강의자료 - 해커스 공무원

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해커스패스 공무원 기초완성 릴레이 특강 해커스패스 공무원 영어 김송희 선생님

공무원영어 ‘4영역’ 나침반 잡기 (어휘, 생활영어, 문법, 독해)

공시생 1일차, “영어공부를 어떻게 시작해야 할까?” 영어 각 파트별 접근

① 어휘 ② 생활영어 ③ 문법 - 빈출 문법 요소 점검 ④ 독해 - 8가지 빈출 유형 점검

- 어 휘 -

어휘 학습법

1. 내가 외울 수 있는 중고등수준의 단어책을 고른다. 2. 그 책을 3회독 한다. 월 – 금요일: 매일 50-60개 암기 (잘 안 외워지는 것 표시) 토 – 일요일: 월-금 단어 복습 3. 해커스 공무원 빈출 보카집으로 입성! 3회독한다. 월 – 금요일: Day 2 or 3 씩을 매일 외운다. 토 – 일요일: 월 – 금부터 외운 단어들을 다시 점검!

외운 단어들이 쓰인 문장 예시들을 확인하며 문법/독해로 확장 외운 단어들의 동의어, 동사구 표현 + 생활영어 기출

[2014년 9급 지방직]

1. John had just started working for the company, and he was not dry behind the ears yet. We should have given him a break. ① did not listen to his boss ② knew his way around ③ was not experienced ④ was not careful 2. How did you __________ selling cosmetics online?

① go around ② go back ③ go down ④ go into

[2013년 서울시 9급] 3. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that parents _________ their own TV watching, to allow more time to actually talk with their kids.

① prevail ② assimilate ③ bestow ④ decipher ⑤ curb 4. Knute Rockne(1888-1931), a famous football coach at the University of Notre Dame, was probably as well known for his inspiring pep talks as he was for coaching. Likewise, Vince Lombardi, famed as the coach of the New York Giants and the Green Bay Packers, was well known for his __________; Lombardi is credited with the now famous: “Winning isn’t everything; it’s the only thing.” ① greed ④ deployment ② eloquence ⑤ oppression ③ jealousy

- 생활영어 -

[2014년 국가직 9급]

5. 밑줄 친 부분에 가장 적절한 것은?

‘ A: Did you see Steve this morning?

B: Yes. But why does he _________________?

A: I don't have the slightest idea.

B: I thought he'd be happy.

A: Me too. Especially since he got promoted to sales manager last week.

B: He may have some problem with his girlfriend.

① have such a long face ② step into my shoes ③ jump on the bandwagon ④ play a good hand

- 어법 -

어법 체크 포인트

기본적인 문법이론은 당연히 알아야 한다

1) 물어보는 문법 요소는 상당수 반복된다. 2) 기본적인 큰 구조를 묻는 문제와 세밀한 문법 사항을 묻는 문제가 있다. 3) 문법 이론 암기 ▶

문제로 확인

서울시 국가직 지방직

에 공통으로 빈출 하는


영역 1. 수일치 1) Compared to newspapers, magazines are not necessarily up-to-the-minute, since they do not appear every day, but weekly, monthly, or even less frequently. Even externally they are different from newspapers, mainly because magazines ①resemble like a book. The paper is thicker, photos are more colorful, and most of the articles are relatively long. The reader experiences much more background information and greater detail. There are also weekly news magazines, ②which reports on a number of topics, but most of the magazines are specialized to attract various consumers. For example, there are ③women's magazines cover fashion, cosmetics, and recipes as well as youth magazines about celebrities. Other magazines are directed toward, for example, computer users, sports fans, ④those interested in the arts, and many other small groups.

2. 분사구문(분사), 가정법, 전치사 선택, 비교구문 1) 우리말을 영어로 가장 잘 옮긴 문장은?

① 그는 제인이 제안한 대안이 실효성이 없을 것이라고 굳게 믿고 있다.

→ He strongly believes that the alternatives had been offered by Jane won’t work.

② 히틀러가 다른 유럽국가를 침략하지 않았다면 2차 세계대전은 일어나지 않았을 것이다.

→ If Hitler hadn’t invaded other European countries, World War II might not take place.

③ 나는 커튼 뒤에 숨어서 그림자가 다시 나타나기를 기다렸다.

→ Hiding behind the curtain, I waited the shadow to reappear.

④ 그는 미국회사에서 회계사로 5년 동안 근무했다.

