Board of Education Presentation on Evaluations by Mrs. Sipperley, Mrs. Ziaja and Dr. Maleyko, March 9, 2015

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Transcript Board of Education Presentation on Evaluations by Mrs. Sipperley, Mrs. Ziaja and Dr. Maleyko, March 9, 2015

Dearborn Employee
Evaluation Update
Before The Board of Education
By Christine Sipperley, Rene Ziaja,
Brian Whiston, and Glenn Maleyko,
March 9, 2015
Important Changes
 2005 Dearborn brought in a researched based
model and abandoned the checklist
evaluation system
 2010 State Law Changed requiring all
teachers to receive evaluations
 2011 Major Changes to the State Law on
Evaluations. Student Growth Data included
for teachers and administrators. Went to a
four category scale:
 Highly Effective, Effective, Minimally
Effective, and Ineffective.
DFT/Teacher Evaluation
Maysam Alie-Bazzi
Jill Chochol
Andrew Denison
Fatme Faraj
Hassane Jaafar
Julia Maconochie
Wyatt David
Glenn Maleyko
Wanda Beydoun
Mark Palise
Shannon Peterson
Linda Lazar
Robert Seeterlin
Gail Shenkman
Chris Sipperley
Steve Saleh
Nicole Chubb
DFSE/DSOEA and NonInstructional- Evaluation
Rene Ziaja
Tom Hand
Jeff Murphy
Don Ball
Andy Denison
Shawn Cornea
Ruth Bankhead
Gary Shelby
Tony Sarkins
Yvonne Ravenscroft
Cheryl Dughlas
A High Level of
 A High Level of Collaboration among
the teacher evaluation committee as
well as the administrator evaluation
committee. The union is part of both
 We have recently formed a noninstructional evaluation committee and
a there has been a similar
collaborative culture
 We are ahead of the game and leaders with
the training that we have been providing
 We are requiring all administrators that
evaluate teachers to take the teachscape
class and Test.
 Average about 20-30 practice hours on-line
 The assessment takes between 5-7 hours to
 Over 80 administrators have been through
the training – We start our 3rd cohort this
Our current model is based on a
the 2005 Danielson model which
has been modified
We are now planning to move to
the 2013 Danielson model
We are confident that this will be
one of the state approved models
We are also going to move to a full
on-line evaluation tool via the
Teachscape Reflection mode
Weighted Formula
 75% will be based on Observation Protocol and
the 5 Standards for Effective Teaching.
 This includes observations (formal and not
formal), walkthroughs, other performance
measures that are related to the teacher
evaluation rubric which includes all 5
standards. Professional Responsibilities are
included as one of the standards.
25% Growth Data
 5% District growth based on state
accountability measures
 10% Building Growth
 10% Classroom Growth
10% Building Growth Data
 Based on multiple measures which must include
NWEA (reading, Language Usage, math and
science), Explore, Plan, MME and State
Accountability growth measures (when state
data is made available).
10% Classroom Growth Data
 Based on NWEA for the specific subject
area, State Assessments, Classroom
Assessments, DRA, Performance or
product measures, other formative
assessments, pre and post tests
(specific % proficient) are required.
5% District Growth
 Based on state accountability measures
and other student growth measures
available to the District. We will
continue to monitor state progress in
this area.
Proposed Legislation
 There are different bills being debated
in Lansing
 We would have thought that they
would have passed something by now
since their initial deadline was April
 However, that has not occurred
Non instructional evaluations
 We have held committee meetings
 We are looking to get the evaluations in
personnel files
 It will be a positive experience for most.
 Safe guards for employees that might not
receive effective ratings and required
written documentation
 Working in positive cooperation with the
Administrator Evaluation
 Still not sure what will happen here
but it is possible that we will have to
choose one of the state approved
 3 models
 Marzano, Doug Reeves, and MASA
model by Pat Reeves
Questions or Comments?
 Thank you for your support.