NURS 2410 unit 8 and 9.ppt

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Transcript NURS 2410 unit 8 and 9.ppt

Nancy Pares, RN, MSN
Metro Community College
Discuss/review pathophysiology and nursing
management of the pediatric client with
specified pulmonary conditions, including,
but not limited to:
◦ Upper and lower airway obstruction (1400 review)
◦ Pneumonias ( 1400 review)
◦ Respiratory synctial virus, asthma, cystic fibrosis,
bronchopulmonary dysplasias
Discuss nutritional concepts applicable to
pulmonary pediatric disorders
Anatomy of airway
Comparison of airway structures
Upper airway differences
◦ Airway diameter
Upper airway differences
◦ Position of trachea
Upper airway differences
◦ Position of right mainstem bronchus
◦ Airway resistance
Lower airway differences
◦ Growth of alveoli
Diaphragm use for respirations
◦ Use of accessory muscles
Immaturity of respiratory system
Airway obstruction
Blockage of airway passages by different
◦ Foreign-body aspiration
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
Multiple factors may cause ARDS
Meconium aspiration
Gastric content aspiration
Smoke inhalation
Near drowing
Nasal flaring
Quality of pulse
Quality of respirations
Behavior changes
Signs of dehydration
ABC—airway, breathing, circulation
Determine if cause can be alleviated
◦ Foreign body
Supportive care
◦ Supplemental oxygen
Pulse oximetry
Arterial blood gases
Force vital capacity (FVC)
Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR)
Forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEVI)
Cessation of respirations for longer than 20
Obstructive apnea
Central apnea
Mixed apnea
Apnea of prematurity
Apparent life-threatening events
Determine baseline status of child
Provide pulmonary therapies as needed
Maintain oxygenation
Increased need for calories/nutrition
Increased need for fluid
Psychosocial support for parent
Psychosocial support for child
Discharge Planning
◦ Education about duration of illness
◦ Need for follow up
◦ When to seek emergency care
Home care planning
◦ Education to parents
Activity intolerance
Growth and development
Treatment management
Social interactions
Most important consideration
◦ Assess and reassess
◦ Hypoxia leads to chronic changes
◦ Permanent changes in body systems
Activity intolerance
Nutritional concerns
◦ Need increased calories to meet body requirements
◦ Appropriate activities and interactions
Lack of peers for some
Decreased activity tolerance
Decreased age activities
Family collaboration required
◦ Plan around family, if possible
Inherited autosomal recessive
S/S: salty taste to skin; thick, sticky mucous,
stool abnormalities; huge appetite, wt
Dx: lab value of IRT
◦ Focus on airway maintenance, infection prevention;
GI tract therapy, nutrition
◦ Meds: pg 898
◦ Story pg 901
Persistence of premature lungs; usually in
neonates on oxygen-esp ventilators
S/S: increased resp effort, grunting,
retractions, intermittent bronchospasms
Dx: x ray; barrel shaped chest
Tx: focused on prevention by close
monitoring in ICU; meds pg 876; health
promotion pg 878
Recall pathophysiology and nursing process
of congential heart defects
Defects with increased pulmonary flow
Obstructive defects
Defects with decreased pulmonary flow
Mixed defects
Vena cava
Pulmonary artery and vein
Heart pumps blood
◦ Pulmonary system
 Receives oxygen
◦ Return to heart
◦ To systemic system
 Provides oxygen to organs and tissues
 Depletes oxygen stores
◦ Return to heart
Occurs within few hours after birth
Completes at approximately days 10 to 21
with permanent closure of ductus arteriosus
Hemodynamics change
◦ Increased pulmonary blood flow
◦ Decreased pulmonary vascular resistance
◦ Left atrium increased blood flow
 From lungs through pulmonary veins
Hemodynamics change
◦ Right atrial pressure falls
◦ Increased pressure in left atrium
 Stimulates closure of foramen ovale
◦ Higher oxygen saturation, then fetal circulation
 Stimulates closure of ductus arteriosus
Cardiac function
Pressure gradients
Proportionately larger in children
Continues until puberty
Defects that cause
Incidence and etiology
Patho: Left to right shunting
Clinical manifestations:
◦ Asymptomatic
◦ Continuous murmur below left clavicle
◦ X ray
◦ Indomethocin for preterm only
◦ Surgery
◦ Non surgical closure
◦ Diuretics
◦ Surgical repair
◦ Left to right shunting
◦ Heart enlargement
◦ Pulmonary vessel congestion
Dx: loud holosytolic murmur
Tx: may close by 2 years of age; surgery
Common manifestations
◦ Tachypnea
◦ Tachycardia
◦ Congestive heart failure
Defects that cause
◦ Obstruction of flow from RV to PA; increase RV
S/S: dyspnea on exertion
Tx: surgical; balloon valvuloplasty
Ventricular septal defect; pulmonary stenosis;
right ventricular hypertrophy; overriding
S/S: cyanotic vs. non cyanotic
Tx: surgical correction: pre op management;
modified Blalock-Taussig shunt
Common manifestations
Hypercyanotic spells
Poor weight gain
Tricuspid atresia
Defects that cause
Common manifestations
Diminished pulses
Pale color
Delayed capillary refill
Decreased urinary output
Signs of congestive heart failure
Family-centered plan
Home care and planning
Assessment for complications
Assessment for worsening condition
Oxygenation requirements
Metabolic and nutritional needs
Fluid-volume balance
Skin integrity
Management of illness
Other therapeutic interventions
Prevention of complications
Family interactions
Family adjustment and issues
Immediate care
◦ Intensive care unit until stable
 One or more days
Hospital management focus
◦ Pain
 Medications
 Nonmedicated management of pain
◦ Rest
◦ Respiratory functions
◦ Fluid balance
Hospital management focus
Nutrition status
Discharge planning
Home care teaching
Home care follow-up
Long-term care and follow-up
Blood pressure
Fluid status
Subtle signs
◦ Early stage CHF
Advanced signs
◦ Late stage CHF
Assessment of child and family
Promote oxygenation
Cardiovascular function
Administration of medications
Growth and development
Family planning
Family education for home care
Definition—born with defect
Definition—defect related to illness
◦ Infective endocarditis
◦ Rheumatic fever
◦ Kawasaki syndrome
Definition—acute complex state of circulatory
Results in failure to deliver sufficient oxygen
to meet demands
Obstruction of blood flow
Cardiac pump failure
Early intervention to treat etiology
Interventions aimed to prevent falling blood
Digestion takes place in duodenum
Enzymes aid in the digestion process
Liver function immature at birth
Enzymes deficient until 4 to 6 months old
Abdominal distention from gas common with
Stomach capacity smaller
Define congenital defects
Define acquired defects
Define infectious defects
Describe pathophysiology and nursing
management of the pediatric client with
anatomic defects of the GI system
◦ Cleft lip/palate, esophageal atresia, hernia,
hypertonic pyloric stenosis, intusseption
Cleft lip and cleft palate
◦ Definition
◦ Failure of the maxillary processes to fuse between 5
and 12 weeks’ gestation
◦ Failure of the tongue to move down at the correct
time prevents the palatine processes from fusing
◦ Multifactorial causes
Nursing care
Pre- and postoperative care
Esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal
◦ Definition
◦ Foregut fails to lengthen, separate, and fuse into
two parallel tubes (esophagus and trachea) at 4 to 5
weeks’ gestation
 Associated with maternal polyhydramnios
Nursing care
◦ Identifying signs and symptoms of these infants
Pre- and postoperative care
◦ Suction is important preoperatively
◦ Care of the gastrostomy tube postoperatively
Explain pathophysiology and nursing process
for the pediatric client with physiologic
disorders of the GI tract:
◦ Reflux, hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, lactose
intolerance, Hirshbrungs disease
Pyloric Stenosis
Etiology unknown
Hypertrophy of the circular pylorus muscle
Stenosis occurs between stomach and duodenum
Nursing care
Pre- and postoperative care
Gastroesophageal reflux
◦ Definition
◦ Three mechanisms allow reflux to occur
 Lower esophageal relaxations
 Incompetent lower esophageal sphincter
 Anatomic disruption of esophagogastric junction
◦ Reflux acidity damages the esophageal mucosa
◦ Causes
Nursing care
Important education
Gastroschisis and omphalocele
◦ Definition
◦ Gastroschisis usually occurs to the right of the