→ He worked for an American company as accountant during 5 years.

⑤ 탐은 자기 생각을 영어보다 러시아어로 표현하는 것이 훨씬 쉽다고 한다.

→ Tom says that it is much easier for him to express his thoughts in Russian than in English.

2) 우리말을 영어로 잘못 옮긴 것은?

① 그녀는 등산은 말할 것도 없고, 야외에 나가는 것을 좋아하지 않는다.

→ She does not like going outdoor, not to mention mountain climbing.

② 그녀는 학급에서 가장 예쁜 소녀이다.

→ She is more beautiful than any other girl in the class.

③ 그 나라는 국토의 3/4이 바다로 둘러싸여 있는 소국이다.

→ The country is a small one with the three quarters of the land surrounding by the sea.

④ 많은 학생들이 졸업 후 취직을 위해 열심히 공부한다.

→ A number of students are studying very hard to get a job after their graduation.

- 독해 -

독해 체크 포인트


는 ▶ 기본적인 문법 개념을


하는 시간 ▶ 각 유형별의 기본적인 접근법을 알면 좀 더 빠르고 쉽게 정답으로 접근!

유형1) 주제, 제목, 목적, 요지 찾기 글의 요지를 가장 잘 나타낸 속담 또는 격언은?

The benefits of exercise extend far beyond physical health improvement. Many people work out as much for mental and spiritual well-being as for staying fit. Can being physically active make you happy? Can it help you deal with life stress? Can it lead to a more spiritual and religious life? For many, the answer is yes. Exercise, such as walking, increases blood flow to the brain. A study of people over 60 found that walking 45 minutes a day at 6 km/h enhanced the participants' thinking skills. They started at 15 minutes of walking and gradually increased exercise time and speed. The result was that the participants were found mentally sharper with this walking program.

① Practice makes perfect.

② A sound mind in a sound body.

③ Experience is the best teacher.

④ Time and tide wait for no man.

① Every minute counts.

② I jump on the bandwagon.

③ Haste makes waste.

④ Judge not a book by its cover.

⑤ Do not count your chickens before they hatch.

⑥ Actions speak louder than words.

⑦ Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

⑧ One man’s music is another man’s noise.

⑨ Every man knows his own business best.

⑩ The whole is more than the sum of its parts.

⑪ To try to get all is to lose all.

⑫ Make hay while the sun shines. ⑬ Too many cooks spoil the broth.

⑭ A friend in need is a friend indeed ⑮ Heaven helps those who help themselves.

⑯ Time and tide wait for no man.

⑰ A sound mind in a sound body.

⑱ Do to others as you would be done by.

유형2) 빈칸 추론-단어 Since antiquity, paintings, sculpture, myths, oral expression, and then literature attests to the existence of dance. Dance is embedded in our being. Even when not physically manifest, the concept and vision of dance emerge in our thinking. The dynamics of dance, culture, and society are ___________. Drawing upon everyday life and special occasions, choreographers and dancers transform and frame values, beliefs, and expressions of them through dancing. In this way, they also introduce new ways of thinking and feeling.

① illegible ② inseparable ③ irrelevant ④ improbable

유형2) 빈칸 추론 - 절 The emphasis on decoding, translated mainly as phonemic awareness and knowledge of the alphabetic principle, has led schools to search for packaged or commercially produced reading programs that help students master the skills of decoding. According to the teachers we work with, this highly scripted approach to reading instruction has produced many students who know how to sound out words, but that is where the process of reading ends for them. While the students can decode and even become fluent oral readers, they do not truly comprehend the material; they cannot read between the lines, infer meaning, or detect the author's bias, among other things. Reading ____________________________.

① is basically decoding since phonemic and alphabetical knowledge is added to the general decoding process ② is much more complex than simply mastering phonemic awareness and alphabet recognition ③ can be more efficiently learned together with peers than either alone or with teachers ④ can be mastered when learners know how to sound out words fluently

유형2) 빈칸 추론 - 연결어 Surveillance cameras have been widely used in lots of places for security purposes. Their usefulness, ( ㉠ ), is still under discussion. Those who support the use of surveillance cameras argue that they can serve as a deterrent to crime. ( ㉡ ), those who have doubts about their uses are worried that surveillance cameras are not as effective in preventing crime as have been believed. Moreover, they are intruding upon people’s privacy. ㉠ ㉡ ① likewise ② nevertheless ③ however ④ on the other hand …… …… …… …… Hence Consequently On the other hand However

