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Advancing Teaching and Learning at UQ Herston Workshops 2014 Flipped Classroom - May 28, 12-2pm

Presented by Anthea Leggett (TEDI) with guest speakers: Dr Leo Nunnick (SOM) Dr Lisa Fitzgerald (SPH) Dr Raja Koteeswaran (SOM) Dr Jolieke Van Der Pols (SPH)

‘There are many ways that a classroom can be flipped, but the underlying premise is that students review lecture materials outside of class and then come to class prepared to participate in instructor-guided learning activities.’ (Hughes, 2012)

What is the flipped classroom?

active learning for

Student Engagement: Integrating Active Learning into Health Science Courses

(POGIL approach) VIDEO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTkxtDw8rzY&feature=yout ube_gdata_player


Should learning be fun?

(2mins) Discuss in pairs or small groups, then write your answer to this Padlet wall: http://padlet.com/antheaz/learn-fun

Case-based learning

Medical students are generally not provided opportunities to think like doctors.

They are taught how to do a history or an examination and are provided with a lot of didactic material, but are not taught how to apply this knowledge. The case based learning approach embedded in the POLIE modules encourages students to employ a range of strategies such as differential diagnosis, calculating probabilities, reliability of tests and case management strategies that reflect the challenges of clinical situations. This provides an authentic framework to help prepare medical students for professional practice.’ http://www.uq.edu.au/tediteach/flipped-classroom/case studies.html

Dr Leo Nunnick

Critical Care Interactive Cases

Dr Lisa Fitzgerald

Flipping Heck! Flipping the classroom: pedagogical and budgetary drivers- a case study

Raja Koteeswaran

Flipping Pathology

Dr Jolieke Van Der Pols

Using Padlet to engage students with Epidemiology

Padlet Activity

How could you use Padlet in your teaching? Discuss in pairs or small groups, then write your answer to the Padlet wall: http://padlet.com/antheaz/padlet


VoiceThread: Observational Epidemiology


Padlet Activity

How could you use VoiceThread in your teaching? Discuss in pairs or small groups, then write your answer to the Padlet wall: http://padlet.com/antheaz/vt

Discuss activity: Should learning be fun?

• • Research on effectiveness of active learning linked to student engagement (Kuh et al, 2010) Research links ‘engaged’ students to lower attrition rates, higher course & teacher ratings (Bonwell & Eison, 1991; Kuh et al., 2010)

Where to from here?

Contact me for further support : Anthea Leggett Email: [email protected]

• • • focussed flipped classroom workshop for your school (with ITS) learning design group one on one consultation

Thank you


Flipped classroom website http://www.uq.edu.au/tediteach/flipped-classroom/index.html

Video for teaching and learning website http://uq.edu.au/tediteach/video-teach-learn/index.html

Social media for teaching and learning website http://uq.edu.au/tediteach/social-media-tools/index.html

ITS UQ A-Z tools http://www.elearning.uq.edu.au/content/tools-a-z-guide Open Course Scheme http://www.uq.edu.au/tediteach/ocs/

MANUSCRIPT: Vodcasts and Active-Learning Exercises in a “Flipped Classroom” Model of a Renal Pharmacotherapy Module

Conclusion. Implementing a flipped classroom model to teach a renal pharmacotherapy module resulted in improved student performance and favorable student perceptions about the instructional approach. Some of the factors that may have contributed to students’ improved scores included: student mediated contact with the course material prior to classes, benchmark and formative assessments administered during the module, and the interactive class activities.

http://www.archemedx.com/resources/manuscript-vodcasts-and-active learning-exercises-in-a-flipped-classroom-model-of-a-renal pharmacotherapy-module/#.U2m_cccjAkt


In this investigation, the effect of the flipped classroom and associated differentiation was studied to measure the impact on student achievement and student stress levels. For the second semester of their senior year, students watched video lectures outside of class and completed assignments during class time. Students reported lower stress levels in this type of classroom environment compared to other classes. While semester grades showed improvement, exam grades did not show significant improvement. Overall, students displayed positive feelings towards the treatment and enjoyed the associated benefits of being able to choose their own assignments and explore concepts they found interesting more in-depth. Brian S McGowan, PhD http://www.archemedx.com/resources/manuscript-the-effect-of-the-flipped classroom-on-student-achievement-and-stress/#.U2nFOMcjAkt

(2014), Anatomical Sciences Education Vol. 7, Issue 3, 2014 Cover Image. AnatSci Ed, 7: C1. doi: 10.1002/ase.1457

