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Transcript 2014-01-23.pptx

Incremental Run-time Application Mapping for Heterogeneous Network on Chip

2012 IEEE 14th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications Jingcheng Shao, Chen Tian-zhou, Li Liu 1

Outline       Introduction Near Convex Region Algorithm Mapping Problem and Evaluation Metrics Heterogeneous Near Convex Region Algorithm (HNCR) Experiments and Results Conclusion 2

Outline       Introduction Near Convex Region Algorithm Mapping Problem and Evaluation Metrics Heterogeneous Near Convex Region Algorithm (HNCR) Experiments and Results Conclusion 3

Introduction   Propose an incremental run-time application mapping algorithm for heterogeneous NoC Apply the idea of near convex region to heterogeneous NoC 4

Outline       Introduction Near Convex Region Algorithm Mapping Problem and Evaluation Metrics Heterogeneous Near Convex Region Algorithm (HNCR) Experiments and Results Conclusion 5

Near Convex Region Algorithm   Two steps  Select a near convex region whose area is close to its convex hull  Assign nodes to the selected region Optimizing the mapping results of not only the currently incoming application but also the additional applications in the future 6

Near Convex Region Algorithm (cont.)  Convex region?


Near Convex Region Algorithm (cont.)  Convex region?


Near Convex Region Algorithm (cont.)  Convex hull 9

Near Convex Region Algorithm (cont.)  Convex hull 10

Near Convex Region Algorithm (cont.)  Convex hull 11

Near Convex Region Algorithm (cont.) 12

Near Convex Region Algorithm (cont.) 13

Near Convex Region Algorithm (cont.) 14

Outline       Introduction Near Convex Region Algorithm Mapping Problem and Evaluation Metrics Heterogeneous Near Convex Region Algorithm (HNCR) Experiments and Results Conclusion 15

Mapping Problem and Evaluation Metrics 16

Mapping Problem and Evaluation Metrics   Application Communication Graph  ACG = G(V, E)   W(e i,j ) : communication volume T(v k ) : the type of a vertex (T cpu , T xpu )  W cpu (v k ) : computing volume using CPU  W xpu (v k ) : computing volume using XPU Application mapping  map(v k ) -> PE i,j  MAP(ACG) -> R 17

Mapping Problem and Evaluation Metrics  Energy model  E comp : computing energy consumption  E comm : communication energy consumption  Computing energy  Vk is assigned to CPU, then Xk = 1  Vk is assigned to XPU, then Xk = 0 18

Mapping Problem and Evaluation Metrics  Communication energy  Total energy computing 19 communication

Outline       Introduction Near Convex Region Algorithm Mapping Problem and Evaluation Metrics Heterogeneous Near Convex Region Algorithm (HNCR) Experiments and Results Conclusion 20

HNCR-Region Selection   Find a proper number of XPU  k = num app task ∗ num(available XPU) num(available PEs)  K = 5*(4/36) Contiguous convex region selection 21

HNCR-Region Selection  D(PE) : the number of available neighbors of the PE  C(PE) : the distance from the geometric center of the selected region to the PE 22

HNCR-Region Selection  D(PE) : the number of available neighbors of the PE  C(PE) : the distance from the geometric center of the selected region to the PE



HNCR-Region Selection  D(PE) : the number of available neighbors of the PE  C(PE) : the distance from the geometric center of the selected region to the PE



HNCR-Region Selection  D(PE) : the number of available neighbors of the PE  C(PE) : the distance from the geometric center of the selected region to the PE



HNCR-Region Selection  D(PE) : the number of available neighbors of the PE  C(PE) : the distance from the geometric center of the selected region to the PE




HNCR-Region Selection  D(PE) : the number of available neighbors of the PE  C(PE) : the distance from the geometric center of the selected region to the PE



HNCR-Region Selection  D(PE) : the number of available neighbors of the PE  C(PE) : the distance from the geometric center of the selected region to the PE



HNCR-Region Selection  D(PE) : the number of available neighbors of the PE  C(PE) : the distance from the geometric center of the selected region to the PE

R’ S



HNCR-Region Selection  D(PE) : the number of available neighbors of the PE  C(PE) : the distance from the geometric center of the selected region to the PE



HNCR-Node Allocation  Sort the node of application  Step 1 : select all T xpu, in decreasing order sort their computing volume differences  V5, V4  Keep the first K nodes (assume k =1)  Step 2 : sort the remaining nodes by their communication volume with adjacent nodes in decreasing order  V1, V4, V2, V3  Step 3 : append the second list to the tail of the first one  V5, V1, V4, V2, V3 31

HNCR-Node Allocation  DISCOVER : Select possible temporary locations for a node  FINISH : Select an accurate location for a node such that the distance between this node and its “discovered” or “finished” neighbors is minimized 32

HNCR-Node Allocation  DISCOVER : Select possible temporary locations for a node  FINISH : Select an accurate location for a node such that the distance between this node and its “discovered” or “finished” neighbors is minimized 33

HNCR-Node Allocation  DISCOVER : Select possible temporary locations for a node  FINISH : Select an accurate location for a node such that the distance between this node and its “discovered” or “finished” neighbors is minimized 34

HNCR-Node Allocation  DISCOVER : Select possible temporary locations for a node  FINISH : Select an accurate location for a node such that the distance between this node and its “discovered” or “finished” neighbors is minimized 35

HNCR-Node Allocation  DISCOVER : Select possible temporary locations for a node  FINISH : Select an accurate location for a node such that the distance between this node and its “discovered” or “finished” neighbors is minimized 36

HNCR-Node Allocation  DISCOVER : Select possible temporary locations for a node  FINISH : Select an accurate location for a node such that the distance between this node and its “discovered” or “finished” neighbors is minimized 37

HNCR-Node Allocation  DISCOVER : Select possible temporary locations for a node  FINISH : Select an accurate location for a node such that the distance between this node and its “discovered” or “finished” neighbors is minimized 38

Outline       Introduction Near Convex Region Algorithm Mapping Problem and Evaluation Metrics Heterogeneous Near Convex Region Algorithm (HNCR) Experiments and Results Conclusion 39

Experiment Setup   Target NoC  6 X 6 mesh ACG Generation  TGFF  Vertex : 5-8  Degree of vertex : 1-4 40

Experiment Setup (cont.)   Comparison algorithm  Random  Greedy Simulator  Booksim  Orion : calculate energy consumption 41

Experiments and Results  Two performance metrics  Average latency  Average energy consumption 42

Injection Rate 43

Traffic Distribution application 44

Traffic Distribution 45

Mapping Process 46

Mapping Process (cont.) 47

Outline       Introduction Near Convex Region Algorithm Mapping Problem and Evaluation Metrics Heterogeneous Near Convex Region Algorithm (HNCR) Experiments and Results Conclusion 48

Conclusion    Proposed an incremental run-time application mapping algorithm for heterogeneous NoC Extend the algorithm to heterogeneous NoC which more types of PEs The algorithm needs to be adjusted when system is much complicated 49

Thank you !