umbilicus and omphalocele occurs through the
umbilical cord
◦ Occurs in week 11 of gestation when abdominal
contents fail to return to the abdomen
◦ Multifactorial causes
◦ Intestine invaginates into another
◦ Mesentery becomes inflamed and obstruction can
◦ Multifactorial causes
◦ Occurs in 7th to 12th week of gestation
◦ 1 in 6,000 live births
◦ Malrotation of bowel interrupts blood flow and
causes bowel necrosis
◦ Surgical emergency
Hirschsprung disease
◦ Definition
◦ Congenital absence of ganglion cells in the rectum
and colon
◦ Genetically acquired and occurs when there is
failure of the migration of neural crest cells in utero
◦ Colon becomes a “megacolon”
Anorectal malformations
◦ Anal stenosis and anal atresia
◦ Failure of growth of urorectal septum, lateral
mesoderm structures, and ectodermal structures
◦ Associated anomalies up to 70% of the time
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
◦ Protrusion of abdominal contents into thoracic
◦ Occurs in 4th week of gestation
◦ Failure of pleuroperitoneal musculature to close
Umbilical hernia
◦ Definition
◦ Etiology unknown
◦ Around week 11 of gestation, the obliterated
umbilical vessels occupy the space in the umbilical
Necrotizing enterocolitis
◦ Inflammatory disease producing vascular
compromise of bowel mucosa
◦ More common in premature infants
◦ Caused by intestinal ischemia, bacterial or viral
infection, and immature gastrointestinal mucosa
Meckel’s diverticulum
◦ Omphalomesenteric duct fails to atrophy
◦ Outpouching of the ileum remains and contains
gastric contents, causing ulceration
◦ Bowel obstruction, perforation, or peritonitis can
Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease
and ulcerative colitis)
◦ Faulty regulation of the immune response of the
intestinal mucosa
◦ Usually genetically triggered
◦ Crohn’s disease can cause inflammation and ulcers
anywhere throughout the GI tract
◦ Ulcerative colitis affects large intestine and rectal
Pathophysiology of motility disorders
◦ Definition
◦ Acute vs. chronic diarrhea caused by viruses,
bacteria, or parasites
◦ Causes of diarrhea in children
Celiac disease
◦ Immunologic disorder; characterized by intolerance
for gluten
◦ Impairs absorptive process in the small intestine
◦ Affects fat absorption
Lactose intolerance
◦ Inability to digest lactose
◦ Lactose enzyme deficiency
◦ Usually acquired, but can be congenital
Short bowel syndrome
◦ Shortened intestine resulting from bowel resection
◦ Extent of bowel loss determines severity of disorder
◦ Location of bowel resection determines type of
Identify pathophysiology and nursing process
for the pediatric client with hepatic disorders
Analyze nutritional concepts applicable to the
pediatric client with GI disorders
Easy bruising, intense itching
White or clay-colored stools
Tea-colored urine
Hepatic disorders
◦ Biliary atresia
◦ Viral hepatitis
◦ Cirrhosis
Abdominal trauma
◦ Blunt or penetrating trauma to the abdomen
◦ Common causes
Motor vehicle accidents
Automobile vs. pedestrian accidents
Child abuse
Gunshot wounds
Abdominal trauma
◦ Organs commonly involved
 Liver
 Spleen
Provide emotional support
Follow care orders
Prevention teaching once stabilized
Vomiting or abdominal pain
Failure to thrive
Stool changes
Excessive salivation with cyanosis, coughing,
and choking in newborn
◦ Esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula
Abdominal viscera outside the abdominal
cavity when born
◦ Gastroschisis and omphalocele
Anorectal malformations
Abdominal pain
Changes in appearance of stool
Vomiting and/or anorexia
Changes in activity
Changes in level of consciousness
Congenital defects
Gastroesophageal reflux in infant vs. older
Gastrointestinal disorders specific to this age
Meckel’s diverticulum
Offer age-appropriate toys
Childproof the room
Use pictures for education of older toddler
Body image starts becoming important after 5
years old
Offer age-appropriate toys
Use pictures for education of younger child
Umbilical hernia repaired
Appendicitis (10 to 19 years old)
Body image extremely important
Allow use of phone to satisfy peer needs
Give them handouts about peers with
conditions and experiences