going to know how to use it and
you might mess it up.
Have permission to
use a machine so that
the teacher knows
you’re using it.
Don’t use a machine
Fire Safety
If a fire were to break loose, then you should follow these given
⬜ Always know where the fire extinguisher is.
⬜ Stop, drop, and roll your way to the fire extinguisher.
⬜ Place oily rags
into a metal
container so
that a fire
doesn’t start and just spread everywhere.
Hazardous Materials and Waste
Chemicals can probably be the most dangerous thing to work with in the lab, so follow
the correct lab safety procedures when working with them.
Always dispose of waste into the proper disposal.
Chemicals with high
health risks should
always have an
“MSDS”, which stands
for Material Safety
Data Sheet. Make sure to read it.
Always check the safety
information labels on
common chemicals.
Lab Cleaning
You should always clean up after yourself once finished with a lab
because if you don’t, then other people would have to clean up after you,
which that’s just rude.
You should also clean
anything that you spill
and dispose it in the
proper receptacle.
For example, if glass
breaks, you don’t want
people stepping on it and
getting glass in their shoe.
Food and Drinks
Never have any food or drinks in the lab because it could be a mess.
For example, if a drink spills, it could damage a machine and you’re
going to have to pay for it. Or if you’re chewing gum, it could be a
distraction to your fellow lab mates.
Either that or it
could fall out
of your mouth
and into a
Follow All Directions
This is the most important lab rule because if you
don’t follow the directions, you could mess your lab
up pretty quickly. Let’s say the teacher tells you to add
a certain amount of something to a substance. If you
added too much, you’re not going to get the same
result everybody else did, so that means you’re going
to have to start over.
Have a Nice Attitude
Having a good attitude will
get out of a lot of trouble anywhere
you are, but an important place to
have one is in the lab. If you have a
bad attitude, it could really distract
others, and you it could get worse if you don’t control yourself. If this
happens, then you might start disrespecting the labequipment,
you might disrespect others, and you might even harm someone.
However, don’t get careless and start breaking
machines if you’re having a bad day.
Follow the Safety Rules
If you followed all of these rules, then you just avoided quite a lot of
accidents! However, if you said rules are for fools, then I bet you’re going
to feel like a fool when you walk back into school all bandaged up, or if
you even walk back to school at all! Not being safe is NOT a good
thing, so it would be best to follow the safety procedures and not be
About Me
As for my conclusion to this power point, I have to say that
I’m very glad I got into STEM because when, I’m older, I’m going to make a
game. Well learning about computer science and getting good grades is
going to help out a LOT! I just hope the manual was a good one that
everyone could understand. Thanks for reading it!!