Transcript Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Review
“Introduction to Chemistry”
Chapter 1 Review
 What
jellyfish gene did scientists
transfer to a potato?
 One characteristic of a scientific
theory is that it can never be ____.
 Chemists who work in the
biotechnology field are most likely to
work with: a) geologists, or
b) physicians
Chapter 1 Review
 How
can making an estimate help
you evaluate an answer?
 When can a hypothesis become a
 The variable that is observed during
an experiment is called the _____.
 How do conceptual problems differ
from numeric problems?
Chapter 1 Review
 What
plant is a source of biodiesel?
 Collaboration and communication are
important in science because…
 A chemical that is produced by bats
is used for what purpose in humans?
 What area of chemistry studies
chemicals that generally do not
contain carbon?
Chapter 1 Review
 Which
of the following would a
chemist be most likely to study:
a) a leaf floating on water, or b) a leaf
changing color in autumn?
 Which of the following is NOT an
example of chemistry research in the
main area of energy?
a) producing hook-and-loop tape, or
b) developing rechargeable batteries?
Chapter 1 Review
 An
analytical chemist is most likely
to: a) explain why paint is stirred
before it is used, or b) identify the
type of paint chips found at the
scene of a hit-and-run accident?
 What area of chemistry is the study
of processes that take place in
organisms: a) physical chemistry,
or b) biochemistry
Chapter 1 Review
 What
material found in nature does
nylon resemble: a) leaves, or b) silk?
 Which of the following statements is
false: a) knowledge of chemistry
allows the public to make informed
decisions, or b) studying chemistry
ensures that officials make correct
choices in funding technology?
Chapter 1 Review
 Which
step in the scientific method
requires you to use your senses to
obtain information?
 What was a major contribution to
chemistry by Antoine Lavoisier?
 Which field of science studies the
composition and structure of
Chapter 1 Review
_____ is a material found in air,
water, or soil that is harmful to
humans or other organisms.
 In which step of problem solving do
you make a plan for “getting from
what is known to what is unknown”?
 The study of chemicals that, in
general, do contain carbon is
traditionally called _____ chemistry.
Chapter 1 Review
 The
step that usually comes LAST
in solving numeric problems is ___.
 Which of the following is an example
of current research focus in
chemistry: a) studying coal
combustion as an energy source, or
b) applying gene therapy to treat
certain diseases?
Chapter 1 Review
Which of these steps should always be
followed for effective problem solving: a)
performing metric conversions, or b)
developing a plan and then implementing
the plan?
 Which of the following best describes an
example of pure chemistry:
a) developing a cure for osteoporosis, or
b) studying chemicals containing carbon?
Chapter 1 Review
 Which
of the following can be
observed only in a microscopic
view: a) x-ray of a knee joint, or
b) structure of a muscle cell?
 What long-standing debate did
Lavoisier help settle?
 A theory is a _____.
 The next questions are True/False.
Chapter 1 Review
 Antoine
Lavoisier help to transform
chemistry from a science of
observation to the science of
measurement that it is today.
 Theories summarize the results of
many observations and experiments.
 A person who succeeds in chemistry
does not need to be a good problem
Chapter 1 Review
 Experiments
are used to test
 Scientists are looking for safer, more
effective ways to protect crops.
 All information on an Internet site is
reviewed by qualified scientists.
 Scientists are always looking for new
sources of energy.
Chapter 1 Review
hypothesis may be rejected after
an experiment.
 In a mortar and pestle, the mortar
has a bowl-shaped appearance.
 Ideally, chemicals used to attack
insect pests should be nonspecific.
 All Internet sites that provide
scientific information are equally
Chapter 1 Review
 The
supply of fossil fuels is limited.
 Theories help you make mental
models of objects that cannot be
 Effective problem solving involves
developing a plan, and then
implementing that plan.
 The next questions are short
Chapter 1 Review
 How
many steps are involved in
solving numeric problems?
 How many traditional areas of study
is chemistry divided into?
 In what year was the use of lead
paint in houses banned?
 In what year was the patent
obtained for hook-and-loop tape?
Chapter 1 Review
 In
what year did the FDA ban weight
loss products based on the herb