To enhance independent learning and integration of embryology and to address decreased time in the curriculum, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine developed a hybrid method of the flipped classroom to deliver embryology content. Here, students in the anatomy laboratory are using the online embryology videos to learn heart development and integrate this knowledge with the adult structures visualized through dissection, models, and medical images. This knowledge is later reinforced during a face to- face question answer session utilizing clinical cases. These experiences are described in this issue by Dr. Beale and his co-authors. Photography by Neal Hinkle, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Department of Medical Education.

http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ase.1457/abstract;jsessionid=D7BA1E 11C3CA883D9A5F4C65EF830963.f03t03

The Flipped Classroom: A Course Redesign to Foster Learning and Engagement in a Health Professions School Abstract

Recent calls for educational reform highlight ongoing concerns about the ability of current curricula to equip aspiring health care professionals with the skills for success. Whereas a wide range of proposed solutions attempt to address apparent deficiencies in current educational models, a growing body of literature consistently points to the need to rethink the traditional in-class, lecture based course model. One such proposal is the flipped classroom, in which content is offloaded for students to learn on their own, and class time is dedicated to engaging students in student centered learning activities, like problem-based learning and inquiry-oriented strategies.

In 2012, the authors flipped a required first-year pharmaceutics course at the University of North Carolina Eshelman School of Pharmacy. They offloaded all lectures to self-paced online videos and used class time to engage students in active learning exercises. In this article, the authors describe the philosophy and methodology used to redesign the Basic Pharmaceutics II course and outline the research they conducted to investigate the resulting outcomes. This article is intended to serve as a guide to instructors and educational programs seeking to develop, implement, and evaluate innovative and practical strategies to transform students’ learning experience.

As class attendance, students’ learning, and the perceived value of this model all increased following participation in the flipped classroom, the authors conclude that this approach warrants careful consideration as educators aim to enhance learning, improve outcomes, and fully equip students to address 21st-century health care needs.

http://journals.lww.com/academicmedicine/Fulltext/2014/02000/The_Flipped_Classroom___A_Course _Redesign_to.17.aspx

Health Sciences resources

Teaching Strategies Promoting Active Learning in Healthcare Education http://www.scientificjournals.org/journals2007/articles/1025.htm

Active Learning: Library of Resources | CRLT http://www.crlt.umich.edu/active-learning-library Using Active Learning to Shift the Habits of Learning in Health Care Education http://ijahsp.nova.edu/articles/Vol2num2/pdf/griffiths.pdf

Oregon http://www.ohsu.edu/xd/education/schools/school-of medicine/about/school-of-medicine-news/education-news/flipped classroom-121713.cfm


Health Sciences resources cont...

Medicine http://journals.lww.com/academicmedicine/Fulltext/2014/02000/The_Flipped_Classr oom___A_Course_Redesign_to.17.aspx

What’s missing form the flipped classroom model http://academicmedicineblog.org/2013/10/15/whats-missing-from-the-flipped classroom-model/ Flipping Med Ed http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2013/09/09/stanford-university-and-khan academy-use-flipped-classroom-medical-education#sthash.rBVBwwhi.dpbs

University of Washington http://www.washington.edu/teaching/teaching-resources/flipping-the-classroom/ Stanford Medical Interactive Learning Initiatives http://smili.stanford.edu/interactive-learning/faq.html

Using peer instruction to flip your classroom http://cft.vanderbilt.edu/2013/04/using-peer-instruction-to-flip-your-classroom highlights-from-eric-mazurs-recent-visit/

“We don’t learn this way. Why do we teach this way?”

Prof Eric Mazur, Harvard http://cft.vanderbilt.edu/2013/04/using-peer-instruction-to-flip-your-classroom-highlights-from-eric-mazurs-recent-visit/

Yale School of Medicine Anesthesiology

“[Using the flipped classroom] is especially relevant today in medical education given the constraints on time for resident duty hours and the ever-expanding volume of medical information”. • • online format is reserved to teach basic concepts (library of videos, podcasts and material to help teachers and learners in the specialty) face to face classroom learning is used for exploring application and synthesis of information. http://medicine.yale.edu/anesthesiology/education/media/flipped_classroom.aspx#

The John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health CTL

https://docs.google.com/file/d/0Bxdty5Zn XTObVEN2OWVPMlVMSFU/preview

2013 Workshop: Engaging Students in Active Learning: The Flipped Classroom and Other Strategies

• • • • Articulate the purpose and value of incorporating active learning and flipping a class/session Evaluate the usefulness of flipping Compare several methods for active learning techniques Implement active learning and/or classroom flipping techniques in your class.