유형 3) 문장삽입 [Most scientists believe, for example, that all matter is composed of curious particles called quarks.] Despite the prevailing conception of science as being concerned only with facts, science seems to be full of opinions and interpretations. ① Moreover, the development of scientific theories is seldom a process of first observing a lot of facts and then making straightforward generalizations from these observations. ② Richard Feynman, a Nobel Prize winner in physics, emphasized the importance of imagination and guessing in science. ③ The existence of quarks was first hypothesized in 1963. But no scientist has ever seen a quark. So why do they believe that quarks exist? ④ They believe it because some ingenious scientists invented quarks, noticing that if quarks did exist, they could explain some other puzzling things.

유형 4) 글의 순서 배열 Experienced travel agents of yesterday are being rapidly replaced by new ones who have less firsthand knowledge of destinations. What this new breed faces are clients who do not know much about geography but have leisure time and money at their disposal. The solution is to equip these less knowledgeable travel agents with computer and video technology to help them match clients with right destinations.

(C) The key is to ask a client about his or her preferred vacation in mind. Included might be specific requests the representatives of which are "I don't like to pack and unpack repeatedly," or "I don't like to quickly move around and see many things."

(B) Responses collected are fed into a computer program to produce a list of suggested destinations and itinerary options matched to the client's preferences.

(A) The client then views video programs on those destinations that seem most appealing, and finalizes his or her vacation plan. This way, travel agencies use modern technology to compensate for the inexperience of many agents on their payroll.

유형 5) 내용 일치 불일치 ① The Brookfield Zoo ran a program that supports free admission for low-income families.

② The Brookfield Zoo assisted African-American kids in tracing their family history.

③ The Newberry Library and the Brookfield Zoo won a $10,000 award respectively.

④ The Newberry Library was awarded the medal for an extensive number of maps.

Chicago's Newberry Library and the Brookfield Zoo were among 10 institutions presented Monday with the National Medal for Museum and Library Service by First Lady Laura Bush at the White House.

The annual awards, given by the Institute of Museum and Library Services in Washington, D. C., honor institutions for their collections and community involvement, and include a $ 10,000 award each. The Brookfield Zoo was honored for programs such as Zoo Adventure Passport, which provides free field trips to low-income families. "Brookfield Zoo is a living classroom for local students," Bush said. The Newberry Library was also honored for its extensive collection of more than half a million maps and its role in helping African-Americans trace their family heritage.

유형 6) 통일성을 방해하는 무관한 문장 찾기 The earth is a planet full of life. One of the reasons for this is that our sun is the kind of star that can support life on a planet. All the time the sun continues to send out a steady supply of heat and light. For our sun is a stable star. ①This means that it stays the same size. And its output of energy (heat and light) does not change much. ②Some stars are not stable. They grow bigger and hotter and then smaller and cooler. ③The heat and light they send out vary greatly. If our sun behaved like that, the earth would boil and freeze repeatedly. ④Life could exist under these great changes. We are here because a steady amount of energy pours forth from our sun.

유형7) 특정 정보 파악 [ 다음 글의 내용으로 보아 현재 과체중 인 아이들의 비율은? ] The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is worried that American children spend too much time in front of the TV. The AAP suggests that pediatricians help parents evaluate their children’s entertainment habits. Doctors are concerned that children who spend too much time in front of the TV don t get enough exercise. So, one in five children is overweight. In the last 20 years, this number has increased more than 50%.

① 10% ② 20% ③ 30% ④ 50%

유형 8) 문단 요약 It is all too easy to assume that everything in life is going to work out perfectly. Some people plan their entire lives for years assuming that things will happen exactly as they hope. For example, some college students begin planning at the beginning of their freshman year what classes they will be taking through graduate school and then where they will end up working. The problem is, once they fail one class or have a bad experience that leads them to doubt their major, all of these plans fall apart. In general, we should plan the future based on what we expect to happen. Unfortunately, things do not always work out as we want, so we must be prepared for anything. ⇨ __(A)__ of life can force you to __(B)__ your future plans (A) (B) ① Certainty ---- ---- ---- ---- keep ② Unpredictability ---- ---- keep ③ Unpredictability ---- ---- change ④ Diversity ---- ---- ---- ---- keep ⑤ Diversity ---- ---- ---- ---- make

날카로운 분석 표적 영어

해커스패스 공무원 영어
