Transcript CP-V4.ppt

V4: cellular reprogramming

Embryonic development Stem cells Differentiation iPS cells Oct4 Paper4 Model of a human cell, Spiegel Online 3D-Model of the human genome, Spiegel Online WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs

Some human cells

Astrocyte (nerve cell) ( Cardiomyocyte (heart muscle) (

Fibroblast (connective tissue) ( WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs 2

Zygotes - fertilization

In living organisms that reproduce sexually, development starts from a single cell, the


. Zygotes are usually produced by a


event between two


cells — an


from a female and a


cell from a male —which combine to form the single


cell. Human sperm and egg (sex cells) have one complete set of chromosomes from the male or female parent. Sex cells, also called


, combine to produce somatic cells. Somatic cells therefore have twice as many chromosomes.

The haploidity number (n=23 in humans) is the number of chromosomes in a gamete. A

somatic cell

has twice that many chromosomes (2n=46).

WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs 3

some terms from developmental biology

somatic cells

= cells forming the body of an organism

germ cells


Keimzelle, Ovolum

) are part of the germline.




) = line of germ cells that have genetic material that may be passed to a child/embryo. Germline cells are immortal.


= eukaryotic germ cell; includes spermatocytes (male) and oocytes (female)

primordial germ cells

: predecessors of germ cells. They migrate to the gonadal ridge. They may be detected from expression of Stella




) WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs


Germ line development

Germline cells

are produced by embryonic cleavage.


: division of cells in the early embryo. The


of many species undergo rapid cell cycles with no significant growth.

The different cells derived from cleavage are called


and form a compact mass called the


. Cleavage ends with the formation of the






is slow. Cell division takes 12 – 24 hours and is asynchronous.

WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs



Zygotes contain DNA derived from both the mother and the father, and this provides all the genetic information necessary to form a new individual.

This property is named „


“ (latin: totus – all, potentia – power/ability).

Continuous cell division produces daughter cells that start to specialize on individual functions.

This developmental process of cells and tissue from a less specialized to a more specialized state is called


in developmental biology.

WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs 6

Glossary I


Ability of a cell to give rise to all cells of an organism, including embryonic and extraembryonic tissues. Zygotes are totipotent.


Ability of a cell to give rise to all cells of the embryo. Cells of the inner cell mass (ICM; see below) and its derivative, embryonic stem (ES) cells, are pluripotent.


Ability of a cell to give rise to different cell types of a given cell lineage. These cells include most adult stem cells, such as gut stem cells, skin stem cells, hematopoietic stem cells and neural stem cells.


Capacity of a cell to sustain only one cell type or cell lineage. Examples are terminally differentiated cells, certain adult stem cells (testis stem cells) and committed progenitors (erythroblasts).

WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs Hochedlinger, Development 136, 509 (2009) 7

Chromatin-remodelling enzymes

Inner cell mass

(ICM): Cells of the blastocyst embryo that appear transiently during development and give rise to the three germ layers of the developing embryo.

Embryonic stem (ES)

cells: Pluripotent cell line derived from the ICM upon explantation in culture, which can differentiate in vitro into many different lineages and cell types, and, upon injection into blastocysts, can give rise to all tissues including the germline.

Primordial germ cells (PGCs):

PGCs give rise to oocytes and sperm in vivo and to embryonic germ (EG) cells when explanted in vitro.

WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs Hochedlinger, Development 136, 509 (2009)

Adult stem cells

Embryonic stem cells

only exist in the early embryo. We all possess

adult stem cells

, from which new specialized cells are formed throughout our life time. Adult cells exist predominantly in bone marrow (dt. Knochenmark), but also in skin, fat tissue, umbilical cord, brain, liver, and in pancreas (dt. Bauchspeichel drüse).

Adult cells in cell culture have a much reduced ability of self regeneration and a reduced ability for differentiation compared to embryonic stem cells.

For example, neural stem cells can differentiate to all cell types of neural tissue (neorons, glia), but likely not into liver or muscle cells.

WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs 9

In this figure, the pluripotent cells of the embryo are tracked in green. From left to right, the morula-stage mouse embryo (embryonic day 2.5; E2.5) holds a core of pre-ICM (inner cell mass) cells that turn into ICM cells at cavitation/blastulation (E3 –E4). At this stage, embryonic stem cell (ESC) and Trophoblast Stem Cell (TSC) cell lines can be derived

in vitro

, and implantation occurs

in vivo

. ... As the blastocyst fully expands (and undergoes implantation

in vivo

), the ICM delaminates giving rise to a primitive


and a primitive


layer. At this stage, pluripotent cell lines that are known as embryonal carcinoma cells (ECCs) can be derived from the primitive ectoderm ... At E6 and subsequent stages, the experimental ability to derive ESCs, TSCs and ECCs from the mouse embryo is progressively lost, and the

in vivo

embryo will start


. This process involves the formation of a


layer between ectoderm and endoderm, and the formation of the primordial germ cells (PGCs). WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs Boiani & Schöler, Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 6, 872 (2005) 10

3 primary germ cell layers



is the outer layer of the early embryo. It emerges first and forms from the outer layer of germ cells.

The ectoderm differentiates to form the nervous system (spine, peripheral nerves and brain), tooth enamel and the epidermis. It also forms the lining of mouth, anus, nostrils, sweat glands, hair and nails.



develops at the inner layer. Its cells differentiate to form the gastrointestinal tract, the respiratory tract, endocrine glands and organs, auditory systems, and the urinary system.



is the middle layer. It differentiates to give rise to a number of tissues and structures including bone, cartilage, muscle, connective tissue (including that of the dermis), the middle layer of the skin, blood vascular, reproductive, excretory and urinogenital systems and contributes to some glands.

WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs 11

Chronology of stem cell research

1998 – embryonic stem cells

In 1998, James Thomson (US) isolated for the first time embryonic stem cells from surplus embryos „left over“ in fertilization clinics.

Since then, the research has progressed at an incredible speed.

Ethics „pro“: ESC have the potential to grow replacement tissue for patients with diabetes, Parkinson or other diseases.

Ethics „contra“: The technique requires destroying embryos. This has big ethical consequences.

In Germany, experimentation with humans is considered problematic due to the medical experiments pursued during the Nazi time.

Therefore, the above methods are forbidded by law in Germany!

Researchers are looking for new ways to generate stem cells without ethical problems.

SS 2009 lecture 9 Biological Sequence Analysis Cellular Programs 12

Chronology of stem cell research

2006 - Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS)

The first solution was presented in August 2006 by the two Japanese Kazutoshi Takahashi and Shinya Yamanaka. Using 4 control genes, they reprogrammed cells from mouse tail into a sort of embryonic state. The product was termed induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells).

Drawback: if used for medical treatment later, the inserted genes could enhance the risk of cancer. •

2007 – human iPS cells

In 2007, similar success was managed with human skin cells.

Fewer and fewer control genes are necessary to generate iPS cells.

Spiegel Online WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs 13

How can one show that iPS cells have stem cell potential?

Kim et al. Cell 136, 411 (2009) WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs 14

Chronology of stem cell research

February 2009 – only one reprogramming gene required

In February 2009, Hans Schöler presented iPS cells of mice that were reprogrammed using only a single control gene from neural stem cells (paper V9).

March 2009 – Reprogramming gene removed

Begin of March 2009: 2 teams of researchers present iPS cells that do not contain additional control genes in the genome. Control genes were first inserted into the genome of human skin cells, and later removed.

March 2009 – Reprogramming gene not in genome

End of March 2009: James Thomsom showed that control genes do not need to be inserted into the genome of the cells. He introduced an additional plasmid (ring genome) into the cell that was later removed.

Spiegel Online WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs 15

Chronology of stem cell research

April 2009 – Reprogramming of mouse cells without genes

Ende of April 2009: Sheng Ding (US) and others succeed to reprogram skin cells of mice into iPS without gene manipulations using proteins only.

This eliminates the risk of cancer due to insertion of genes.

May 2009 – Reprogramming of human cells without genes

US-korean team around Robert Lanza manages to reprogram human cells into iPS cells using proteins (TFs) only.

Spiegel Online WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs 16

Direct reprogramming of cells (November 2010)

WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs 17

Central regulator Oct4

POU domain is a part of Oct1 and Oct4.

(Left) Atomic X-ray structure of the complexes of the transcription factors POU and FGF4 with DNA.

(Right) Atomic X-ray structure of the complexes of the transcription factors POU and UTF1 with DNA.

Note the slightly different positions of the TFs which lead to recognition of slightly different DNA motifs. Remenyi et al. Genes Dev 15, 2048 (2003) WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs 18

Gene regulation network around Oct4

Oct4 is part of a tightly interconnected network involving 9 TFs that keep ES cells in the pluripotent state. The master regulator Oct4 as well as Sox2 and Dax1 have autoregulatory feed-forward feedback loops.

Kim et al. Cell 132, 1049 (2008) WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs 19

Gene regulation network around Oct4

In this complicated network, the concentration levels of the various TFs affect eachother in a balanced manner of mutual control.

The concentration of Oct4 inside ES cells must be regulated within a narrow interval.

Already a two-fold increase of Oct4 concentration causes differentiation into primitive endoderm and mesoderm A 50% decrease leads to differentiation into trophoectoderm.

Kellner, Kikyo, Histol Histopathol 25, 405 (2010) WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs 20

Complicated regulation of Oct4

Kellner, Kikyo, Histol Histopathol 25, 405 (2010) WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs 21

Gene regulation network around Oct4

Experiments showed that 6632 human genes contain binding motifs in their promoter regions for at least one out of the nine TFs.

Interestingly, many genes contain more than one binding motif. 800 genes bind four and more transcription factors. Kim et al. suggested that multiple transcription factors bind simultaneously as protein complexes. Kim et al. Cell 132, 1049 (2008) WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs 22

Detect target genes of Oct4

Antibodies against Oct4  fish“ all DNA, that binds Oct4  sequence DNA pieces Boyer et al. Cell 122, 947 (2005) WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs 23

Assign target genes of Oct4

Chavez et al. BMC Genomics 10, 314 (2009) WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs 24

Promotors of 2 Oct4 target genes

Chavez et al. BMC Genomics 10, 314 (2009) WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs 25

Chavez et al. BMC Genomics 10, 314 (2009) WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs

Was machen die Oct4-Targetgene in der Zelle?

Chavez et al. BMC Genomics 10, 314 (2009) WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs 27

Dynamic mathematical simulations

Chickarmane et al. PLoS Comp Biol 2, e123 (2006) WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs

Dynamic mathematical simulations

Chickarmane et al. PLoS Comp Biol 2, e123 (2006) WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs


Stem cell therapy may(!) open immense possibilities for future medicine.

Harvesting pluripotent embryonic stem cells is forbidden in Germany. Experimentation with adult stem cells is very restricted.

Ideally pluripotent stem cells should be grown directly from patient tissue.

Reprogramming of differentiated cells opens up completely new therapies.

Role of bioinformatics: - statistical preparation of experimental raw data (signal/noise) - functional annotation of findings - integrate individual data into network model - simulate and predict effects of perturbations WS 2010 – lecture 4 Cellular Programs 30